Comments on 1300 722 974

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 181 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 181 total complaints

Search Results for 1300 722 974

Names found on this computer

State Mercantile Pty Ltd


PO BOX 3338, Australia Fair Qld 4215, Australia (updating)


4 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Rate Service

Latest Holder

Optus Networks Pty Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

February 2025

Other Formats

/1300 722 974

Comments on 1300 722 974


Posted on March 6, 2018
Caller type: Financial services
Location: Australia
They may be legit. But,
1) a bank debt. Just found out bank haf our phone number incorrect. So scam
2) optus debt: sorry our provider is Telstra
3) 2 weeks later same overdue amount from Telstra.
Anyone smell a barely legal scam?
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Margaret Timmers

Posted on March 2, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Why was a payment taken out when I cancelled this 2 wks ago stating bankruptcy being filed which I did last week.!!!! Don’t you think if I had the money I would pay you. I want 40$ put back in my account. You had no right to do that.
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Posted on March 1, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Thanks to reverse Australia listing they found my home address details. And pestering has increased.
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Posted on February 12, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
No simply refuse to pay them, but take their calls and waste their time and money. And smile while doing it. Every 5 minutes on the phone with their representative equates to $20, so string them along, make them wait while you go and answer imaginary knocks at the door and tell them what you think of them before hanging up.
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Posted on January 22, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Tammy, go and see a financial counselor...
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Posted on January 22, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission
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Not happy Jan

Posted on January 20, 2018
Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
These pricks called and harasses me to pay my debts. So I made payment plan, kept it up for approx 1 yr, then missed a few repayments. So I called and rescheduled, and asked for the full amount owing. They increased my debt by $200 because of missed payments! Said it will increase by 33% if u miss..what the f***#. Tryin to fix it and they kick u down even further, damn. So I've decided to fix it so I won't deal with heartless, arrogant pricks again. All I can say is, what goes around, eventually will come your way( or around).
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Posted on January 19, 2018
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
"Also, they request to confirm your full name and date of birth because the information they're calling to speak to you about is private "

What kind of idiot fives his/her personal details to an anonymous person over the phone? DOH!! :/
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Posted on January 12, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
anyone been to a civil court due to Panthera Finance's scamming...? If did it go...and we want to know on how to really get rid of them...just received a phone call...07 37..but they'd hung up..and wouldnt always them...
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Posted on January 11, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
these d*ckheads.

always calling for one thing or another..ringing my mobile for obvious reasons...for a debt and then changing the number to another...

There has been no created/fraudulently.
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Posted on January 11, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
no one incurred any debt...these people are fraud...they faked your signatures and then completely harrass and also hassle you for the things that they invent.
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Posted on November 21, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I'm writing a common law commercial lien, those names and addresses would be very helpful. I've created a new email address upyourspanthera at gmail dot com if you could please provide that to me, it would make things much easier to serve at their home addresses. I will also need their DOB for filing in court.
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Posted on November 9, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Post from another sight *** ENJOY WHOOOOHAHAHAHAHA

From what i’ve been able to find out, Panthera Finance / State Merchantile are companies that operate from Brisbane and are owned by two holding corporations called HMB INVESTMENTS PTY LTD and HJK INVESTMENTS PTY LTD. State Merchantile are the acquisition branch which buys the debts and Panthera Finance run the call centre which harasses you.

The company has taken great pains to hide the following information from the public:

Registered place of business:
Level 4, 54 Jephson Street, Toowong, QLD, 4066
(This is a small office with a couple of staff used only for administrative purposes)

Call centre where the staff making the harassing phone calls work:
555 Coronation Drive, Toowong, QLD, 4066, bottom level of the building on the right directly as you walk in, “State Merchantile” on the sign.
(The head compliance officer and director of the company Mathew David Huges works here)

Another registered address of the company not used as the call center:
Merrotts Level 6, 241 Adelaide Street, Brisbane

Owners/Directors of Panthera Finance and State Merchantile are two twins from Wollongong who now live in Brisbane:

Mathew David Hough, 34 years old
Jamie Grant Hough, 34 years old
Corina Hough family member
Noree or Noreen - Staff
Karen- Staff
Miri- Staff
Ryan Wedenberg- Staff (Also stoner)

Mathews daughter who works in a management position for the company is named Bree or Corina (Not sure which) and Jamies wife is named Karen which I guess explains the choices of HMB and HJK for the holding companies.

