Comments on (07) 4971 2099

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Search Results for (07) 4971 2099

Names found on this computer

Centrelink- Giving You Options


164-170 Goondoon St, Gladstone Central Qld 4680, Australia


0 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Local Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area

Gladstone (QLD)

Last Found

November 2005

Other Formats

/(07) 4971 2099

Comments on (07) 4971 2099


Posted on July 1, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Oh Yeah I tried calling that number, (07) 4971 2099. All I got was a fax screaminig at me and now I'm left with a deaf ear. They are just so in need of training its not funny. The government should step up to help us. Its not our fault we have this predicament forced on us. I haven't been raised by serial welfare recipients. I have worked hard all my life. Now in my time of need I have to listen to fax machines on a phone number, music that would make a dog howl while I wait, its not even music, its distorted rubbish we're forced to listen to while we wait up to an hour for service. Not to mention the numerous mistakes made by staff that we are often unaware is happening in the murky back-blocks of their software until, we figure it out and do something about it. Good on you all for making us all feel like lower class citizens that OWE you ALL something for being there.
DISGRACEFUL. Thinking of shipping out to another country.
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Shirley morris

Posted on June 4, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Don't know

Applying for the advanced loan
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kevin hendry

Posted on August 15, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Somebody in centrelink should realise that older australians need to speak to a person to help them with all this terrible technology and haveing a computer answer our phone calls only exacerbates our concerns and fears
Your are not helping us at all you just make our problems greater and more difficult to cope with. I know that nobody cares about how we feel you are all just interested in proving to your selves that you can cut down on your workload. You have failed to realise that in doing so you are no longer being efficient in your responsibility to those in need, you are just shutting the door to the assistance, us older peopleneed who have been left behind in this nightmare called technology. While the younger generation continues with delusional thoughts that they are helping, in truth they are creating the greatest of all problems facing the older generation. Please wake up to this fact, that you are the problem causing us to face one of the greatest challenges we have ever experienced. The smarter young people become the further older people slip into oblivion, who cares .
Kev Hendry
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