Posted on December 8, 2020 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I got an email from NRMA about a refund, asked me to phone 1300 064 698 and provide bank details. I phoned my local NRMA office and then the 132 132 number and they both said this is legitimate. I phoned the 1300 number and have arranged the refund to be paid via cheque.... just to be sure. the policy numbers listed in the email were for an expired policy, but the lady explained they have completed a review that went back 7 years. This does seem above board.
35 found this comment helpful
Posted on February 5, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Caller: NRMA Claims theyve reviewed my policy and im owed a refund, also sent me an email. She said she needed to do a 5 point identification check on me. I said if you really are the insurance company you already have my bank details and will automatically refund me. She said, oh thank you, and hung up. I think this is a scam. Perhaps the ones in this t hgread saying its not, are the scammers.
18 found this comment helpful
Posted on March 4, 2021 Caller type: SMS Location: Australia
Caller: NRMA Insurance I applied the logic of "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." So, if it looks like a scam, smells like a scam, and acts like a scam, then it probably is a scam.
But chill everyone - it's not a scam - the above logic failed me this time.
How I made sure that this wasn't a scam is, instead of calling 1300 064 698 number or 132 132, I called the NRMA General Enquiries number on the back of my NRMA card (13 11 22) and when I got through to a human (after 4 extensions), I told them what I was calling about and they redirected me to the Insurance Refunds people.
Those people told me that because I hadn't called back after they had sent me several notifications of the refund, that they had simply sent a cheque for $77.80 to my address, as they didn't want to pester me with more texts or emails, and they understood that it did look like a scam!
So, bottom line: 1. Phone the number on the back of your NRMA members card and get redirected, or 2. Do nothing and get a check in the mail.
I love that we have websites like this one to communicate with each other about this kind of stuff!
16 found this comment helpful
Posted on February 23, 2021 Caller type: Company Location: Australia
Caller: Insurance Australia Group This number is real, it's a number for nrma, sgio, sgic and CGU, all owned by Insurance Australia Group. The refund is real, you can call any or those insurance companies on their numbers and ask about the refunds, they will direct you to the refunds team. The policy numbers may not match what you currently have because some of the refunds go back to 2013 so they may be cancelled policies. You can also go to their websites and search refunds in the search bar to find the number or other ways to contact them. For example
8 found this comment helpful
Posted on May 7, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Yes it is. I've been an NRMA customer for over 10 years.
3 found this comment helpful
Posted on February 11, 2021 Caller type: SMS Location: Australia
Caller: I received a text message with the number as a hyperlink Same; this felt like it had scan written all over it.
I got an SMS and it was one that automatically identifies itself (NRMAnoreply). That's just a paid-for service, but I don't imagine whoever handles them would allow anything with NRMA in its name without a proper shakedown. Mine was for a Home Insurance policy from nearly 3 years ago and I don't have my documents with me to check policy numbers.
So as I rang, i put "1300 064 698 NRMA Australia" into the *big* search engine and it came back with a page full of hits; up top was › refund-help with an NRMA heading and the number in the copy beneath, it was regarding their special line for old policy refunds.
It also got a hit with Ozbargains, but looks like they resell insurance as they spoke of the same number and NRMA offering car insurance policy refunds, and it also hit which was an insurance group called SGIC encouraging their members to ring the same number regarding old policy refunds – when I read the small print at the bottom it said they're affiliated with NRMA Insurance.
So; it seems legit, but yes; it's odd when technically they contact you, then the operator wanted my full name, my address, phone number, birth date –– seems like a lot of info when a name and birth date should do; and I read the policy number to him. He told me they owed me about $26.
I said just leave it and next time I take a policy with you just take it off; he said they can't do that, and asked for my bank details. It took me a while to find them, he was very patient; did once say he could send me a cheque in the mail but then discounted that idea straight away, saying it could take weeks, needed to be banked, took days to clear, he'll wait for my bank account.
So I eventually read him my bank account and BSB –– and that's the full monty for starting to create a second persona; full name, DOB, address, phone number, bank account. Number seems legit, but if I call to change my policy or open a new one, I'm on their computer already and I don't recall ever having to give that much information for a house and contents policy or a green slip; still feels odd.
