Search Results for (08) 8999 3422
Names found on this computer
Station, Palmerston PoliceAddress
Palmerston NT 0830, Australia (updating)History
0 older records found on this number.Last Found
June 2009Other Formats
/(08) 8999 3422
/(08) 8999 3422
Comments on (08) 8999 3422
Do you have a comment about (08) 8999 3422?
Pallavi Andrade
Posted on January 18, 2019Caller type: Scam call
Location: Australia
I was almost scammed into buying 100 x 10 Apple Registration Cards at Target, Palmerston outlet but the lady at Target Counter alerted me that it could be a scam so dont buy the cards. The calls were from two nos: initial call from (08) 9467 2310 and later when I was driving to Target the scammer called me from (08) 8999 3422 to make me believe that the call was actually from Police. Please look into the matter.