Search Results for 1300 662 216
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Natcon TenAddress
Australia (updating)History
1 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2011Other Formats
/1300 662 216
/1300 662 216
Comments on 1300 662 216
Posted on May 11, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Please do a search for Natcon Developments if you view this site.
Very interesting comments about Danny Daher and his operation.
Search this number : (03) 5931 3166.
Proceed with caution!!!
Very interesting comments about Danny Daher and his operation.
Search this number : (03) 5931 3166.
Proceed with caution!!!
Feed Up
Posted on November 16, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Danny Daher, Abraham, Swinger or whatever you’re calling yourself, you’re such a twit, all you have done by quoting these cases is point everyone to the evidence. For a small fee anyone can read them, and see the real circumstances of Natcon Developments DEMISE. I read 7 large files on you at VCAT today; I would have liked to have read them all but I need at least 2 days to do that. Each is fascinating reading and each proves you are not a competent builder, have had many claims against you and you are a liar.
The list of defects with your builds goes on and on, I mean really what you were thinking using a car jack to support a bearer in a bathroom; it’s called a stump Daher that’s what you’re supposed to use. A word of advice, those glasses are doing you no good in your back pocket put them on your eyes because it’s obvious that you can’t read plans for sh&&. You should also invest in a tape measure, a straight edge, some framing squares and a sprit level. Now repeat after me, I know that issuing a stage invoice before its due is in and of itself a major breach of the contract! I will from now on not issue a stage invoice until the stage has actually been completed and signed off by the surveyor. I will also not write and sign witness statements on behalf of other “trusted associates” - busted. I cross my heart and hope to well you know. These things happen I suppose … a lot for you…..
And by the way - NO sitting VCAT member will issue a judgment, let alone a substantial judgment against a party unless the matter has been substantially proven. I stress the, “substantially proven” part here! God in heaven do you actually believe your own lies, when are you going to stop with the bul$%$t and take some responsibility? To quote Mr Plumber, "man up Daher".
It was really sad, read convenient that you went into administration 3 days after that judgment was made against you; you know the one you were going to win. It’s interesting though that despite carrying over 2 million dollars of debt you were able to miraculously start up NatconTen PTY LTD back in October 2013. Where did the seed money for that come from, I thought you were hand to mouth?
Fast forward to the present day and because Natcon Developments is in administration the VMIA is settling claims against you. Talk about defects, in one case the costs to rectify the defects are more than the completed contract price. In another, the cost of defects is equal to the stage payments made up to the point you were terminated. What would be good to know is the number of contracts where you have entered into a deed of settlement, I know of at least 2 where it was easier for the clients to pay you to go away than continue with the build.
As far as your trusted associate, point the blame elsewhere, create doubt and the burden of proof moves with it, obviously one of those law firms you had working for you told you that little gem. In hindsight you should have paid them, and then they would have told you that you have to also prove the accusation. Only you and the trusted associate are privy to the details of that arrangement, but as you have stated you are the principal so ultimately the buck stops with you.
We know you have been caught with your pants down by your NatconTen PTY LTD clients and as expected you are trying to shift the focus away from your own duplicity and culpability.
If you are a current client there is nothing more to be said, get yourself to a lawyer, this man is bad news…. If you are thinking of using Daher for any work, stop - why in any God's name would you do that?
The list of defects with your builds goes on and on, I mean really what you were thinking using a car jack to support a bearer in a bathroom; it’s called a stump Daher that’s what you’re supposed to use. A word of advice, those glasses are doing you no good in your back pocket put them on your eyes because it’s obvious that you can’t read plans for sh&&. You should also invest in a tape measure, a straight edge, some framing squares and a sprit level. Now repeat after me, I know that issuing a stage invoice before its due is in and of itself a major breach of the contract! I will from now on not issue a stage invoice until the stage has actually been completed and signed off by the surveyor. I will also not write and sign witness statements on behalf of other “trusted associates” - busted. I cross my heart and hope to well you know. These things happen I suppose … a lot for you…..
And by the way - NO sitting VCAT member will issue a judgment, let alone a substantial judgment against a party unless the matter has been substantially proven. I stress the, “substantially proven” part here! God in heaven do you actually believe your own lies, when are you going to stop with the bul$%$t and take some responsibility? To quote Mr Plumber, "man up Daher".
