Comments on 1800 152 630

Spam Score
1 complaints this year, 161 total complaints

1 complaints this year, 161 total complaints

Comments on 1800 152 630


Posted on February 4, 2020
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Caller: Georga Gordon and David Grey ( Boothbook media )

We are facing the same, they mislead us and claimed they where people we where dealing with trick me into signing then sent me a bill requirering payment in 14 days when we didnt pay we started recieving email after email requesting payment and threatening legal proceeding then phone calls for the same David Grey who answers nothing refuses to listen to what you say. He claims we are a business which we are not that we have tried to explain this to him but he continue's to talk over me then rudely claims that it is not up to him to run our business finaces. We have been contacted by Milton Graham 1 phone call from them which i explained the details to then nothing e now have been sent an email threatening legal debt recovery, he claims they are a reputable bussiness representing the goverment and its services ???? Really. We are now looking for more people who have had the simalar issues with this bussiness to collectively challenge and put a stop to this harassment . Any advise woould be appreciated
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Posted on January 29, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: David Grey

This also happened to me , i was abused over the phone by an incredibly aggressive man who would not let me spaeak when I asked for his supervisors name and no he refused to give it to me.
I never agreed to this and they are pretending that i signed some document , which is impossible!
Please let me know how you are tackling it as they are know threatening me with a debt collector and the amount has doubled.
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Posted on December 18, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Steve swan

Hey, I have had the same thing happen to me in 2017 by Boothbook media. It first started with Countrywide Austral which I took out ads with then with Boothbook media. The ad was terrible and completely wrong colour. I let it go as I was too busy then got the call again from them.
I told them the ad was terrible etc etc. Steve promised me a refund of $80 and I just had to digitally sign this email ( which wasnt a real digital signature only a tab to click on) an my refund would be given. 2 or 3 weeks later I get an invoice with the same signature on it. It ended up going to a debt collection agency ( Dun & Bradstreet) then onto another one Milton & Graham which I told both the story, yet neither would send me written correspondence even when asked. Today I received a express post parcel with documents from the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal ( small claims debt) with the forms of a dispute over the amount. The parcel also had a logs of when I had viewed the invoice as well as parts of phone conversation scripts from certain phone calls. The really weird thing is that I had sent them emails as well as received them previous to the overdue invoice being sent but yet when I search their name in my emails there is nothing apart from what they have sent me from the overdue invoice onwards. I know I sent them emails and there was an email about the refund but now there is nothing. The on;y thing I can put it down to is that our emails may have been hacked. So Now I have 28 days to reply ( funny that they sent it just before Christmas), I hope to get a face to face mediation as i spoke to the tribunal and they said this is their first step then court.
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Posted on December 11, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: David

We are being harassed for an ad we do not recall agreeing to, but they have our electronic signature. It's for $490. I have stupidly just paid $200 before reading this. They are extremely aggressive on the phone and emails and very persistent. What has been the outcome for everyone?
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Posted on November 9, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: several of these supposed companies listed above

I was contacted when my mother passed away, and then by several of the others they all sounded the same, and six moths later are still calling and I just had one call and debit money from my account without authorisation and I didn't fill out a Dirrect debit either, is there any class action going on with this bunch? there needs to be a dept of fair trading claim made I feel I maybe the one to start it!
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Posted on October 16, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Joe Cooper

Hey There,

I'm currently in the very same boat and have no idea what to do moving forward.

Our paymeny has now been moved to 'milton graham' to collect the debt but even this feels like it could be a scam.

