Comments on (07) 5513 1056

Spam Score
1 complaints this year, 128 total complaints

1 complaints this year, 128 total complaints

Search Results for (07) 5513 1056

Names found on this computer

Aaron, J


U 26 57-79 Leisure Dr, Banora Point NSW 2486, Australia


0 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area

Tweed Heads

Last Found

July 2009

Other Formats

/(07) 5513 1056

Comments on (07) 5513 1056


Posted on March 17, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You both obviously make a lot of money off unsuspecting people, but claiming you contacted your lawyer and found out all the posts where from the same IP address is just laughable, the governments can't even force isp's to release IP address information from online pirates that company's like Disney to name a few are trying to find.

You know if you don't like being defamed, stop ripping people off, get a real f*cking job.
15 found this comment helpful

Harvard Lawyers

Posted on July 28, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Thanks App Nation our app looks great and thanks for the extra business our real estate ad has given us.
11 found this comment helpful


Posted on February 18, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Hi I just saw your blog and I'm an ex employee of App Nation / Apps r us or whatever they call them selves these days. the person in question is Kristine Holley and her side kick Fiona Pearce. I'm in the process in putting together a class action along with providing information to A Current Affair to expose them on national TV and to strengthen the class action against them. I need a handful of people that have been scammed by these fraudsters and be willing to talk to investigators to file a case against them. Please reply with some contact details and I will respond.
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Posted on February 10, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Well the truth be known I am a real person and my partner and I were contacted by a "Cathy" on number 0475 212 651 yesterday - 9 Feb 2016 selling an APP tied in with Real Estate agents and sounded legit.

Unfortunately they now have my partner's debit card details and we are hoping that they don't take anything from it. Although checking the account today - an amount has come out and we now have to go to the bank and have it checked out and reversed and possibly having to go as far as getting the account changed.

Have tried contacting the "Cathy" on the mobile number above and of course, straight to voice mail and no response to text messages either.

Sorry people, but this definitely sounds like a scam that by the looks of it, has been running for a couple of years now and by the same 2 women. I would honestly believe the people on here who are warning you and advising you to do searches on the different company names. It would appear that we too have been caught up in the scam and are quickly attempting to shut down everything possible to protect our money. Thanks for reading. Deborah
7 found this comment helpful

Rob Aspin

Posted on April 3, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hi There
I also signed up after a cold call when they picked me up from Hi pages on the Gold Coast
In the conversation I was not told about any cooling of period, required by the ACCC and only found a fine print in the advertising sign off which I have not signed or returned
I was rushed into making payment over the phone and also had a real estate agent that I was to be attached to so as to generate more work. I finally had time to contact that realty involved who told me they were not looking for any trades people. So I emailed Brittini at AppNation and asks to cancel only to be told that my cooling off period had elapsed and they had done all this work which I hadn't even given them any information
All they new was my business name
So they are still catching people, feel free to contact me
In the mean time I will be contracting the ACCC to seek their advice
Take them down
6 found this comment helpful

App Nation

Posted on March 17, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bring you new customers

As small businesses grow, they will need to continue integrating into the mobile-connected world. Through social media, mobile apps and more, connectivity and engagement through devices is at an all time high, and will only continue to grow, with more and more consumers getting smart phones and other devices. Customers grow more reliant on their devices by the day, with other forms of advertising and sales becoming almost obsolete.

Businesses simply must adapt and offer mobile-friendly, cross-channel experiences for their customers if they plan to grow and generate business. Apps must be secure and safe, engaging for customers, easy to use, affordable, and generate revenue for the business
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Posted on September 23, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
JS, are you still in the process of putting together a class action. I have just been scammed by App Nation and am looking to do the same.
5 found this comment helpful

Marie Rajka Carovic is a Scammer

Posted on August 18, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
For your information:
The person that posted this comment is a 51 year old mentally ill women named Marie Rajka Carovic. She has posted numerous comments on this site, under different aliases. It is unfortunate that one of our ex staff members Marie Rajka Carovic, has gone done this path of self destruction, trying to take our business along with her. Ms Carovic, worked for us for a couple of weeks. In that time, she was incredibly arrogant, argumentative, and very hard to get along with ourselves and all our staff. There was an instance last week where Ms Carovic abused a fellow staff member and threatened to hit her. The fellow staff member is 4 months pregnant. We also discovered that she was lying to clients, and promising them things that our company does not provide. The end result was we had to dismiss her. This resulted with the police being called as she went berserk. We have since learnt that Marie Carovic is extremely ill due to mental illness. We feel sorry for her, and she clearly needs help, however we also need to let our clients know that all these comments are not true. We sincerely apologise that our clients need to see this type of thing. It is unfortunate that there is websites out there like this one, that will post absolutely anything without checking the facts first.
Kind Regards
App Nation.
4 found this comment helpful