It was really sad, read convenient that you went into administration 3 days after that judgment was made against you; you know the one you were going to win. It’s interesting though that despite carrying over 2 million dollars of debt you were able to miraculously start up NatconTen PTY LTD back in October 2013. Where did the seed money for that come from, I thought you were hand to mouth?
Fast forward to the present day and because Natcon Developments is in administration the VMIA is settling claims against you. Talk about defects, in one case the costs to rectify the defects are more than the completed contract price. In another, the cost of defects is equal to the stage payments made up to the point you were terminated. What would be good to know is the number of contracts where you have entered into a deed of settlement, I know of at least 2 where it was easier for the clients to pay you to go away than continue with the build.
As far as your trusted associate, point the blame elsewhere, create doubt and the burden of proof moves with it, obviously one of those law firms you had working for you told you that little gem. In hindsight you should have paid them, and then they would have told you that you have to also prove the accusation. Only you and the trusted associate are privy to the details of that arrangement, but as you have stated you are the principal so ultimately the buck stops with you.
We know you have been caught with your pants down by your NatconTen PTY LTD clients and as expected you are trying to shift the focus away from your own duplicity and culpability.
If you are a current client there is nothing more to be said, get yourself to a lawyer, this man is bad news…. If you are thinking of using Daher for any work, stop - why in any God's name would you do that?
Posted on November 10, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
MATHEW K Wililams 82981996.
Posted on November 6, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Man up Danny.
Stop making excuses.
Stop deflecting from the situation you have caused yourself and others.
The situation you are in and the situation you have left us contractors is your own fault.
You were the problem, the cause, and eventually the coward!.
It's all your fault.
Its now out in the public domain now - what are you going to do when your kids google you?
What are you going to do when your kids friends and families google you?
I have a feeling that your problems are going to get worse on a personal level.
But you've got 1.2 million tucked away and a new pool with all the trappings.
All achieved through deception.
You are one great role model.
Look at yourself, won't answer the phone, won't respond to emails, won't return calls.
But you got a pool - did you pay the pool people or are they after you also?
Stop making excuses.
Stop deflecting from the situation you have caused yourself and others.
The situation you are in and the situation you have left us contractors is your own fault.
You were the problem, the cause, and eventually the coward!.
It's all your fault.
Its now out in the public domain now - what are you going to do when your kids google you?
What are you going to do when your kids friends and families google you?
I have a feeling that your problems are going to get worse on a personal level.
But you've got 1.2 million tucked away and a new pool with all the trappings.
All achieved through deception.
You are one great role model.
Look at yourself, won't answer the phone, won't respond to emails, won't return calls.
But you got a pool - did you pay the pool people or are they after you also?
Guess Who - again?
Posted on November 4, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Dear Abraham (AKA Danny Daher - Director of Natcon Developments (ND); Natcon10; Natcon Ten P/L...or any other pseudonym you would like to exploit) – cc Fowl Mouth Misses
There is only one common denominator in your rant regarding your VCAT and battles and financial woes – yes that’s right - it’s you… Abraham, DD, ND or whoever you are this week. Funny throughout all of those VCAT cases and scenarios you mention – you are the one constant.
You make it so obvious….in your typical and repeated effort to absolve yourself of any responsibility, but everyone on this site knows you and what you do.
Oh and BTW thanks for the case numbers – saves me a VCAT search. I can now find all the information on you I need as they are all a matter of public record and will tell the truth.
What’s the matter Danny your other blog offering unsolicited references for yourself not working so well?
There is only one common denominator in your rant regarding your VCAT and battles and financial woes – yes that’s right - it’s you… Abraham, DD, ND or whoever you are this week. Funny throughout all of those VCAT cases and scenarios you mention – you are the one constant.
You make it so obvious….in your typical and repeated effort to absolve yourself of any responsibility, but everyone on this site knows you and what you do.
Oh and BTW thanks for the case numbers – saves me a VCAT search. I can now find all the information on you I need as they are all a matter of public record and will tell the truth.
What’s the matter Danny your other blog offering unsolicited references for yourself not working so well?
Posted on October 30, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
The circumstances of Natcon developments demise can be summarized by an accumulation of client’s failing to make final payments for projects completed by ND combined with an overpayment of monies by ND to a trusted associate firm and the resultant legal costs eventually preventing ND from pursuing its rights and clearing its debts.
