Search Results for (08) 9444 6553
Names found on this computer
Louis, CLouis, Mrs C
89A Short St, Joondanna WA 6060, AustraliaHistory
5 older records found on this number.Last Found
September 2016Other Formats
/(08) 9444 6553
/(08) 9444 6553
Comments on (08) 9444 6553
Posted on May 28, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Is that Valerie from Mrs Doubtfire's Service?
Posted on June 1, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Well I havent abused my daughter and been wrongly accused so how about a fair go for dads that have been wronged.My little girl has been coached by her mum for 17 months and still my daughter doesnt believe she has been "touched"by her dad, the trouble is that there is women out there who will abuse the system and use the example of those sick monster dads as the norm, we havent all been bastard sicko's, I for one have been a great dad, and I have never abused my daughter, but, I was a single dad so it was so simple just to point the finger and be treated as a monster.I look forward to when my girl is old enough to know the truth and all the sick women out there are also identified as well as the sick men that abuse. To those fathers that have set the example of abuse I hope you burn in hell, and for those who have trully suffered, I am trully sorry, just believe that there are women out there exploiting you and your children for there own benifit. Which I think is equally twisted
tammy passanisi
Posted on October 19, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am concerned that you hace someone workibg for you who is abu as ive and harrassing me and saying that you work.under relationships australia for the welfareof the childs best interest.But she is tellibg me I have to make my.daughter see her father on.supervised contact is her choice not to do so!She is 10yrs old as nd has been.abused and put thru domestic violence all her life.This woman dosnt know us from.a bar of soap,what if he was a convicted secual predator then what??The police have told me this is a bogus site and im.dobbing you in.Valerie said she wl be in court on.tuesday my court day ex husband. Well she.ll look stupid next to DCP cause they over rule all family court matters and they are there for me and my daughter against this f* that chose not to be a father and has lost all rights to her......Do tell Valerie to or I.ll have her charged..!!
Tammy passanisi
Posted on October 19, 2012Caller type: Non-profit Organization
Location: Australia
I have been harrassed and abused by this organisation!Valerie has told me I am wrong for not allowing my daughter to see her father,when she is 10 yrs old and has chosen of her own accord not to see her father due to years of domestic violence.. Now that I am protecting my daughter and seeking help from.dcp,they are trying to intimidate me and make ne feel guilty,well sorry but I will never beleive that you work with the family courts or relationships australia,because they would never put my daughter or any child in an.awkward situation..So come to court please so dcp and my lawyer can rip shreds off you!!!
Do you have a comment about (08) 9444 6553?
Posted on August 31, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia