Search Results for (07) 3365 6988
Names found on this computer
University Of QueenslandAddress
St Lucia Qld 4067, Australia (updating)History
0 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2005Other Formats
/(07) 3365 6988
/(07) 3365 6988
Comments on (07) 3365 6988
Do you have a comment about University Of Queensland or (07) 3365 6988?
Posted on October 22, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Claimed to be Telstra, my ISP. Except I'm with a different provider.
Caller claimed I have a problem with my internet connection, varying speeds. Doesn't everyone!
The call quality was poor and from an overseas call center. Wanted to set up remote access to my computer.
Definitely a scammer.
If you give them access they will rob your bank account.!