This resulted in Natcon being unable to pay its debts as they became due and unable to settle them with any substantial benefit to the ongoing viability of Natcon.
The difficulties commenced when a client (Flinn - VCAT Ref: D183/2013) moved into his newly renovated home and refused to make the final payment. The matter was contested in VCAT and was settled in ND’s favour although legal costs offset any benefit obtained in the win. Effectively this matter resulted in a loss of working capital of approximately $68,000.
Very quickly following this, a developer (Markos Developments & Ors - VCAT Ref: D450/2013) failed to pay for work completed by ND. The developer took possession of units constructed by ND without making the final payment.
This matter dragged out over time and when the hearing became imminent and because of other simultaneous legal actions ND did not have the funds to litigate. The matter required an expert report and extensive preparation. There was a reasonable likelihood of a payout but unlikely to be the claimed amount without expert evidence. This matter resulted in a reduction in working capital for ND of approximately $112,000.
On another project (Rannah & Sebastian Scamporlino - VCAT Ref: D1181/2012) the owners took possession of their extensively renovated home without making the final payment. This matter ran for 5 days in VCAT and a further 2 day hearing was set down for final submissions. Because of lack of funds no one attended the final days and a substantial judgment was handed down against the company. There was a reasonable likelihood of a partial payout in this matter. It effectively meant a loss of working capital of approximately $70,000.
The total amount of working capital lost due to these projects was $250,000 combined with a $120,000 debt that should not have been made
The major blow to the business was in AW Developments Vic - County Court Ref: CI-14-01074. Wayne Martin the director of AW Developments was paid $366,000 to make payments to creditors on ND’s behalf. AW failed to pay the creditors and has now claimed $300,000 against ND. The liquidators are considering whether to challenge this but it is a complex and expensive forensic accounting exercise. This matter has a reasonable likelihood of a significant payout if it is run.
As the domino effect of matters weighed in on ND , advise was given to wind it up. The legal costs to pursue the rights of ND were overwhelming and, given the position of ND, had to be paid into trust in advance of the work being done.
The final balance would have been progressively reduced with the continuation of work and some would not even be due other that through the liquidation causing the debts to be called in.
Natcon is a competent builder and the principal has been in construction for over 19 years without any previous claims. It has adjusted its business model to reduce the volume of work and reliance on site personnel other than himself controlling the works.
The final balance would have been progressively reduced with the continuation of work and some would not even be due other that through the liquidation causing the debts to be called in.
Natcon is a competent builder and the principal has been in construction for over 19 years without any previous claims. It has adjusted its business model to reduce the volume of work and reliance on site personnel other than himself controlling the works.
This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses,
This resulted in Natcon being unable to pay its debts as they became due and unable to settle them with any substantial benefit to the ongoing viability of Natcon.
The difficulties commenced when a client (Flinn - VCAT Ref: D183/2013) moved into his newly renovated home and refused to make the final payment. The matter was contested in VCAT and was settled in ND’s favour although legal costs offset any benefit obtained in the win. Effectively this matter resulted in a loss of working capital of approximately $68,000.
Very quickly following this, a developer (Markos Developments & Ors - VCAT Ref: D450/2013) failed to pay for work completed by ND. The developer took possession of units constructed by ND without making the final payment.
This matter dragged out over time and when the hearing became imminent and because of other simultaneous legal actions ND did not have the funds to litigate. The matter required an expert report and extensive preparation. There was a reasonable likelihood of a payout but unlikely to be the claimed amount without expert evidence. This matter resulted in a reduction in working capital for ND of approximately $112,000.
On another project (Rannah & Sebastian Scamporlino - VCAT Ref: D1181/2012) the owners took possession of their extensively renovated home without making the final payment. This matter ran for 5 days in VCAT and a further 2 day hearing was set down for final submissions. Because of lack of funds no one attended the final days and a substantial judgment was handed down against the company. There was a reasonable likelihood of a partial payout in this matter. It effectively meant a loss of working capital of approximately $70,000.
The total amount of working capital lost due to these projects was $250,000 combined with a $120,000 debt that should not have been made
The major blow to the business was in AW Developments Vic - County Court Ref: CI-14-01074. Wayne Martin the director of AW Developments was paid $366,000 to make payments to creditors on ND’s behalf. AW failed to pay the creditors and has now claimed $300,000 against ND. The liquidators are considering whether to challenge this but it is a complex and expensive forensic accounting exercise. This matter has a reasonable likelihood of a significant payout if it is run.
