Posted on April 27, 2012 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
what low life ,scammers am now reporting them to accc,current affair and whoever else.
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Posted on April 27, 2012 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
this scammer keeps ringing, we have now reported them to accc,and current afairs what rude low life they are
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Posted on April 26, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
Australian Taxation Reporter have called our business and also attempted to enforce payment for a service we never requested or authorized! Like ever other complaint listed, Jan is the contact person and she is very rude and deceptive! Do not have anything to do with this company!
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Had Enough
Posted on April 19, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
I too have experienced the Australian Taxation Reporter’s Scam. I have made enquiries with the ACCC and the Qld Office of Fair trading to which they have both explained that they have breached several criteria of the act regarding unsolicited agreements. You cannot make a verbal agreement so therefore their phoney 16 days cooling off period can’t be enforced. I would encourage as many people as possible to contact the ACCC and Office of Fair Trading as my one complaint would go a lot further with many more stories. I have also submitted a story on A Current Affairs website and ask that you also do the same for the same reason. Let’s band together and stamp these Cons out, so nobody else has to go through this and nobody has to lose any money.
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Posted on March 27, 2012 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
My wife is being hassled by this scammer, "Jan", real bully tactics and false claims of agreements. Never asked for their rubish products and cettainly never used any of it. Will not be paying them and keen to go after them.
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Posted on March 20, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
Hi everyone, same deal for me! I'm so glad I found this website! Best way to catch out a scam... Google it!. Downright bullying, horrible customer service, I contacted the fair trading office today and asked some questions and I'm convinced that in no way do we have an agreement/contract that binds us to pay any money. I said to an abusive woman today that I will send the information back and she said that she doesn't need it back.. they need to be paid, I said, so the information is worthless? She was infuriated!!! Actually quite funny!. I think we should report these people, I feel very sorry for anyone who has paid for this service.
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For Trisha
Posted on March 15, 2012 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Lauren (January 18) offers good advice in that there is no proof of an agreement with either you personally or your company. DO NOT give Jan any credit card details as she is SO unethical I dread to think what she might use it for. I suggest everyone contact ACCC, Office Fair Trading, ASIC & A Current Affair. If you have Caller ID on your phone use it to vet calls from the numbers mentioned in these pages as Jan is so unreasonable that it is not worth even trying to sort matters out with her. Good luck. If we all stand together & refuse to pay Jan might eventually give up?!
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Posted on March 14, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
What a SCAM! same as everyone else, this company threaten me with everything you can think off if we did not pay. I then told her that I have evidence that thier actions what nothing short of a SCAM. Send her e-mail with links to sites questioning thier validity and told them we WOULD NOT PAY a cent. This was back in Jan 2012 and heard nothing since. To all - DO NOT PAY
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Posted on March 13, 2012 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Thank god for my husband finding this website!!!! Jan has been harrassing me since early January this year using her heavy handed bulling tactic's. She's actually been accusing me of not returning the original package which i know i did. From the very start of her phone calls i told her that i only agreed to let them to send it out just to get them off the phone she told me that i was not professional and that my position with the company i work for should be looked at by management.I Have been recieiving nearly weekly phone calls from her each time telling me that she hasn't had the original pack returned so when i told her bluntly that management had instructed me not to pay her a cent she then proceeded to tell me that i was personally liable for the debt. Todays itimadating phone call from 'JAN' still accusing me of not returning the original package and then telling me she has keep detailed records of our phone conversations that i had told her that i had returned it late when i refuted her claims she accused me of calling her a liar! Isn't that what shes accusing me of??? As you can tell this conversation was not going well, so then she got even more pissed at me telling me that i was now personally liable for the debt and if i didn't give her my credit card details today she was going to report me to the credit association and i will personally have a black mark on my credit rating!!!!!! So is the best way to deal with her to ignore her abusive bulling phone calls or would i be best to contact the police in regards to her personal harrassment of myself or do i take it to the ACCC or Fair Trading?
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Posted on March 13, 2012 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Just had the same phone call ,demanding money for something I didn't order . Was harassed in the same manner , very hard to get off the phone, I also said I didn't want it but they sent it anyway. The woman told me there was no obligation. BEWARWE of these scumbags , they are just out to rip you off. They won't be getting any money out of me .
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Beware to John
Posted on March 9, 2012 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Jan has given up calling me for now at least John. Each time she called I was adamant I would not be paying & would let all & sundry know of their dishonest scheming ways. I have contacted A Current Affair & left the details of these pages so that they can see the extent of this problem called JAN!
