Sample complaints we have found for (07) 5526 3823
who owns this number
The business is called Eyes on Solutions and they are telemarketing for a financial services company. They will ask for your email address, so they can send you a huge email marketing their services. A search of their ABN number brings up the following info:
Current details for 11 521 209 872 ABN: 11 521 209 872 Last modified: 08 Mar 2011 ABN status: Active from 01 Jul 2003 Entity name: BAILEY, SALLY CLAIRE Entity type: Individual/Sole Trader GST registration status: Effective from 01 Jul 2003 Main business location State: QLD Postcode: 4208 Trading name(s) Simple Financial Solutions Eyes on Beauty Eyes on Business Eyes on Leads Eyes on Maintenance Eyes on Photography Eyes on Real Estate Eyes on Solutions
I got a call from them today too.
I believe the guy said he was from "Oz Ion" (sounded like, not sure thats the name). Apparently was a financial services provider.
Said it was from a survey I completed recently (though not true as I believe that particular survey I completed over 3 years ago!
I've since registered for the Do Not Call Register so what they did was illegal. I have filed a complaint.
I got a call from them today.They said they were from some survey that I had recently filled out then they wanted my email address to send me stuff.
i just had number call this also. hmm wonder who it is
The business is called Eyes on Solutions and they are telemarketing for a financial services company. They will ask for your email address, so they can send you a huge email marketing their services. A search of their ABN number brings up the following info:Current details for 11 521 209 872ABN: 11 521 209 872Last modified: 08 Mar 2011ABN status: Active from 01 Jul 2003Entity name: BAILEY, SALLY CLAIREEntity type: Individual/Sole TraderGST registration status: Effective from 01 Jul 2003Main business locationState: QLDPostcode: 4208Trading name(s) Simple Financial Solutions Eyes on Beauty Eyes on Business Eyes on Leads Eyes on Maintenance Eyes on Photography Eyes on Real Estate Eyes on Solutions
Comments on (07) 5526 3823
Sample complaints we have found for (07) 5526 3823
Current details for 11 521 209 872
ABN: 11 521 209 872
Last modified: 08 Mar 2011
ABN status: Active from 01 Jul 2003
Entity type: Individual/Sole Trader
GST registration status: Effective from 01 Jul 2003
Main business location
State: QLD
Postcode: 4208
Trading name(s)
Simple Financial Solutions
Eyes on Beauty
Eyes on Business
Eyes on Leads
Eyes on Maintenance
Eyes on Photography
Eyes on Real Estate
Eyes on Solutions
I believe the guy said he was from "Oz Ion" (sounded like, not sure thats the name). Apparently was a financial services provider.
Said it was from a survey I completed recently (though not true as I believe that particular survey I completed over 3 years ago!
I've since registered for the Do Not Call Register so what they did was illegal. I have filed a complaint.
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