As the domino effect of matters weighed in on ND , advise was given to wind it up. The legal costs to pursue the rights of ND were overwhelming and, given the position of ND, had to be paid into trust in advance of the work being done.
The final balance would have been progressively reduced with the continuation of work and some would not even be due other that through the liquidation causing the debts to be called in.
Natcon is a competent builder and the principal has been in construction for over 19 years without any previous claims. It has adjusted its business model to reduce the volume of work and reliance on site personnel other than himself controlling the works.
The final balance would have been progressively reduced with the continuation of work and some would not even be due other that through the liquidation causing the debts to be called in.
Natcon is a competent builder and the principal has been in construction for over 19 years without any previous claims. It has adjusted its business model to reduce the volume of work and reliance on site personnel other than himself controlling the works.
This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions represented in this blog are personal and belong solely to the blog owner and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses,
Posted on September 9, 2014Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Natcon 10 signage around Melbourne is being changed from Builders that don't cost the earth to Builders that don't PAY.
I chuckled when I saw this.
I chuckled when I saw this.
Posted on July 24, 2014Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I wish it was around 3 years ago. Without doubt Natcon 10 aka Danny Daher is Melbourne's biggest cowboy builder…….
Worried now ...
Posted on July 10, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Wish I found this site about 2 months ago :-(
Is there anyone here willing to speak to me about their experience - how do we get in touch?
Is there anyone here willing to speak to me about their experience - how do we get in touch?
Another Natcon Victim
Posted on May 26, 2014Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Hapgood Lawyers won't be working for free either, where's the money coming from. The number of legal disputes that Natcon is currently fighting due to defective builds, delays, breaches of contract, court cases & debt would be costing a small fortune.
The clients paid Danny directly, many hundreds of thousands of dollars, and if he didn't pay you guys then where did all our money go?
The clients paid Danny directly, many hundreds of thousands of dollars, and if he didn't pay you guys then where did all our money go?
Posted on May 24, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
How can this guy keep trading.
I, and I assume others, have been sent legal letters from Hopgood Solicitors, stating that they are willing to pay 10% of what is owed and that the rest of the money depends on the outcome of the court cases.
Oh, and if we sign the papers sent to us, we waiver the right to pursue him in the future for recovery of any more money owed.
Danny Daher has, from my understanding, winding up orders against him.
How can he legally be able to continue operating and starting new jobs.
To keep trading as he is supposedly doing - he must have money somewhere.
Guess who's money he is trading and operating with?
Danny just makes me sick!
I, and I assume others, have been sent legal letters from Hopgood Solicitors, stating that they are willing to pay 10% of what is owed and that the rest of the money depends on the outcome of the court cases.
Oh, and if we sign the papers sent to us, we waiver the right to pursue him in the future for recovery of any more money owed.
Danny Daher has, from my understanding, winding up orders against him.
How can he legally be able to continue operating and starting new jobs.
To keep trading as he is supposedly doing - he must have money somewhere.
Guess who's money he is trading and operating with?
Danny just makes me sick!
Another Natcon Victim
Posted on May 21, 2014Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Warning to potential clients:
Do not use this builder unless you want to be fed lies, lose your money and end up with a property full of defects that is many many many months delayed before the builder halts all work.
I strongly recommend new clients must do a search for the builder in VCAT.
Fill out a credit card application for $52.60 form available here:
and send this attached to an email requesting a litigation search on Natcon Developments to vcat-civil @
It may be the best $52.60 you'll ever spend!
If you find yourself already in a sorry position, then join the club, there are many of us. Ask around to get any one of the Natcon victims phone numbers, we are a close knit community just waiting to assist.
Do not use this builder unless you want to be fed lies, lose your money and end up with a property full of defects that is many many many months delayed before the builder halts all work.
I strongly recommend new clients must do a search for the builder in VCAT.
Fill out a credit card application for $52.60 form available here:
and send this attached to an email requesting a litigation search on Natcon Developments to vcat-civil @
It may be the best $52.60 you'll ever spend!
If you find yourself already in a sorry position, then join the club, there are many of us. Ask around to get any one of the Natcon victims phone numbers, we are a close knit community just waiting to assist.
Posted on May 11, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi Danny,
Just after the money you owe me!!!
