Comments on 1300 064 699

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 9 total complaints

Comments on 1300 064 699

Does not matter, but just to provide reality information in case this is helpful to others

Posted on April 14, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: no one called, but CGU insurance sent me email asking to use this no to call back to provide bank details

on early April 2022, I received an email from CGU telling me that they have miscalculated an insurance for an old polocy dated back to year 2019. I checked the insurance policy no is correct but not sure if this is a scam, I called back using this number and provided my bank details (then later on I realized I should not have done so, because if this is indeed a scam, they will have my personal details and bank info which a lot things can be done), luckily I call the CGU official number the second day and verified that this is an legit case, they did send me the small refund to my bank the next week. so in summary this is not a scam.
Helpful information for people who have seen this message:
1. Never provide your information to people who called you or provided you a number to call, this is the typical scammer's channel, if you feel something seems like a scam - please assume it is.
2. Always contact the official organization contact, either it is a bank or insurance or a government organization, try to cross verify the contact is legit
3. Private information should not be given out unless it is absolutely necessary, scammers can do a lot of things with it and cause harm to you.
Stay safe, if all consumers become vigilant there will be no room for scamming business.
Hope this helps.
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Posted on February 2, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This number has been used in an attempted scam
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Posted on July 1, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I received an email from CGU insurance company recently to advise me that I was due refunds on a few car insurance policies. The phone number 1300 064 699, was quoted on this email. Instead of calling the number quoted on the email, i called the CGU general enquiries number, 13 24 81. I spoke to a consultant who verified that I did have refunds due to me. This was definitely legitimate.
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Posted on May 27, 2022
Caller type: Company
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU

NOT a scam, If you you go to the CGU Website ( this number is listed.
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I am a legitimate person

Posted on March 21, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU insurance (did not call me)

CGU insurance company did not call me they sent me an email. I have since contacted CGU directly and this is not a scam, the above phone number is on the CGU web page for refunds. if you are in-doubt contact CGU on 13 24 81 and option 5 (I think it was ) I spoke to tracy. when I rang the 1300 064 699 number I spoke to Clay.
you can also check on the CGU website.
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Posted on March 15, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU Insurance

Phone number was in an email from CGU regarding overcharging on my 4 policies. Called CGU on the number on my policy document and it turns out that it was legit and they are going to refund the money to the bank account details they have on file. I didn't have to provided them with anything other than the policy number, name and date of birth.
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Posted on May 9, 2023
Caller type: Other
Location: Czech Republic
Caller: No one called

Recieved by post, letter dated 26 April 2023 from CGU, advising that I will recieve refund on Motor Insurance policy by cheque within 10 Days.
Recieved another letter and attached is a ANZ Bank Cheque dated 3 rd May 2023
I am treating this as a scam.
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Posted on September 15, 2022
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: Text Msge CGU old Policy # +8 years ago 1300 064 699

Apparently a chq had been posted to legit address asking for it to be banked, called 132481 CGU and there is option regarding Refunds all sorted, cheque cancelled and refund being processed will take 20 days to appear in bank account, spoke to Nick, Australian dude. All legit.

Gave feedback to Nick that maybe they need to reword these text messages so they do not appear to look like scam messages, he understood.
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Posted on September 5, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: They sent a letter

Received letter from CGU to call them on 1300 064 699 regarding a refund. I called them on their general number and sure enough a refund has been deposited in my nominated bank account. The refund takes 10 business days. When you speak to the agent they will ask to verify your details. Full name. Address and date of birth. When you call the 1300 number it comes up as scam call. I assure you it's not a scam. Hope this helps!
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Posted on August 31, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
just got same message as above so now calling them, if in doubt look up the phone and make a call
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Posted on June 8, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU

This is NOT a scam. Both the Mobile Number 0481 883 286) and the Landline 1300 064 699) are Legitimate. But as others have said, IF your still not sure, call CGU on their general number first and mention you may have a refund owing.
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Posted on April 19, 2022
Caller type: Company
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU

at first glance this appears to be a scam however I believe it is legit from CGU despite it saying they had contacted me previously when they hadn't. I think they legally have to contact customers due to an overcharge and refund them however they have deliberately chosen not to contact me in other ways and instead send this dodgy looking sms from an unknown mobile number to give the impression it is a scam knowing a certain percentage of people will ignore it and they wont have to refund and still fulfil their obligation of contacting affected people.
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Posted on April 8, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU

Seems legit
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Posted on March 24, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: CGU.

Didn’t get a call. But did get an email with the Same number 1300 064 699 in the email. It was legit, they owed me money, which is now being returned ..
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Posted on March 11, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Number mentioned in an SMS from 0481 883 286 regarding a CGU refund they supposedly contacted me about recently. SCAM!
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Posted on March 4, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Letter received

supposedly from CGU insurance for supposed overpayment refund. Wanting bank details etc
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Posted on March 3, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
scam with CGU wanting banking details
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Posted on March 2, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Definitely a scam
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Posted on December 30, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
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Do you have a comment about 1300 064 699?

Do you have a comment about 1300 064 699?