Sample complaints we have found for (07) 3040 2566
This is the same number I was given when being scammed by Galaxy Entertainemnt with the second prize in the electronic raffle of HK$400,000. The thee women I dealt with, Rachel (Galaxy in Brisbane), Gladys (in HK) and Jane (HK East Asia Bank) all sound the same!! I don't know where she was ringing from, but this is the number I was given, plus a HK number. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is. I didn't fall for it, and I hope others don't either. You're right, At Home Mum.
At home Mum
Same story as the lady earlier Bub. but when I started wanting prof of promotion she starting telling me i was accussing her of not being truthful and then she said she was taking my prize off me because i was talking to much, i guess they don't like it when people stand up to them. Can you report this stuff to anyone,
This is the same number I was given when being scammed by Galaxy Entertainemnt with the second prize in the electronic raffle of HK$400,000. The thee women I dealt with, Rachel (Galaxy in Brisbane), Gladys (in HK) and Jane (HK East Asia Bank) all sound the same!! I don't know where she was ringing from, but this is the number I was given, plus a HK number. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is. I didn't fall for it, and I hope others don't either. You're right, At Home Mum.
Comments on (07) 3040 2566
Sample complaints we have found for (07) 3040 2566
If it sounds too good to be true, then it is. I didn't fall for it, and I hope others don't either. You're right, At Home Mum.
At home Mum
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