You won't answer calls on all your telephone numbers.
You won't reply to text messages or emails.
You claim you haven't been paid for the work - but after ringing your clients they claim you have been paid.
This must be a regular occurrence - almost every job you do you leave everyone,including clients out to dry
Nice bloke you are - you leave jobs after you have taken as much money as you can and then you don't pay suppliers or tradesmen.
Nice way to make a living - how do you sleep at night?
Just after the money you owe me!!!
You won't answer calls on all your telephone numbers.
You won't reply to text messages or emails.
You claim you haven't been paid for the work - but after ringing your clients they claim you have been paid.
This must be a regular occurrence - almost every job you do you leave everyone,including clients out to dry
Nice bloke you are - you leave jobs after you have taken as much money as you can and then you don't pay suppliers or tradesmen.
Nice way to make a living - how do you sleep at night?
Do you have a comment about Natcon Ten or 1300 662 216?
Natcon 10 Cowboy Builder Melbourne
Posted on November 28, 2014Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
"The circumstances of Natcon developments demise can be summarized by an accumulation of client’s failing to make final payments for projects completed by ND combined with an overpayment of monies by ND to a trusted associate firm and the resultant legal costs eventually preventing ND from pursuing its rights and clearing its debts."
-- Natcon developments demise was a planned event by Danny Daher, designed to defraud trades and clients, the values of final payments owed to Natcon Developments is insignificant to the monies stolen from clients and trades.--
"This resulted in Natcon being unable to pay its debts as they became due and unable to settle them with any substantial benefit to the ongoing viability of Natcon."
--Natcon Developments was already in financial difficulty more than a year before it was put into administration, for that year the managing director (Danny Daher) traded whilst knowingly insolvent, which is a criminal offence and has been reported to ASIC by a number of parties. During this time his accounts were frozen by the ATO for non payment of Tax and he had to set up new bank accounts with different banking organisations in order to continue trading. Prior to the administration of Natcon Developments PTY LTD, Danny Daher set up another building company, called Natcon Ten PTY LTD, that is using the exact same business model, contacts, bank accounts, which is called Phoenix Trading and is illegal in Australia Corporate Law. The matter has been referred to by ASIC by a number of parties.--
"The difficulties commenced when a client (Flinn - VCAT Ref: D183/2013) moved into his newly renovated home and refused to make the final payment. The matter was contested in VCAT and was settled in ND’s favour although legal costs offset any benefit obtained in the win. Effectively this matter resulted in a loss of working capital of approximately $68,000."
--This is a complete lie, Natcon Developments VCAT history goes back many years before this, the difficulties began significantly before this here is the full history:
1998 Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) established in July 1998
1999 VCAT Ref D878/1999 Natcon Developments vs Client (Case Settled) 2004 VCAT Ref D124/2004 Cabinet Maker vs Natcon Developments (Case Withdrawn) 2007 VCAT Ref D77/2007 Brentwood homes vs Natcon Developments (Case Withdrawn)
2007 VCAT Ref D198/2007 Natcon Developments (Won) vs Trade (Lost) 2007 VCAT Ref D820/2007 Natcon Developments vs Respondent (Case Withdrawn) 2008 VCAT Ref C8073/2008 Natcon Developments (Lost) vs Client (Won) 2008 VCAT Ref C8950/2008 Client (Won) vs Natcon Developments (Lost) 2009 VCAT Ref D242/2009 Natcon Developments (Lost - Claim Dismissed) vs Respondent (Won) 2010 VCAT Ref C2181/2010 Natcon Developments (Lost) vs Respondent (Won)
2010 VCAT Ref C4135/2010 Trade (Won) vs Natcon Developments (Lost) 2012 VCAT Ref D592/2012 Applicant vs Natcon Developments (Natcon Settled) 2012 VCAT Ref D1181/2012 Clients (Won) vs Natcon Developments (Lost) 2013 VCAT Ref D183/2013 Natcon Developments vs Client (No final determination - Natcon Developments went into Administration) 2013 VCAT Ref D450/2013 Natcon Developments vs Client (No final determination - Natcon Developments went into Administration) 2013 VCAT Ref D491/2013 Client vs Natcon Developments (No final determination - Natcon Developments went into Administration) 2013 VCAT Ref D770/2013 Natcon Developments vs Trade (No final determination - Natcon Developments went into Administration)
2014 VCAT Ref ????/2014 Natcon Ten Pty Ltd vs client (New case)
To summarise, you've been a builder for 17 years and was only a builder for 2 years before you were first in VCAT, and this was only a year after VCAT was established. Since then you have been in 17 VCAT cases in 14 years. It is remarkable that in the last 14 years and over 17 cases you have won only one for the vastly sum of $6,390. Given that you claim that 3 of these VCAT cases cost you $250,000 and you only received $6,390 I can clearly see the excellent business model and would like to invest in your profitable company please.--
"Very quickly following this, a developer (Markos Developments & Ors - VCAT Ref: D450/2013) failed to pay for work completed by ND. The developer took possession of units constructed by ND without making the final payment. This matter dragged out over time and when the hearing became imminent and because of other simultaneous legal actions ND did not have the funds to litigate."