I'm at a total loss as to what to do now or who I can even contact - do you think the next step is to contact the ombudsman?
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Posted on August 29, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Eugene, just wondering what the outcome of this was? I have been sent a bill for the exact same amount. I do not at all remember agreeing months ago (as they said they called in April and spoke to me and I said I would take part in their magazine) and then last month I was contacted to say it was being finalised and when I questioned what it was all about they said it was too late to pull out so had to go ahead with it all.
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Posted on November 2, 2018
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Health and Safety in the workplace1800 634 624

This Con artist collects other legit magazines from other companies and pretent that you have advertised with them and the money is due. donnot fall for it.. the=y scammers and tarnish other peoples publications..
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Posted on August 10, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yeah, I've been caught as well, I have just cancelled all ads with Boothbook, they kept telling me they are legitimate, but they are just low life scum
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Posted on July 11, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Peter Davis

He called me to offer me a discount to an ad that i don't know of or didn't authorise. They have now sent me a bill for $544.50. I refused to pay it so now thay are threatening me with legal action. I have asked them for proof that I have authorised the ad but they hide behind the internet and a number that they do not answer and calls they will not return. This is a scam. Do not pay any invoinces relatingf to boothbook media.
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Posted on July 6, 2018
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Paul Davies

Publication has been delayed, so we are sending you a discount authorisation form, basically a bill to agree to pay $754...
No way! Run!
Dodgy brothers here!
Mobile call : 0451 828 763
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Posted on June 29, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Danny Mcarthy

This number 0432 683 403 is a scammer , this scammer says he is from the Education Aussie Kids magazine and they distrbute thousands of magazines then says apologies for not getting the magazine out to you on time then rings again and says the credit card you gave says insufficiant funds whats the correct number when I say I won't pay, scammer gets angry and says that they put you in front of other businesses and if you don;t pay will refer it to collections I told them okay not paying and hung up sick of these stupid scammers
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Posted on June 29, 2018
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
Caller: Boothbook media - Dun & Bradstreet collection agency

I got scammed firstly Countrywide Austral for emergency services magazine and the Police magazine. Then I had Boothbook media try to scam me and send an invoice for $965.00. I kept telling them I am not paying it but of course you can only email them.
I am now getting calls firstly from Dun & Bradstreet collection agency and now Milton Graham lawyers calling to collect the debt. I have reported it to the ACCC and scamwatch but without any real help. I am definitely not paying it but wanted to check if there was anyone else who has had calls from the debt collection agency?
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Posted on June 28, 2018
Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
'Emergency Services Magazine' just called me with this scam from 0434 497 434, so they are now using mobiles because the 1800 number is easily found via a Google search.
I also keep meticulous diary entries on calls incoming & outgoing and called her out. She just said "whatever!". Despicable people, using our emergency services to scam good people out of their hard earned money.
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Posted on November 15, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Had a call from "Steve Swann" apologising for a delay in sending out our Australian Emergencies Services Magazine. He said due to this, he would discount our account and sure enough a Discount Authorisation Form email arrived with a link for payment. Nothing made sense, so we did not pay.
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Another Ben

Posted on August 22, 2017
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
All the details identical except;

"Health & Safety in the Workplace"

I got a call today saying they've just gone to print and my quarter page ad needs to be paid for. Caller identified herself as Kylie Lewis from Workplace Publications.
I called the 1800 number and got through. I tried again 5min later (at 1:30pm WST) and the call went straight to a voicemail saying it was out of office hours and call back later.
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Posted on August 7, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes, don't deal with these people. They are very persistent. Google search Australian Emergency Services Magazine and Boothbook Pty Ltd. It is a scam. A report to the ACCC has been made.
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Business Development Manager - South Coast NSW

Posted on August 7, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Thank you for your post...our business is being pestered by John Swan from Emergency Services Magazine. He is suggesting the magazine has already gone to print with our business advertisement of 1/4 page...and we need to accept and sign a 'Discount Authorisation Form' for payment of almost $800!! Upon our request for confirmation of the advertisement they emailed a looks very convincing...I reported this instance to the ACCC.
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Workplace Publications/Safety Awareness

Posted on May 22, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This is a scam. Please report to SCAM WATCH. Do NOT pay the invoice.
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Posted on May 19, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Do not talk to any of these grubs
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