Search Results for (07) 4035 7900
Names found on this computer
Meteor Car & Truck RentalsAddress
48 Comport St, Portsmith Qld 4870, AustraliaHistory
0 older records found on this number.Last Found
October 2012Other Formats
/(07) 4035 7900
/(07) 4035 7900
Comments on (07) 4035 7900
Do you have a comment about Meteor Car & Truck Rentals or (07) 4035 7900?
Michael Addison
Posted on February 7, 2017Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Please be advised that we ceased using this trading name a couple of years ago, in favour of our new trading name 1300 Meteor Rentals. While we own both trading names we hereby instruct you to delete all reference to our old trading name.
You are most welcome to update your site using information from our website at . An official response to this message indicating your intentions would be greatly appreciated.
Be aware that as per our current website content we:
1. trade in Cairns, Townsville and Mt Isa, with physical branches at those locations;
2. we permanently closed our Paget Mackay premises in March 2015.
Michael Addison - Managing Director
Addison (NQ) Pty Ltd ABN 51 009 827 730
trading as 1300 Meteor Rentals
p: (07) 4772 9393 m: 0419 793 232 e: michael @