--VCAT is a tribunal, you do not need funds to litigate if you are truly the innocent party. The VCAT members will award in your favour, expert reports are insignificant cost to a company and Danny Daher never ‘extensively prepared for any of Natcon's VCAT hearings’, rather he constantly demanded extensions, caused delays and failed to prepare anything in an attempt to increase his opponents legal expenses, so that they would be financially unable to continue fighting so that Danny Daher may continue his con as long as possible.--
"The matter required an expert report and extensive preparation. There was a reasonable likelihood of a payout but unlikely to be the claimed amount without expert evidence. This matter resulted in a reduction in working capital for ND of approximately $112,000."
--Danny Daher's Natcon builds are so badly managed, delayed and defective that this client would have won against Natcon most likely on the weight of evidence they had alone. You state that the claim was unlikely without expert evidence, I wholeheartedly agree, expert evidence that Danny could not get as it simply did not exist in Natcon's favour. This build was the same as the rest of Natcon's builds, defective workmanship, not performed as per the plans and specifications contained in the contract and considerably delayed, often costing considerably more than the original contract price agreed.
Due to the delays created by Danny Daher, no doubt as evidenced in all of the other Danny Daher / Natcon Developments VCAT cases, the case was never finally determined as Natcon Developments was pushed into Administration by the earlier case below.--
"On another project (Rannah & Sebastian Scamporlino - VCAT Ref: D1181/2012) the owners took possession of their extensively renovated home without making the final payment."
--Complete lie, Danny Daher had numerous breaches of the contract and building regulations and countless structural and material defects, they took Natcon to VCAT and they were awarded full and significant costs against Danny Daher by VCAT. This is what pushed Natcon into administration and saved a significant number of Natcon's clients from having to personally take Natcon Developments / Danny Daher to VCAT for other criminally defective, delayed, disastrous and dangerous builds.--
"This matter ran for 5 days in VCAT and a further 2 day hearing was set down for final submissions. Because of lack of funds no one attended the final days and a substantial judgment was handed down against the company. There was a reasonable likelihood of a partial payout in this matter. It effectively meant a loss of working capital of approximately $70,000. The total amount of working capital lost due to these projects was $250,000 combined with a $120,000 debt that should not have been made"
--The matter ran for 2 years from 2012, not 5 days as the VCAT Case Ref D1181/2012 evidences. VCAT found against Danny Daher /Natcon because of his significant incompetence as a builder and his breaches of building regulations, displays of deceptive behaviour, and failure to follow plans and specifications. Danny Daher needs to be jailed for his actions, he is a con artist and a pathological liar. He preys on people deliberately with the sole intention of taking whatever he can from them and does this in a cold pre meditative manner. To our knowledge Danny Daher has repeatedly shown these exact behaviours to almost every client who has been unfortunate to sign on of his scam building contracts.--
"The major blow to the business was in AW Developments Vic - County Court Ref: CI-14-01074. Wayne Martin the director of AW Developments was paid $366,000 to make payments to creditors on ND’s behalf. AW failed to pay the creditors and has now claimed $300,000 against ND."
--Significant debt was owed by Natcon Developments to trades prior to 2013. This was evident in Flick On serving Natcon with a Statutory Demand in the Supreme Court in 2013 for failure to pay debts of around $60k, there is also the matter of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were owed, at this time, by Natcon to other trades (as evidenced in the Worrells administration file).