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Posted on March 8, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
Exactly the same process for me. A sample was offered for me to review, with no mention of a cooling off period. I didn't even open it as I knew what it was and had more important things to do. They are now trying to collect on their dodgy invoice. These people are scammers and I have threatened to lodge a complaint with the ACCC.
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Posted on February 14, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
Add (07) 5503 4333 to the list of the ATR numbers. Just recieved a call from her, she became quite rude when I short cut her and said I wasnt interested in any sales calls. I get called about every year, and had wised up since falling for a similar advertising scam when first in business. In the early days she would get very heavy handed about the fact that I was required by the ATO to abide by taxation laws and rules blah blah, and was required to be fact one call she inferred that I could be "reported" if I wasnt compliant, and she (her company) was working with the ATO, and I thought at the time she was going to report me to the ATO. I know I sound younger on the phone, but old enough to know better now.
Today she rattled on to my Receptionist, who raced in telling me that we werent compliant and it was the ATO on the phone. I took over the call, and told her I wasnt interested in taking any sales calls, and she was adament she wasnt selling me anything. Horrible horrible woman. Just an ugly con - has anyone reported it to the ATO, because as far as Im concerned they strongly indicate that they are aligned with or phoning on behalf of the Tax Office, sure they can be taken to task about the impersonation??
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Posted on February 7, 2012 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Samuel,Jan has finally stopped calling me after the same experience that you have had. ATR tried sending me further issues of their magazing which I promptly returned to sender. Jan kept calling demanding money.I told her in no uncertain terms that I would not be paying a cent (mind you she spoke threateningly & rudely over me the entire time she was on the phone) Have a look at Lauren's advice above. ATR have no proof of an agreement with you. Perhaps a call to A Current Affair who could do some 'foot in the door reporting' on ATR would be entertaining. Would love to see what dragon lady Jan looks like!
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Posted on February 6, 2012 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
I've had a couple of uncomfortable calls from our mutual friend "Jan" now.
ATR cold-called us in the week leading up to Christmas 2011 (offering their stuff which we didn't want but I begrudgingly agreed to have them send me) , and this 16 day "cooling off" period conveniently fell on all the usual out-of-office Christmas breaks, so as you can imagine the envelope was left unopened until "real" work resumed a week or two into January.
To my surprise I'm now apparently now obligated to pay out for a 12 month subscription to their cheaply made, ugly information magazines about extremely detailed Tax info that is - while no doubt useful to some - is for the most part completely over the top and irrelevant to my simple home business.
I've been spun the slightly threatening line about the hundreds of constant changes to the tax/GST system and that if I get caught out, the ATO is on the lookout for "small businesses just like mine" and fining them hundreds of thousands of dollars as we speak.
"Jan" has played me quite well and she has me very anxious that we now owe them all this money for a 12-month subscription to what is effectively information, and I'm outraged that they couple operate this way.
I cannot in a million years imagine running my business and lampooning "customers" this way.
Of course it's all apparently "tax deductible" so hey, it's free money right & everybody wins, right? (translations: "Jan" gets paid).
This is not to mention the additional offer of "discounted" advisory services that, as a subscriber, I'm apparently entitled to. Apparently I can save hundreds of dollars if I pay for these extra services NOW. 'cos y'know, I'd hate to miss out on this "limited offer".
Does anyone have any stories of successfully getting Jan/ATR off their back? I just want this "Jan" (07) 5503 4389 to leave me alone.
I'm honestly busy enough as it is and I didn't ask for any of this.
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Posted on January 19, 2012 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
You are not obligated to pay anything! Although their business practices are legal- they are completely unethical. Sadly they will scam many small businesses into giving up their hard earned cash with bullying tactics. Read about "Our Kids, Our Future" & "National Crime Prevention Magazine" ( mainly UK) for similar stories. They do this from mostly Queensland based contact details. They have no proof that they have a binding agreement with your company, they have no proof that you have received any goods, and no- asking for more information does not mean you have a contract with them. I just got off the phone with a very frustrated woman- who I laughed at & referred to as a "minion of the devil". Feel free to do the same without fear of retaliation or debt collectors knocking at your door!
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Not Happy JAN
Posted on January 19, 2012 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Just had Jan on the phone AGAIN demanding payment for product returned. Might have to take action against her. Anyone up for a class action AVO?! Must be something we can do about the continual harrassment??
