Comments on 1300 722 974

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 181 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 181 total complaints

Search Results for 1300 722 974

Names found on this computer

State Mercantile Pty Ltd


PO BOX 3338, Australia Fair Qld 4215, Australia (updating)


4 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Rate Service

Latest Holder

Optus Networks Pty Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

February 2025

Other Formats

/1300 722 974

Comments on 1300 722 974


Posted on November 5, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Tell them nothing.
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Posted on December 11, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Starting a fresh investigation as I've been harassed by a mobile number for the last 2 weeks, I gave the phone to my mum to answer as I was busy getting ready for work. The first person she spoke with a gentleman going by the name of Nathan, to speak with me for a business matter & gave her a REF # & a 1300 722 974 # when I was to call back.

After researching the name of the company as I've never heard of them before, I was right with my suspicion that they are a scam.. I called the mobile number back & he answered the phone with ....Is this Vanessa?
Instantly I thought, he has my mobile #??!!
WTH.... His name was Theo, he wanted me to verify my date of birth & I refused, who are you? Everything become a little hot within the discussion, my mother jumped in as the phone was on speaker, advised them that this is a scam & we are not paying anything, reporting them to the ACCC & have now seeked profession advise from a real Debit Collector - A family friend, he advised that he has heard of them & has seen legitimate orders from this company.... so why is everything handled so inappropriately ? I'm making a complaint with Credit Ombudsman Service & speak with them...
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Posted on November 21, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
the business is state mercantile but collects debts on behalf of panther finance.
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Posted on February 18, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Jess - in regards to you always calling optus and them always stating you owe us nothing and then this finace/debt collecter stating you do have a debt! physically go into one of their stores (optus) and refuse to leave until they print out the letter you require that clearly states that you do NOT have a Debt with them! i can guarantee that everytime you ring optus you get a different person and everytime they state "sure not a problem" and in reality its a nuisance because they have never done the right thing by you. how easy is it to say on the phone 'yep its ok we have taken care of everything you have nothing to worry about' and in reality they have done absolutely NOTHING! Do not pay this debt collecter ever!
i recieved a text message today stating i would get a 60% discount on an overdue electricity balance simply pay $22.85 off your current balance of $38.09 and we will credit the remaining overdue amount, to take up this offer call us on 1300 262 974 and make a payment
who do they think I am? i havent had an electricity account in my name for over 2 years and nor did i have any outstanding amounts i ain't falling for that
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Posted on August 12, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Panthers Finance

So they’re a debt collection company, I don’t owe sh*t I’m a year 8 in high school I don’t even have any credit under my name. This was the mobile number they called me on 0480 092 761, I left it to ring and they left me an automated voicemail msg, all it said was 1300 722 974.
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Posted on May 17, 2017
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
In response to "THE BEST AROUND" - Go f*@k yourself, you're scum of the earth, lower than pond scum - get a real job you absolute piece of s*@t!
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Posted on March 16, 2017
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
I received a call from them today. After searching the phone number i found out it was Panthera Finance. Going onto the web site and using the reference number they quoted it brought up a debt that I was owing. I have to admit it was a great site to use, as it allowed me to set up a payment plan. I would say that if a debt collection agency is calling you are owing money. Don't want the hassle, answer your phone and pay what you need to pay!
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Posted on December 22, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
had enough of there phone calls and when you ring back they wont answer.
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Posted on December 2, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Panthera along with numerous other debt collecting agencies fraudulently make claims against statute barred debt (the debt has expired and is not able to be legally collected unless you consent) I suggest filing a criminal charge against the owners (as Principals, the officers, employees and third party agents).

The charge would be "Attmepting to obtain financial advantage by deception" or Obtaining financial advantage by deception" beach of privacy etc
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Posted on July 26, 2016
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Great post...what you can also do is look for the number they called you on if you miss the call and it goes to voicemail (just make sure the missed call is at around the same time as your voicemail)...then block the number they called you on. Easy to do on an iPhone, here's a video that shows you how to do it in less than 20 seconds. I'm sure there are videos for all other phones.