Still; calling numbers from hyperlinks sent to me, especially since I havent had a
3 found this comment helpful
Posted on November 19, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
its not a scam
2 found this comment helpful
Posted on August 5, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Just phone NRMA on their usual phone number 132 132 and ask for the refund by cheque which they post to the person and address associated with the policy in question. No questions asked about identification. It worked for me. It is not a hoax.
2 found this comment helpful
Posted on May 7, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
It includes past policies also, so check your old policy details on the app.
2 found this comment helpful
Posted on August 22, 2022 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Got an SMS from 'NRMAnoreply' asking me to call this number if I had any questions about a supposed refund check I needed to deposit... Turns out I am not and HAVE NEVER BEEN an NRMA customer. Plus I've had my number for years so no one else should have been registering for policies using it. Something not right here....
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on November 4, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Caller: Email from NRMA I am always cautious with emails or SMS such as what I received from NRMA about a possible refund on a 2014 policy - but to my surprise it turned out to be genuine - Refund $65.48 - good to see the Corporate Watchdog were on to them for their past discretions - seems they got at 600000+ customers and have paid out over $100million already - best way to make a claim is log onto and it only takes a few minutes to complete
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on October 6, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
A marketing gimmick from NRMA. Clue: the comments sound like a corny info-mercial.
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on March 3, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Caller: NRMA I was suspicious too and at first ignored the messages asking me to phone 1300 064 698. The SMS did however correctly quote our current H&C policy number. After getting 3 SMSs and 2 emails I finally phoned the regular NRMA Insurance number 132 132. I was then put through to the refund dpt and told that a review had identified a pricing error on our H&C policy and a refund was due. I sought and received further proof that I was in fact talking to the NRMA. Conclusion : it is legitimate.
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on March 3, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Received an email like a lot of people have apparently received. My question is how can it be legitimite if I have never had an NRMA home polcy ?
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on March 2, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I went straight to their official website and the number is actually listed on their refund help page.
Also, being https, and not just http means it is secure. I chose to use their chatline to get a printable transcript instead of a phonecall.
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on January 10, 2021 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I received the email, and it identifies a current policy of mine. It is unfortunate that many of us are now suspicious.
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on December 2, 2020 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
its legit. i just called their 132 132 number
1 found this comment helpful
Posted on January 14, 2025 Caller type: Other Location: Australia
Caller: some scammer a**hole not buying this is legit at all. Dear policy holder, provide us with your bank account details. Oh ok. We have been with NRMA for over 30 years, and they don't know my name? Not buying it. Plus if it was legit, NRMA should bloody know, you dont email people and ask for bank account info. They already know, how we pay.
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on September 21, 2023 Caller type: SMS Location: Australia
Caller: SGIO It's true. I only got $13.04 back but better than nothing. It was quick and easy. Went through NRMA first just incase, but they confirmed it was legit. SGIO lady was very nice.
0 found this comment helpful
Posted on October 20, 2022 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
It could be any one of there other company, eg, in WA they own SGIO.
Comments on 1300 064 698
Posted on December 8, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 5, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Claims theyve reviewed my policy and im owed a refund, also sent me an email. She said she needed to do a 5 point identification check on me. I said if you really are the insurance company you already have my bank details and will automatically refund me. She said, oh thank you, and hung up. I think this is a scam. Perhaps the ones in this t hgread saying its not, are the scammers.
Posted on March 4, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
I applied the logic of "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
So, if it looks like a scam, smells like a scam, and acts like a scam, then it probably is a scam.
But chill everyone - it's not a scam - the above logic failed me this time.
How I made sure that this wasn't a scam is, instead of calling 1300 064 698 number or 132 132, I called the NRMA General Enquiries number on the back of my NRMA card (13 11 22) and when I got through to a human (after 4 extensions), I told them what I was calling about and they redirected me to the Insurance Refunds people.
Those people told me that because I hadn't called back after they had sent me several notifications of the refund, that they had simply sent a cheque for $77.80 to my address, as they didn't want to pester me with more texts or emails, and they understood that it did look like a scam!
