Search Results for 1300 665 805
Names found on this computer
Elchaar, MAddress
69 Clarence St, Condell Park NSW 2200, AustraliaHistory
1 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2005Other Formats
/1300 665 805
/1300 665 805
Comments on 1300 665 805
Posted on June 19, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
Received a text message saying I need to pay a fine. I know I don’t have a fine and the website they provided is clearly fraudulent. It’s a scam
Posted on July 10, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I got the same
Posted on July 7, 2024Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Received 'We encourage you to use or call 1300 655 805 to pay the fine. Process as quickly as possible to avoid enforcement fees' Even when I called the number is said Service NSW Revenue and the link took me to a Service NSW Revenue dodgy looking page and gave barely any details on the fine...... Scammers are getting better but still not convincing enough.
Posted on June 29, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Fraudulent SMS requesting payment of fine, gives this number as alternative to a web site link
Posted on June 25, 2024Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
1/sms message allegedly 19th June 2024: Fines need to be paid before the due date. Avoid more late penalties.
Or call 1300 655 805
2/ Then I clicked the link to credit card payment details as below. I have no fines anyway:
Payment Details
Please note: a card payment fee of 0.25% applies. This is not subject to GST.
Enter your payment details below. Fields marked with an asterisk (required) are mandatory.
Penalty number6116103988
Offence descriptionVehicle exceed speed limit - 10 km/h and under - School Zone - Camera recorded - Individual
Infringement amount$109.95
Outstanding amount$109.95
The minimum payment amount is $20 (or the outstanding amount if it is less than $20).
Card payment fee$0.53Please note that a card payment fee of 0.25% applies to final credit card payments.
Total payment amount$109.95
requiredCardholder name
requiredCredit card number
MasterCard Accepted
requiredExpiry date (mm/yy)
/requiredExpiry Date Year
requiredCard verification value (CVV)
What is the CVV number?
Or call 1300 655 805
2/ Then I clicked the link to credit card payment details as below. I have no fines anyway:
Payment Details
Please note: a card payment fee of 0.25% applies. This is not subject to GST.
Enter your payment details below. Fields marked with an asterisk (required) are mandatory.
Penalty number6116103988
Offence descriptionVehicle exceed speed limit - 10 km/h and under - School Zone - Camera recorded - Individual
Infringement amount$109.95
Outstanding amount$109.95
The minimum payment amount is $20 (or the outstanding amount if it is less than $20).
Card payment fee$0.53Please note that a card payment fee of 0.25% applies to final credit card payments.
Total payment amount$109.95
requiredCardholder name
requiredCredit card number
MasterCard Accepted
requiredExpiry date (mm/yy)
/requiredExpiry Date Year
requiredCard verification value (CVV)
What is the CVV number?
Do you have a comment about 1300 665 805?
Posted on June 14, 2024Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
It is definitely a fraud as tge web address they are using never existed. Be allerted!