I got a call from someone tonight from their office. I think it was Bree or Corina (also couldn't make out the name) who called me from 0490 071 514 but left a message to call her back on 1300 722 974. So if you're getting calls from them you could also block that mobile number because they use it so you can't reverse look up the mobile and they probably know that this webpage reveals who owns the 1300 number. So blocking both makes sense.
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Posted on July 20, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I was recently contacted by Panthera about a matter that wasn't concerning to me, when I asked who am I speaking to they would not give any information the business name or ABN, This company is just dodgy seeking personal information. When I called their office back they made a bunch of excuses as to why they called me but they called a number regardless of the do not call registry. I am looking forward to going to their office to hash it out with them. a BIG THANKYOU to the poster who provided all those details it has come in handy
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Posted on July 6, 2016
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
My name is Jess, I'm 19 and I'm really struggling with Panthera Finance at the moment, I would appreciate it if you read this until the end and offer up any advice to dealing with them! I know that this post is pretty old, but I have been dealing with Panthera Finance for a fair while now following some confusion with Optus at the beginning of 2015 and after yet another phone call with them today, I decided to do some quick research on them to see what came up as they dealt with me pretty terribly today and I wanted to see if anybody else was having/ has had a similar experience.

So at the start of last year, I moved to Alice Springs for my gap year and I did not get any service on my Optus mobile where I was living, so I called to cancel my plan and they said that I would not have to pay the remainder of my plan since it was a fault of theirs, as long as I sent them my mobile device. It took some time to get the mobile to them (as I did not receive the return package they said they would send me - so I called and asked them to send it again), but they confirmed some time last year that they have received the mobile.

In that time, I got letters from Optus saying that I owed a bit over $400. I ignored these as I knew they were still waiting for my mobile to arrive. I continued to not worry about these letters as I knew that they had received my mobile device.

For, what I assume must be a misunderstanding, this 'debt' was passed onto Panthera Finance (PF). Since then, I have been in contact with both PF and Optus and explained my situation many (many, many, many etc.) times to both parties. Every time Optus has told me that they will set the account to $0 and every time I explained this to PF they explain that they have no evidence that I do not owe this money - and that even if my account with Optus is at $0, I still owe them the odd $400, and that they need it in writing from Optus that I don't, nor did I ever owe the money. I can't even count how many times I have called Optus and PF over this, just going in circles and not sorting anything out - and everytime PF has tried to get me to pay the $400, and every time I have asked them to give me more time to sort it out with Optus. It has been frustrating, but I have always kept an open mind - I understand why they wouldn't believe me when all they have is my word.

I spoke to PF a couple of weeks ago, I was on the phone with a woman, who was being, for the most part, compliant. I told her that I wanted to try and get in writing, from Optus, a letter or email, or anything really, explaining that I don't owe the money - she eventually let me go and I called Optus and the woman I spoke to read out the email that she was going to send to them, it seemed fine and I thought after a year and a half of being hassled for money I don't owe, it would be over.

