Search Results for (08) 8281 8254
Names found on this computer
PO BOX 498, Salisbury SA 5108, Australia (updating)History
11 older records found on this number.Last Found
August 2021Other Formats
/(08) 8281 8254
/(08) 8281 8254
Comments on (08) 8281 8254
Posted on June 18, 2013Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
This is a dodgy call-back number for Shiels jewellers. They ring, don't let it ring for very long or don't leave a message so that you call back. You pay the call charges and they get to spriuk their rubbish. Then they onsell your number to other spammers.
Do you have a comment about Salisbury or (08) 8281 8254?
Shiels Jewellers
Posted on March 5, 2019Caller type: Company
Location: Australia