Search Results for 1800 642 428
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Sydney NSW 2000, Australia (updating)History
5 older records found on this number.Last Found
February 2025Other Formats
/1800 642 428
/1800 642 428
Comments on 1800 642 428
Posted on November 29, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
In a private clinic can ur dr reduce ur dose without ur knowledge & or consent ?
Daniel nicholson
Posted on November 24, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
How often does ur doctor have to c u,if u loose ur t/a when do u have to c ur doctor.
Posted on August 28, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: United Kingdom
Caller: No one
I live in UK but moving to Australia. I am on 80mils daily. Who do I see about methadone when I am living here
I live in UK but moving to Australia. I am on 80mils daily. Who do I see about methadone when I am living here
Posted on May 31, 2016Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Trying to find a doctor that doses in Newcastle, but I can't pick up from clinic because I start work at 6/30am till 3pm & clinics here don't open till 8am & close at 12pm the clinic won't give me any doctors in area that prescribe, why cant the health pro in erea give me doctors that prescribe phone number? Can anyone from Newcastle help me?
Posted on December 9, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
BEING on methadone 20 years during this time have struggled to maintain employment as I have still used herion and cannabis regularly why hasn't my doctor who perscribs my methadone done any drug test not 1 in 20 years...after around 14 years on methadone I finally stop using heroin & cannabis on my own...can't help but feel if doctor did his job & check to see if I was using I would have cleaned up much a adult I am responsible for myself & my actions...but I had a problem with addiction & seeked professional help where was the professionalism with doctor not doing any check up or drug screens for 20 years...still on methadone no longer using any other drugs but still doctor not doing any check up or drug screens no wonder people relapse.....methadone maintenance program...doctors not performing maintenance need to be held accountable
Posted on January 25, 2023Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes, if you vomit whilst still on the premises, they are required to contact ur Dr to redose you
Posted on February 9, 2022Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I was wondering If someone can help by law does your pharmacy have to redose you if you vomit your dose whilst still in chemist
Annoyed patient
Posted on August 27, 2019Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: ?
I’m trying to find out if a clinic can threaten to not dose you if you pay at the end of the week as we do and have for over 8yrs. I told our dosing nurse your not surpose to use methadone as a punishment or threat we have paid at the end of the week for over 8yrs and all of a sudden your refusing to dose people if there 1 or 2days behind. I told the nurse your the only one who does this. I know a man who pays monthly so $240 a month and nothing is ever said to this man I said you can’t let one person go for $200 & then pull another person up for 20 or 30$ when I said you have to be consistent she got real dirty & wasn’t going to does me! What are my rights??? P.s iv never been rude nor aggressive with her or any other staff
I’m trying to find out if a clinic can threaten to not dose you if you pay at the end of the week as we do and have for over 8yrs. I told our dosing nurse your not surpose to use methadone as a punishment or threat we have paid at the end of the week for over 8yrs and all of a sudden your refusing to dose people if there 1 or 2days behind. I told the nurse your the only one who does this. I know a man who pays monthly so $240 a month and nothing is ever said to this man I said you can’t let one person go for $200 & then pull another person up for 20 or 30$ when I said you have to be consistent she got real dirty & wasn’t going to does me! What are my rights??? P.s iv never been rude nor aggressive with her or any other staff
Posted on December 17, 2021Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: Patrick
Ring Canterbury Drug Health, tell them the area you are in and ask them to refer you to a doctor that can help you. Should be sorted in around 2-3 days so I wouldnt just stop cold turkey while you wait. Hold out til you see the doctor, tell them your levels, eg, dose, usage etc.. and they will dose you that day or afternoon wth a small introductory dose, and then they will bring you up!
Ring Canterbury Drug Health, tell them the area you are in and ask them to refer you to a doctor that can help you. Should be sorted in around 2-3 days so I wouldnt just stop cold turkey while you wait. Hold out til you see the doctor, tell them your levels, eg, dose, usage etc.. and they will dose you that day or afternoon wth a small introductory dose, and then they will bring you up!
Peter Thomas Darby 7/6/1949.
Posted on November 19, 2019Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I was on the methadone program in Wollongong of which in Wollongong there are two. My dose went from Methadone to Speed is as best I can describe it. I suffered as I was not on a small dose 49 mil. I started to be very ill after not being dosed for four days. Can I get an honest answer 2what and why this happened?