Today, I got a call from PF, which went from 0 to 100 very quickly. I gave the guy on the phone my little spiel about what had happened when he suddenly told me (again) that I need to pay the $400. I told him that I still didn't understand why this is happening and why I'm being forced to have to pay something that I don't even owe. He ignored me completely, his response to my question was "Will you be paying Visa, MasterCard or Paypal?" and I was a little bit appalled by this somewhat immature response. I kept on with my story, but at this point he was getting angry and telling me I have to pay or he will take this case to management and it is at risk of escalating further. Honestly, I found being spoken to like this to be quite confronting. There wasn't a lot I could do or say to make him stop what was more or less a step away from yelling at me down the phone. Even if I did owe this money (which I'm still certain I don't), I did not think that it was appropriate to be spoken to this way. I was so over it, I was ready to just find a way to pay the $400 and get PF out of my life for good. I am 19, a uni student and work part time as a waitress - paying for food, fuel and rent whilst studying is hard, but I manage. But $400 is not something I could swing during that phone call. My plan was to ask my Mum to loan me the money. All I had to do was hang up, call her and then call them back. When I mentioned the idea of hanging up to sort something out, he simply told me that if I hang up he will forward my case to management and it will ruin my credit history and blah blah blah... At this point I was in tears, I was pleading with him to give me a few hours to call them back. He told me, very angrily, "Jessica, we have been over this a million times before, you have never called back to pay and you need to pay right now or I will be taking your case to management". I told him that not once have I said that I would pay the money, but I promised to call back. He was determined to pry the money out of me - paying in full, paying amounts weekly, taking my card details and taking the money out in 2 weeks time. He just wasn't letting me hang up. In the end, angrily through my tears, I told him that I just don't care what he does - he can take my case to management if he wants. He then told me "Fine. Thankyou for calling, have a nice day" but I hung up before he could even finish that sentence. I went to call my Mum, but she didn't answer, so I called Optus again and asked to speak to somebody in their finance department, and that particular person has told me they will contact PF and tell them to set that account to $0. Honestly, I have heard similar things before so I'm not necessarily excited about the outcome as I don't believe it's over. I'm sure they will call again, I'm sure they will be annoyed and angry with me, when I know I don't deserve it and it's getting harder and harder to stand my ground and I don't really know what to do anymore... If anybody has any advice I would appreciate it SO much!!
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Posted on November 5, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Have had similar happen to me. I ignore it all and no more gets done, Simple.
Is the paper work from the courts or the collector as there is a big difference.
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Posted on April 8, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
I received a call from them and it was actually a debr with Certegy i had forgotten.
The guy i spoke to was friendly and understanding and i was placed onto a payment arrangement with no hassles.
Not always are debt collectors bad.
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pfft.. You choose the job. Don't blame it on others.

Posted on January 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
reply to anonymous.

Yes, I hate the deadbeats too, I pay tax and therefore peoples centrelink cheques while they bludgeon.

Yes everyone had to work. YET it is your choice to be in that industry, then you choose the crap that comes with it. It's like a garbage man complaining about the smell. You don't like it. Go elsewhere. Flip a burger buddy.
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Posted on January 9, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
They say I have 4 different debts so I arranged payments , I recently lost my job so im now on Centre link , I filled a financial hardship form to hold payments untill I get another job, they agreed thats fine , algood for two weeks then I recieved my second centrelink payment and I was $60 short they , got a bank statement and before I got paid it showed they tried taking money ,60 dollars of bank charges , unortherised transactions , and now getting harrased daily and they are still trying to withdrawl my account , last week I couldnt do a grocery shop because of this , im going down to bank today to block them
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Posted on January 31, 2024
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera Finance

Panthera Finance is a debt collector who have pursued me for an unpaid debt to a company (AGL) that I have never dealt with. They are currently banned from acting in the state of Victoria (where I live) so I have have turned all details over to Consumer Affairs Victoria.
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Posted on September 21, 2023
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I received a text message from Panthera Finance on my unlisted private phone number with the following content:

Hi Rachel, it's tax time and we want to help you into the new financial year with one less worry. We're offering to take $511.79 off your outstanding Optus account if you can settle in one final payment of $1,194.18 on or before Sunday, 27 August 2023. Simply login to, call 1300 722 974 or reply to this message. Thank you Panthera Finance.

I have not had credit or a debt for 20 years, my name is not Rachael and I have never had an Optus account. Block the following Panthera Finance phone numbers and report them to the ACCC ScamWatch

1300 722 974
0489 995 130
0489 995 238
0480 009 000
0489 998 126
0489 998 105
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Here for the details

Posted on April 5, 2023
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Caller: Panthera

Please five me required info
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Posted on September 2, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Had a message left on my business phone and I returned the call with my personal phone. The person answered the call with "Panthera Finance, how may I help you?". When I stated that they had left a message on my phone to call them back and I was wondering why they were calling me, they said, "Oh" and hung up. Very strange response, I thought, and so that's when I looked them up online to see who they were. I don't have any unpaid debts that a debt collector would be chasing me for.
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