scammed as well

Posted on July 18, 2016
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
After signing up over the ph called the real estate a few weeks later to confirm only to be told its a scam they do a dodgy advert on an app that the general public have to download.. who downloads an app when looking at real estate.. the flight tickets never arrive and they continue to debit your credit card . Of course they say its an ex employee so I rang others who had advertised and guess what they all say the same hey where scammed as well.. take some time look at the others that are on your link and see what they have to say .. and close you ccard account...
3 found this comment helpful


Posted on February 12, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Kristine Holly is one of the partners at App Nation she bullies all the staff who are young people under 25 they only last one or two days some might get 1 or 2 sales and on the third day she sack's them on the spot with out pay it messes with there heads and self-esteem and no one has been there for more then a few weeks, she claims she has real estates and sells apps to local business and claims they will feature in a data base over 5000 clients only to find out the real estates clients never use the services she sells under their name and if you contact the real estates to confirm, all of them will say to stay clear of App Nation, they used to be called Apps r us. If you want to stop these scammer's please reply as I'm an ex employee and I know of their ins and outs of the fraudulent tricks they use to scam peoples money, I can collect a hand full of clients they stole money from and we can file a class action against them. let me know your thoughts?
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Posted on August 8, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Ms Carovic and her partner James Small are both scam artists. They have run many business under various names and scam people out of their money
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Telco100 Name Change from App Nation

Posted on August 24, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I just received a phone call regarding App Nation, they went into liquidation and now are calling themselves Telco100, the only way to stop this scamming business and it's owner Kristine Holley is to post on website again and let everyone know that they are calling themselves Telco100 same address different ABN, phone number and website. Let join forces and take them down.
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Weird And Cheered

Posted on February 15, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Weird And Cheered

Telemarketing | Saint Paul, MN, USA | Family & Kids

(I work for my university calling alum and asking for donations to the school. A child who sounds about five or six picks up.)

Kid: “Hello?”

Me: “Hi, may I please speak to [Alum]?”

Kid: *to mom* “Mom, there’s some weird lady on the phone for you.”

Alum: “Oh, my god, I am so sorry!”

Me: *laughing hysterically* “That brightened my entire day.”

Alum: “I’ll give him a talking-to later.”

Me: “No, no, I promise. It was adorable.”
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Facebook for Every Phone

Posted on February 12, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Facebook for Every Phone is an official freeware developed by the social network itself and dedicated to mobile devices, even smartphones, that can connect to the internet. Creating this app, Facebook wanted to include all users around the world in the Facebook experience. The developers have thought about more than 2.500 varying type of terminal with the creation and updating of this brilliant java application.

It is available for Android, iOS and Windows Mobile; but also for Java-enabled mobile phones. This app enables users of conventional cellphones to access the social networking from anywhere and everywhere. With this idea, Facebook has entered in to a collaboration agreement with many global telephone companies in India, Bangladesh, Russia, Egypt, Nigeria, Philippines, Germany, Indonesia, United Kingdom, Brazil, Portugal and Pakistan. This agreement is to give the user 90 days of free data specifically to try Facebook for Every Phone. The developer’s website offers a list of participating companies for each country.
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Posted on February 11, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Don't you people see that the same person is writing multiple reviews, if they have really done something wrong wouldn't they have been closed down by now. Common sense will tell you that.
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Ripped off

Posted on June 30, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Appnation is the same as App r us a really bad business. Businesses need to keep putting their complaints on this site and other sites to stop these people from ripping us off. I have been stung by their so called great app, it does not work, waste of money and they had the hide to re debit my credit card after 12 months plus they did not bother to contact me for authorisation. I have taken this matter up with my bank. By voicing your complaints and contacting others, we can get this class action together and stop them once and for all.
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Posted on January 7, 2023
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I can confirm this statement. They were running a renovation business and got paid and didnt complete the works in Brisbane late 2013.
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Oh them again

Posted on October 17, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
They have done everything from betting software, ikea kitchen installations, qbcc issues, both a real concern, Maria is not been seen for a while but he s still around and has a normal job during the day when he can hold it together
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Posted on October 9, 2017
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Helensvale Pool Centre - (07) 5529 7257
Scammed as well
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Posted on August 8, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
I always google a company before applying for a job, Yes they are currently advertising for staff on SEEK, obviously I will NOT bother to apply for this load of rubbish.
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