Given the money Danny Daher owed to the trades back in 2013, it is very surprising you are suddenly claiming in August 2014 that Wayne Martin misappropriated the funds to repay outstanding debts 6 months to a year after the debts were already overdue. Why would Danny give the large single payment to Wayne to pay the trades directly himself? Why didn't Danny Daher just pay the trades himself, seeing as he had all of the money from the clients sat in his account? Oh, yeah right, lawyers, investment properties and your swimming pool, plus setting up Natcon Ten Pty Ltd so that you could carry on trading when you became the loser in VCAT. Danny's claims against Wayne are simply lies along with every other word and sentence in this feeble claim.--
"The liquidators are considering whether to challenge this but it is a complex and expensive forensic accounting exercise. This matter has a reasonable likelihood of a significant payout if it is run."
--No they are not, they are aware of Danny Daher's tit for tat, he said she said claims. It is NOT a matter for their administrative investigation into Natcon Developments.--
"Conclusion As the domino effect of matters weighed in on ND , advise was given to wind it up. The legal costs to pursue the rights of ND were overwhelming and, given the position of ND, had to be paid into trust in advance of the work being done."
--Danny had to pay money into trust as this is how the legal profession works, as all of Natcon's clients and most of the trades who’ve dealt with you now know. Danny had to continue paying into Trust as he owed his first lawyer a significant sum and the remaining lawyers he hired saw him as an obvious credit risk so demanded upfront payment for services. The money given to you by your clients was meant for building their homes, not for you to use to play lawyers.--
"The final balance would have been progressively reduced with the continuation of work and some would not even be due other that through the liquidation causing the debts to be called in."
--As of today the current balance of funds misappropriated and stolen from clients and trades by Danny Daher is in the region of $2m+ and increasing.
The new business Natcon Ten Pty Ltd is following the exact same path as Natcon Developments Pty Ltd by failing to pay trades, failing to follow building regulations, building defective homes, using legal action over resolving poor quality and defective concerns, failing to follow plans and specifications, claiming money prior to building stages being completed in breach of the building regulations.
These ongoing actions by Danny Daher will only increase the debt owed and litigation required, reducing the potential for progressively reducing your debts as claimed. It is clear you are not a competent builder. Competent builders do not have 100% of their clients ending contracts, claiming on warranty insurance for structural defects, signing settlement deeds just to get rid of the builder or having significantly structurally defective homes that are not even built to plans and specifications.--
"Natcon is a competent builder and the principal has been in construction for over 19 years without any previous claims."
--This is an outright lie, as you can see by the number of VCAT cases that have involved Natcon Developments. Natcon is a completely incompetent builder that has and is still causing pain and suffering to every single one of his clients, not just one or two, but all of us, every single client.--
"It has adjusted its business model to reduce the volume of work and reliance on site personnel other than himself controlling the works."
--Danny Daher is the single cause of the significant defects, all of the defects in all of the properties were caused by Danny Daher's negligence, either by his own hands, his poor or complete lack of site management, his failure to read plans and his complete incompetence as a builder. It is no wonder his new clients under Natcon Ten are so unhappy if this is his new business model, which end of the hammer was it again Danny?--
"The final balance would have been progressively reduced with the continuation of work and some would not even be due other that through the liquidation causing the debts to be called in."
--You state you have the ability to progressively reduce $2m+ of debt? Over what time frame? The rest of your life? Maybe $10 a week? Isn't this what you generally offered to the trades who took you to VCAT and Issue Statutory Declarations to the Supreme Court for non payment of Natcon debts?
All of the debt was overdue and had been demanded prior to the liquidation, if anything there is more debt you owe out there that hasn’t been captured by the liquidation process as it was unknown at the time of entering administration and because only a few people know you've actually gone into liquidation.
The costs for rectification of your cowboy builds is increasing significantly now the clients are going through the VMIA process. Most costs of rectification / completion are significantly higher than the original contract prices solely and entirely due to your sole complete incompetence as a builder.--
"Natcon is an competent builder and the principal has been in construction for over 19 years"
--Once again complete lies – You are utterly incompetent as a builder and as per the ASIC corporation register it is 17 yrs since the origination of Natcon Developments, not 19 as you claim here, nor as you claim on your website - "Danny is a Master Builder with over 30 years experience in quality building and construction work in Melbourne". You are a HIA builder, not a 'Master Builder' and you do not have 30 years experience in quality anything, except maybe con artistry and theft.--
"without any previous claims"
--More lies, see previous VCAT cases above.--