Comments on 1300 727 244

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 11 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 11 total complaints

Search Results for 1300 727 244

Names found on this computer

Lion Finance Pty Ltd Adelaide


50 Pirie St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia


3 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Rate Service

Latest Holder

Powertel Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

February 2025

Other Formats

/1300 727 244

Comments on 1300 727 244


Posted on November 9, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Lion finance trying to say I owe $700. For electricity for a unit in a town ive never lived in.. ive lived where I am since 1980..
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The Punter

Posted on September 16, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
very shady people
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learnt tbe hard way

Posted on August 11, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
If people borrow money and don't pay it back ,it won't just disappear. I had a debt they put me on arrangement, all calls stopped it took a few year's but it's payed and my credit is good again, keep receipts for everything
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Posted on June 14, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A friend of mine was sued by lion for an outstanding debt he thought he had paid in full from 4 year ago.. He
Knew nothing off it until his pay was garnished at work.. He is left 134$$ to live on.. This too me is so wrong if they new were he worked then why couldn't they have the decenancy to contact his employer or even address a letter to his work for him... He has had his annual leave paid too them and this should have wiped the debt completely but yet they still take... Have they no heart...
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Posted on May 18, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Make sure you calculate how much you have paid these guys once an arrangement is made. I had a $3000 debt, paid off in full but they are still charging me interest which is another $380!WTF... they even called my next door neighbour once because they couldnt get a hold of me.. what a bunch of wankers. i even asked once how much interest is charged and the stupid girl on the line wasnt sure and said that the system calculates it and is different each time!!!!!
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not happy

Posted on February 25, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
i have been paying a debt with lion finance now for about 4 years,i only recently found out that there is interest still going on the payment...after i was originally told interest would be stopped.Hubby and i are trying to get a car loan...haha....and i find out that lion finance have also black listed hubbies name just because we are married...that is so wrong they shouldnt be able to do that.
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Posted on January 23, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You're quite arrogant.
regardless if youre paying your debt or not these people are disgusting and they way they apparently 'do business' is horrid.
they call harass lie and do anything as low as they can.

You should shut up.
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Posted on November 18, 2014
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Go take a long walk off a short pier troll, the will be better off without an idiot like you, who probably works for these disgusting parasites.
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Posted on October 31, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
I had a debt with a telco over 8 years ago (past statute of limitations) and these bastards rocked up to my place of work and demanded that my salary be deducted!

The debt was invalid, for a 1300 number that I cancelled 24 months prior (and have evidence) I had tried for years to tget them to remove the default listing and never got anywere.

Lion Finance are literally the scum of the earth, They have no sympathy, no conscience and no internet to "help" you pay something back, they just want a voice recording saying "yes I remember that" then they have you pinned.

Refuse contact at all points and NEVER admit to anything, they will ruin your life.
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Posted on October 27, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
I had a weekly payment set up with Lion Finance but I entered into a debt agreement so I only pay on company a week. I called to cancel the weekly amount they were taking out but they wouldn't cancel my direct debits >.> Really? I'm not authorizing the payments anymore.

Bad customer service. Would be a good thing once new creditor laws are passed to stop the stand over tactics creditors have at the moment.
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Posted on August 4, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Lion FIANCE made me bankrupt & now want to sell my house to pay aDebt to GE for $15,000.Lions FIANCE court fees came to over &6,000 & I have to pay that on top of the $15,000,it's just mounting up & I'm on disability plus I have yet to pay DVD partners for their fees cause I had to take in a statement of affairs & not knowing they were charging me over $200 for every 6 mins I was there.Totally disgusting & they even put a caveat on my house.They have no heart & will squeeze you for every cent.
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Posted on June 6, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A chap called Michael just called wanting to speak to my husband. I said he wasn't here. I asked him what it was about and he said it had to do with a 'personal business matter'. I said as his wife, I handle his business matters and could I help. He said no..with confidentiality and all that he would get the sack...he gave a ref. no. and a telephone number of 1300 727 244. do the police know about this company and what they are doing - we have zero debt, except the mortgage which we pay off.
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Posted on October 31, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I asked them how much they paid for my debt, they refused to tell me, said was irrelevant, so when they asked me financial questions I said that was irrelevant. They didn't like that
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Posted on September 26, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Their MO is to buy outstanding debt from companies in a tranche (such as Telstra, GE) for a few cents in the dollar. The original creditors are insured for the loss and any payment for the debt is gravy to them. If you acknowledge the debt then the statute of limitations is reset to zero and they can harang you for the debt for another amount of time as stated in your state legislation. If this mob are involved then chances are you're already blacklisted on a credit listing - if you pay them a cent then they're gaining benefit on their small investment, and you're still blacklisted. Make like a hole in the water and refuse contact.
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Posted on September 12, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
EXTREMELY RUDE!!! I have had phone calls whilst at work even though they are aware I am unable to take private calls........they are like mongrel bulldogs after their weekly feed.
They have also contacted people I do not know in our neighbourhood with messages for me to call them with a reference number.
So, so rude. They have even questioned my children when they have answered the phone. I have received calls from them at all times of the day and night.

I have no debt with them..........had never heard of them until they started harassing me.
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Posted on August 17, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Crap people crap company..... Given up answering, rang from mobiles 1300 number and 08 numbers, never say who they are until you've given up your details...
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Posted on March 21, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I keep getting calls from lion finance asking me if I can give them my full name, birthdate and address before they can discuss anything. this is very dodgy. it just makes me nervous
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Posted on February 3, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
i find some staff quite rude and make threats and they record calls without your consent
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Posted on January 22, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just got a call from Lion Finance saying someone had applied for a loan in my name, they asked for my birthdate, which I didn't think, and gave it to them, VERY DODGY!!
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Posted on December 5, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A lady from Lion Finance rang my parents claiming she was an old friend of mine and could they give her my number so we can catch up?! Very dodgey organisation. Am in the process of filing a complaint with the Financial Services Ombud.
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