So, bottom line:
1. Phone the number on the back of your NRMA members card and get redirected, or
2. Do nothing and get a check in the mail.
I love that we have websites like this one to communicate with each other about this kind of stuff!
Posted on February 23, 2021Caller type: Company
Location: Australia
This number is real, it's a number for nrma, sgio, sgic and CGU, all owned by Insurance Australia Group. The refund is real, you can call any or those insurance companies on their numbers and ask about the refunds, they will direct you to the refunds team. The policy numbers may not match what you currently have because some of the refunds go back to 2013 so they may be cancelled policies. You can also go to their websites and search refunds in the search bar to find the number or other ways to contact them. For example
Posted on May 7, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 11, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Same; this felt like it had scan written all over it.
I got an SMS and it was one that automatically identifies itself (NRMAnoreply). That's just a paid-for service, but I don't imagine whoever handles them would allow anything with NRMA in its name without a proper shakedown. Mine was for a Home Insurance policy from nearly 3 years ago and I don't have my documents with me to check policy numbers.
So as I rang, i put "1300 064 698 NRMA Australia" into the *big* search engine and it came back with a page full of hits; up top was › refund-help with an NRMA heading and the number in the copy beneath, it was regarding their special line for old policy refunds.
It also got a hit with Ozbargains, but looks like they resell insurance as they spoke of the same number and NRMA offering car insurance policy refunds, and it also hit which was an insurance group called SGIC encouraging their members to ring the same number regarding old policy refunds – when I read the small print at the bottom it said they're affiliated with NRMA Insurance.
So; it seems legit, but yes; it's odd when technically they contact you, then the operator wanted my full name, my address, phone number, birth date –– seems like a lot of info when a name and birth date should do; and I read the policy number to him. He told me they owed me about $26.
I said just leave it and next time I take a policy with you just take it off; he said they can't do that, and asked for my bank details. It took me a while to find them, he was very patient; did once say he could send me a cheque in the mail but then discounted that idea straight away, saying it could take weeks, needed to be banked, took days to clear, he'll wait for my bank account.
So I eventually read him my bank account and BSB –– and that's the full monty for starting to create a second persona; full name, DOB, address, phone number, bank account. Number seems legit, but if I call to change my policy or open a new one, I'm on their computer already and I don't recall ever having to give that much information for a house and contents policy or a green slip; still feels odd.
Still; calling numbers from hyperlinks sent to me, especially since I havent had a
Posted on November 19, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on August 5, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on May 7, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on August 22, 2022Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on November 4, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am always cautious with emails or SMS such as what I received from NRMA about a possible refund on a 2014 policy - but to my surprise it turned out to be genuine - Refund $65.48 - good to see the Corporate Watchdog were on to them for their past discretions - seems they got at 600000+ customers and have paid out over $100million already - best way to make a claim is log onto and it only takes a few minutes to complete
Posted on October 6, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on March 3, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I was suspicious too and at first ignored the messages asking me to phone 1300 064 698. The SMS did however correctly quote our current H&C policy number. After getting 3 SMSs and 2 emails I finally phoned the regular NRMA Insurance number 132 132.
I was then put through to the refund dpt and told that a review had identified a pricing error on our H&C policy and a refund was due. I sought and received further proof that I was in fact talking to the NRMA.
Conclusion : it is legitimate.
Posted on March 3, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on March 2, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Also, being https, and not just http means it is secure. I chose to use their chatline to get a printable transcript instead of a phonecall.
Posted on January 10, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
It is unfortunate that many of us are now suspicious.
Posted on December 2, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on January 14, 2025Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
not buying this is legit at all. Dear policy holder, provide us with your bank account details. Oh ok. We have been with NRMA for over 30 years, and they don't know my name? Not buying it. Plus if it was legit, NRMA should bloody know, you dont email people and ask for bank account info. They already know, how we pay.
Posted on September 21, 2023Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
It's true. I only got $13.04 back but better than nothing. It was quick and easy. Went through NRMA first just incase, but they confirmed it was legit. SGIO lady was very nice.
Posted on October 20, 2022Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Do you have a comment about 1300 064 698?