Comments on (07) 3341 6999

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0 complaints this year, 8 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 8 total complaints

Comments on (07) 3341 6999

Sample complaints we have found for (07) 3341 6999


Yes it is Multicap - I stupidly bought a ticket in a car at a shopping centre and put my mobile number on it and they harass me constantly to buy more tickets.I ignore their calls as they call at the most inappropriate times (like dinner time or while I am at work)


Oh Its not me -I'm not from Multicap but I've bought tix through them & thought I would help shed some light as they are legit! Take Care....



Multicap is a high needs disability support organisation in Queensland. Located at 8 Mile Plains, QLD/

Asking if you would like a ticket in their raffle.



Who are you? What do you want?


Multicap is a high needs disability support organisation in Queensland. Located at 8 Mile Plains, QLD/Asking if you would like a ticket in their raffle. CheersC


Yes it is Multicap - I stupidly bought a ticket in a car at a shopping centre and put my mobile number on it and they harass me constantly to buy more tickets.
I ignore their calls as they call at the most inappropriate times (like dinner time or while I am at work)

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