Posted on August 31, 2018Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I get my methadone from a chemist, Souls Chemist at Bulli.
About 5 months ago, I gave the staff about 4 gps trackers designed so you don't loose your phone. Everything was fine about that.
I gave the staff pet grooming gloves so they could take the excess hair off dogs and cats. They loved them and thanked me. There is nothing that Saul doesn't know that happens at that chemist and I suspect he may have received one. I gave them between 5-7.
About also gave a girl who doses me usually a microscope worth $1, just as an interesting item. She thanked me.
On Sat 25th of August I gave the same lady a note which included my views about life and how religion is just made up to control people and put fear into people to make them behave as others want them to.
I received 2 take aways that day.
When I went back to get my dose on Tuesday 28th, I was scolded by Saul. He said stop giving staff notes. It seems he was angry at the content of the note. I don't think he owns me or anyone else so why should he be threatemed by me. He kept asking me, "want me to ring your doctor and tell him about your physchictric problem??"
I have a degree in mathematics and computing science. I am in no ways psycopathic or the like.
What can I do about this level of possession...
About 5 months ago, I gave the staff about 4 gps trackers designed so you don't loose your phone. Everything was fine about that.
I gave the staff pet grooming gloves so they could take the excess hair off dogs and cats. They loved them and thanked me. There is nothing that Saul doesn't know that happens at that chemist and I suspect he may have received one. I gave them between 5-7.
About also gave a girl who doses me usually a microscope worth $1, just as an interesting item. She thanked me.
On Sat 25th of August I gave the same lady a note which included my views about life and how religion is just made up to control people and put fear into people to make them behave as others want them to.
I received 2 take aways that day.
When I went back to get my dose on Tuesday 28th, I was scolded by Saul. He said stop giving staff notes. It seems he was angry at the content of the note. I don't think he owns me or anyone else so why should he be threatemed by me. He kept asking me, "want me to ring your doctor and tell him about your physchictric problem??"
I have a degree in mathematics and computing science. I am in no ways psycopathic or the like.
What can I do about this level of possession...
Posted on July 28, 2017Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
she is great doc. well worth the wait
debbie neill
Posted on March 9, 2017Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Can someone help me i need the phone no of this service in Victoria . Thank you ,
Posted on November 18, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I've just seen my methadone doctor and I asked for my four take away doses back he said when I have a clean unrine as there is ice in my unrine I've only been asking for help for the last 25 months for help what can I do
Posted on September 6, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
hi my names patrick I'm 23 and have been using for 6months now I'm using $150 a day. there's a problem in my family with drugs I'm in need of help its destroying my life I lost my girlfriend of to years due to the fact I kept it a secret from her. she eventually found out and left. Please if anyone can help please!!!! and could let me know how I can get on the methadone programe.
Posted on September 4, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am thinking about completely withdrawing from the program I have been on the program since 2008 and in my life am now in a really good place I don't think about using at all I went over to Europe for 3 weeks I travel a lot if its not going up to QLD its trips to visit family in over seas to put it in perspective I went overseas 3 time last year & this year went all over Europe?! Before I went away I was receiving 3 takeaways a week I just had another doctors appointment & now my takeaways have been reduced to one a week! How is this helping me to become a productive member of the community? I have 2 young kids I go to tafe 2 days a week and will be starting a diploma next year I can't really see how this program can help me. From how much I have used in the past this has been the most settled I have ever been in years I ring the clinic to ask why they say they don't know I'm just sick of it!!!!
Posted on September 1, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am a 20 year methadone patient who is on 34mls daily but today my clinic told me they are reducing me to 20mls a 1ml a week can they do this without our premission?
Posted on August 8, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Doc forgot to fax my script so chemist refused to dose me and doc won't honor script being for 21 take aways insists on me coming in now and again Monday but I'm away for work what do I do I told him I'll lose my job if I leave to come in but he doesn't care
Posted on March 19, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
the drug and alchole services in wagga wagga refuse to let me reduce off my dose who can i speak with about this.
Do you have a comment about Drug or 1800 642 428?
Posted on March 3, 2015Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia