Sample complaints we have found for (07) 5360 9184
Keyser Soze
So many different numbers for these unscrupulous barstewards. 07973 83839707875 57988707967 30470107973 83776107973 83811107973 83816107536 0920500247 675 729907536 09195307536 09195607967 30567007536 09204007536 09273407973 83843607896 93175807536 0921180845 8498988Again despite there being a direct plan in place with the bank concerned (Santander) these fckwits keep on calling me. Reference numbers mean fck all to me. I will not deal on the telephone despite them having been told this on many occasions. If any Apex employee happens to be reading this, whatever happened to the post? Telephone conversations can be recorded at your end but not ours, so anything we say can be mistrued and jumped on or twisted by yourselves. Yes you may be calling because of past debts but harassment & bullying tactics are not called for.When will they ever take no for an answer??As for Santander, the fckwits refused to allow me to close my account with them in April last year when I requested closure of the two accounts I held with them & both in credit I must add and then it has ben charge after charge spiralled from there. :-(
Comments on (07) 5360 9184
Sample complaints we have found for (07) 5360 9184
Keyser Soze
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