Search Results for (07) 4939 2939
Names found on this computer
Keppel Coast Gymnastics Club IncAddress
Morris St, YEPPOON QLD 4703History
3 older records found on this number.Last Found
August 2021Other Formats
/(07) 4939 2939
/(07) 4939 2939
Comments on (07) 4939 2939
Do you have a comment about Keppel Coast Gymnastics Club Inc or (07) 4939 2939?
Dianne Rogers
Posted on February 9, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just letting you know that Matthew & Emmalie will not be returning to gymnastics this term as they have decided to persue swimming.
They thoroughly enjoy their time over the holidays but they were quite overwelhemed last Friday with all the big kids there too.
I sent you an email earlier in the week and i only just realised that my computer is down and it didn't go, so sending this from my phone from your web page.
Thanks again for your time, regards Di Rogers