Comments on (08) 9242 9400

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 2 total complaints

Search Results for (08) 9242 9400

Names found on this computer

Competitive Foods Australia Pty Ltd Osborne Park
Competitive\; Foods Australia Pty Ltd


U 4 1868 Marmion Ave, Clarkson WA 6030, Australia


10 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

February 2025

Other Formats

/(08) 9242 9400

Comments on (08) 9242 9400

Olga Kurekhina

Posted on November 8, 2011
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Good morning.

We at Transpacific – Nationwide Oil have received your EFT payment on 7/11/11 for $673.20. I need to advise you that while we did receive this payment, our bank account details have changed and the account you banked into will be closed in the near future.

The old banking details were:
BSB: 064-129
ACC NO: 10159644

The new banking details are:
BSB: 064-784
ACC NO: (Your customer number) 83101

Our email address for receiving remittance advices has also changed. The old email address was: edaccountsreceivable @ . The new email address is: accountsreceivable @ . Attached please find official letters detailing the changes in both bank account number and email address. These details can also be found at the bottom of recent invoices. Can you please update your system as soon as possible to avoid any future payments/remits going amiss?

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards,

Olga Kurekhina | Credit Admin | Corporate
Transpacific Industries Group Ltd
31 Staple Street Seventeen Mile Rocks Qld 4073 | PO Box 1824 Milton QLD 4064
P: + 61 7 3100 8400 | P: + 61 7 3100 8439 (Direct) | F: + 61 7 3376 1948
E: Olga.Kurekhina @ |
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Sample complaints we have found for (08) 9242 9400


Always getting a call from this number. Never leaves a message.

my name is miss blessing and my contact adderssis (blessing.larry23 @ a beautiful young girl with full of love and carely,well i saw your profile and ilove it, i think we can click together. please i will like you to contact me through this my email adderss thus(blessing.larry23 @ please contact me with my email adderss i will like to show you my photo and at desame time you will know more about me.once again please contact me true my email adderss.dont send it to the site,the will not allow me to read your reply dou to i dont have any access please email with my address.
thanks for your understanding
miss blessing

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