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Almost got me
Posted on January 16, 2012 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
The actions of staff working for the Australian Taxation Reporter makes bullies & theives look like saints. Do not touch them with a 10" pole. You will be made pay for products forced on you, products you do not have (as returned to sender) want or need
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very annoyed
Posted on December 12, 2011 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
same happened to me. was really busy the day they rang to said send me your sample to look at just to get rid of them. i didnt even look at the stuff they sent me (didnt even open the envelope) JAN called me so many times on my mobile - i stored the number in my phone and just dont answer when she calls. last time I did answer it JAN said she was a collector as I hadnt paid for the invoice. I said you have no authority to send my an invoice as I had not agreed to anything. After a big argument I told her that their type of company ways of trading became illegal back in the 90's and I was going to contact the police (which is what I did for another publishing company back in the 90's). They have no legal right to charge anyone without written authorization from us to accept the subscription. Some people get scared and pay the invoice. If they nag me to much I will contact the police.
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Posted on December 2, 2011 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
I had the same number call the other day and have sent the package back with a rude letter saying they are not doing the right thing. I am disgusted by them, who do we contact in regards to this... there has to be someone we can report to??
Comments on (07) 5503 4350
Posted on April 27, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on April 27, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on April 26, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
authorized! Like ever other complaint listed, Jan is the contact person and she is very rude and deceptive! Do not have anything to do with this company!
Had Enough
Posted on April 19, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
I have made enquiries with the ACCC and the Qld Office of Fair trading to which they have both explained that they have breached several criteria of the act regarding unsolicited agreements.
You cannot make a verbal agreement so therefore their phoney 16 days cooling off period can’t be enforced.
I would encourage as many people as possible to contact the ACCC and Office of Fair Trading as my one complaint would go a lot further with many more stories.
I have also submitted a story on A Current Affairs website and ask that you also do the same for the same reason.
Let’s band together and stamp these Cons out, so nobody else has to go through this and nobody has to lose any money.
Posted on March 27, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on March 20, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
I'm so glad I found this website! Best way to catch out a scam... Google it!.
Downright bullying, horrible customer service, I contacted the fair trading office today and asked some questions and I'm convinced that in no way do we have an agreement/contract that binds us to pay any money. I said to an abusive woman today that I will send the information back and she said that she doesn't need it back.. they need to be paid, I said, so the information is worthless? She was infuriated!!! Actually quite funny!.
I think we should report these people, I feel very sorry for anyone who has paid for this service.
For Trisha
Posted on March 15, 2012Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on March 14, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Posted on March 13, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on March 13, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Beware to John
Posted on March 9, 2012Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on March 8, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Posted on February 14, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Today she rattled on to my Receptionist, who raced in telling me that we werent compliant and it was the ATO on the phone. I took over the call, and told her I wasnt interested in taking any sales calls, and she was adament she wasnt selling me anything. Horrible horrible woman. Just an ugly con - has anyone reported it to the ATO, because as far as Im concerned they strongly indicate that they are aligned with or phoning on behalf of the Tax Office, sure they can be taken to task about the impersonation??
Posted on February 7, 2012Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on February 6, 2012Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Hello everyone.
I've had a couple of uncomfortable calls from our mutual friend "Jan" now.
ATR cold-called us in the week leading up to Christmas 2011 (offering their stuff which we didn't want but I begrudgingly agreed to have them send me) , and this 16 day "cooling off" period conveniently fell on all the usual out-of-office Christmas breaks, so as you can imagine the envelope was left unopened until "real" work resumed a week or two into January.
To my surprise I'm now apparently now obligated to pay out for a 12 month subscription to their cheaply made, ugly information magazines about extremely detailed Tax info that is - while no doubt useful to some - is for the most part completely over the top and irrelevant to my simple home business.
I've been spun the slightly threatening line about the hundreds of constant changes to the tax/GST system and that if I get caught out, the ATO is on the lookout for "small businesses just like mine" and fining them hundreds of thousands of dollars as we speak.
"Jan" has played me quite well and she has me very anxious that we now owe them all this money for a 12-month subscription to what is effectively information, and I'm outraged that they couple operate this way.
I cannot in a million years imagine running my business and lampooning "customers" this way.
Of course it's all apparently "tax deductible" so hey, it's free money right & everybody wins, right? (translations: "Jan" gets paid).
This is not to mention the additional offer of "discounted" advisory services that, as a subscriber, I'm apparently entitled to. Apparently I can save hundreds of dollars if I pay for these extra services NOW. 'cos y'know, I'd hate to miss out on this "limited offer".
Does anyone have any stories of successfully getting Jan/ATR off their back? I just want this "Jan" (07) 5503 4389 to leave me alone.
I'm honestly busy enough as it is and I didn't ask for any of this.
Posted on January 19, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Not Happy JAN
Posted on January 19, 2012Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Almost got me
Posted on January 16, 2012Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
very annoyed
Posted on December 12, 2011Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on December 2, 2011Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Do you have a comment about (07) 5503 4350?