The entire operation seems to be a family affair from the Hough clan who are making their money off the backs of those of us who fall into debt. Over the last 4-5 years they have managed to take millions of dollars from the less fortunate, often including the elderly and in some cases (looking through some posts on Whirlpool) even the family members of people who have died. Both Jamie and Mathew live in houses worth over $2mil and the company itself has an average of $1.86mil in Annual revenue.

If you are being harassed by them and live in Brisbane I suggest turning up to their office and dealing with the situation face-to-face. This a much more effective way to resolve your issues with them than through the telephone which is where they are in their element and most able to exert pressure on you.

I also have the home addresses of both Mathew and Jamie, their exact dates of births as well as the names and addresses of most of the people who currently work in their call centre. I haven’t posted this stuff because I don’t want to inadvertently break the law so if anyone can prove to me that I won’t be doing anything illegal by publishing it I will.

Don’t let these scumbags take advantage of you!
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Posted on November 9, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Shut the fk up sara!!
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Posted on November 4, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Anon, you're a f*cking d*ckhead mate, just face it, it's ok. Why the f*ck would I pay a bill/debt that doesn't f*cking exist dipsh*t? You f*cking clowns, you bottom feeding pieces of sh*t, you buy a packet of 'debts' as a $ figure on a computer screen of potential recovery and an Excel spreadsheet to go with it which is just an endless listing of "Name" "Last Known Address" "Phone number" and "Debt$"; and THAT IS IT. That's the basis of your bills to be paid mate. That's the legal basis for you taking collection actions and frustrating people's lives with no right. That spreadsheet gets produced by automatically exporting data from some shady 30 year old computer database of Origin or some similar racket and dumping it into a spreadsheet. In the first instance I am sure that Origin's employees over the years were absolutely faultless in every keystroke and every mouse click made when that data was entered hahahahahah:) I am also 100% confident that when you extracted that data into your spreadsheet every single letter and word came across again faultlessly. Not 1 iota was misaligned, mismatched or somehow managed to fall out of place in that process did it? Even though the 30 year old database can not be made compatible with a modern Windows based program like Excel. What's wrong mate, starting to wonder how I know so much about how you are just a lying cocksucker? Call it a hunch I had. Then finally, you take that pile of sh*t from your spreadsheet, you do absolutely nothing to verify the accuracy of the data or the alleged debts. Then you immediately start to bully people regardless by registering a bad debt against them with Equifax (formely Veda) as the very first thing you do without notifying them which is illegal and then because you know you have secured some leverage over these poor people right or wrong you don't care, only then do you make any half assed attempts to even contact them. The only f*cker actually working in this sh*thole business is your automated text messaging service. And mate I've got more bad news. A vague ambiguous f*cktard f*cking text like you c*nts send not only means less than f*ck all, it does not qualify as "service" in a Court. You f*cking dumb c*nt my God. What no one here agreed f*ckface is to have to be subject to your stupid little dumb f*cking holier than thou sh*t, when you're wrong and have no idea about how to do your own job or what the law is that governs it. Hey Anon? Go f*ck yourself c*nt.
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Posted on October 20, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
Read the above posts give details about the company. Also do a business search $25-45 will give you details. All Is legal and above board.
Then go to the local library for electoral roll details, and search for their name. Boom chances are they have not moved for at leats 5-10years or you might even get lucky on the business search with details of their address
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Posted on October 8, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Isn't that a nice thing to say to people from someone that claims to be working for Panthera. Goes to show you what kind of people you must be!!
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Posted on October 5, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I work for Panthera. You are all full of sh*t. Pay your god damn debt and stop being a drain on society! We know a lot about you, and it's easy to find you cocksuckers
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The Admiral

Posted on September 11, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Another bottom feeder.
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Wake up

Posted on September 4, 2017
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
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