Comments on (08) 9335 8752

Search Results for (08) 9335 8752

Names found on this computer



22 Mews Rd, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia (updating)


3 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

February 2025

Other Formats

/(08) 9335 8752

Comments on (08) 9335 8752


Posted on October 3, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
George owes people a lot of money! He thinks of himself? We've driven his sh*tty trucks,forklifts,manual handling,cowboy mechanics poor condition depots etc. it's 2013 and herd he's contracting out. Slimy cow,running away George so u don't hav to deal with the people u owe your life too.yeah yor family had it made big fat Greek weddings,houses,bdays money from us hard workers who had to work with you and your crappy resources.karma will get u back!
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Posted on October 3, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Need to update your statistics here. After 2006 George has not hired any English speakers. He has only Greeks and Taiwanese in his management. People have gone into his factory and are always told their is no work. Taiwanese people mainly females walk in off the street and George gives them work. Are u running a brothel behind the scenes George. !!
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Posted on October 3, 2013
Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
U need to close this business,George only hires Greeks and Taiwanese. Pays cheap wages or pays no wages or below minimum wage. U only making money for yourself.the amount of people turnover is can u do this and u have the damn cheek to have another in nz, well once news hits media u will be shut down. U have no management skills at all as well as the Taiwan people u have working there no exp,no people skills u all can't speak English fluently and ur business doesn't even look professional. Go setup ur businesses in Taiwan.stop abusing the Australian and New Zealand systems for your Greek people and Taiwanese! How could you off Australia and nz.where the Australian and kiwi workers George?isnt that your repayment to these countries??
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John Younger

Posted on October 12, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
A scale we think belongs to your factory was found in bushes by the Geraldton Port Authority. Someone may have broken into your shed/factory. The scale is secure on the ramp of G.F.C. You can pick it up on Monday morning.
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