Posted on November 18, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
f*ck off d*ckhead get a life.
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me to!!!
Posted on November 18, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
After nearly falling bankrupt being hassled by debt collectors. I understand what some people can go thru. Debt collector only want their money back and they don't care how they do it. I EVEN ADMIT THEY BREAK THE LAW TO DO IT!! but If YOU were owed money I'm sure you would want it back too.
But YOUR saying I can borrow thousands of dollars from you, wait a few years and then just say ... "meh,.the economy is bad, so I'm not paying you back. To bad to you". That sounds great to me. Let me know your number so I can get some free cash off you.
I learnt the hard way how to "live in my means". I like to think I am HELPING THE ECONOMY by not falling into the debt trap. I am NOT adding to our national debt. I work full time and pay taxes so the unemployed can live ( some need it, some abuse the system).
If you refuse to live without your credit cards and continue racking up loans. do not be surprised you have people on your door wanting THEIR money back.
yes, MOST debt collectors are rotten sods.. but YOU put yourself in that position first. Have some self responsibility. Don't blame someone else for being "righteous" when they are only trying to do the best thing for themselves AND THEIR COUNTRY.
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Sorry I thought ahead with my life and you didn't.
Posted on November 17, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Yes I pay for cash, I have no loans anymore as I paid it out. Not everyone has cash a plenty and a loan in a great way to get your credit rating up.
So you are pledging your argument on 'something" a bank "might" do. hmmmmm how about facts instead
Yes, I live in my current income. I have worked for 17 years at this one company. As I know it would be hard to get a job being over 30. I put extra away in super for just the thing. I am trying to show you that complaining about your situation is no good, instead how about you be active in FIXING IT. Try planning ahead for the future and not just your next pie and coke.
I don't read the sports, and I am a female so I'm a bitch not a 'prick' if you want your insults to be correct.
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Posted on November 13, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Oh, to have life so simple as you. You say you "LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS", does that mean you only pay cash for everything and never take out loans? You have insured your one and only loan in case something goes wrong - well good for you! A lot of people find they take out insurance on their loans and then the insurance company finds a loophole not to pay or will only pay for a limited time period.
Most people live within their means - that means they live within their CURRENT INCOME - nobody knows what will happen in the future with their income. A lot of people do not earn enough to have vast savings or investments to tide them over the bad times. You really have a very uneducated and unworldly view of how the economy works - a lot of what happens is outside the control of people - many people have worked for over 30 years with one company - it goes bust, their holiday pay, superannuation, long service leave is all out the window, they still have a mortgage to pay and they can't find a job as they are considered too old (many industries consider people too old over 30).
So how about you widen your reading to include the financial and business sections of the news instead of just the sports.
Or are you one of these arseholes who enjoy harassing people until they crack or worse.
So stop being a TOTAL PRICK and think about what happens in our economy - it is easy if you work for someone else and just pick up a pay check but no job is secure and no-one can insure themselves for every eventuality.
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Definitely not deadbeats
Posted on November 13, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
You are so self righteous! I really hope karma comes along and bites you in the arse. You have no compassion, no nothing. A reason a lot of people have difficulties is not due to their own actions. I have a lot of small business clients and if Business A won't pay business B for work done, then Business B can't pay business C and it is a long chain of problems. Then it is business B and C who have to go under. All you have to do is look at the construction industry. How many developers have gone down and taken a great number of their subbies with them - all they did was do an honest day's work and got screwed. You are just a self righteous prick who probably works for the debt collectors who are not compassionate, who don't care about anything or anyone except the holy dollar.
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Posted on November 7, 2014 Caller type: Scam Location: Australia
They are a bunch of low lives constantly harassing people, with bullying and threats, when you go and get legal advice you will find that they use illegal tactics. Do not ever give any personal information without knowing fully who you are talking to and what it is in reference to if you do speak to them and they start with the threats make sure you tell them you are seeking legal advice before divulging any personal information. If you do owe a debt seek advice from a credit help company.
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You ARE a deadbeat.
Posted on November 6, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
While I agree a lot of complaints are from people that DO NOT OWE MONEY. It is debt collectors trying to find THE DEADBEATS THAT DON'T PAY THEIR DEBT. So other people get harassed due to DEATBEATS NOT PAYING THEIR DEBT.
You say what would happen if I lost my job and couldn't pay?!?!?!!? GLAD YOU ASKED! First, I got insurance on my loan. So that is covered if "something happens". Second. If you call your finance company, I am positive they will work something out so they at least get a little back of what YOU OWE!!! Third I DO NOT LIVE OUTSIDE MY MEANS.
You know why??? Because I am not a deatbeat.
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Posted on November 5, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Got a call from them today, they knew my address and were asking for a 'neighbour', I had never heard of. Then wanting to know if my property was bordering onto a specific road where this person was supposed to live. Agree with previous comments, can't be debt collectors as we never had any debt in our lives.
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Sick of the calls
Posted on October 20, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
This number keeps ringing me asking if I know my neighbor which I don't and they ask if I can go and put a note in the letterbox to call them. They are getting paid to find people why are they asking people to do part of their job for them
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Posted on October 15, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: United Kingdom
Social Engineering is the main weapon of scammers/phishers so I never give out personal information to an unverified source in an email or over the phone from a cold contact. Easy to phone someone claiming to be from ScamsRUs pty ltd and ask say what is your date of birth and account number please ... thank you sir/madam that is correct.
As for debt collectors, if you owe the money, please get in touch with them as soon as possible. It is best to be proactive as this goes in your favour if it goes to court as you have demonstrated that you tried to make contact and resolve the situation.
If you don't owe the debt then check your credit file ASAP as someone could be falsely using your identity to fraudulently gain access to funds and loans. The Debt Collectors have to prove that you are the debtor. Be aware that once you are on their system they are not going to delete you, as you are their only lead to go on with that name. They are not a charity and are in business to get back money any way they can by legal means, by stretching the law, and by down right illegal tactics.
Watch out for a scam whereby old redeemed loans get a few details altered, relevant pages rescanned and are suddenly resurrected 7 or 8 years later as Defaulted loans and sold on to a careless debt collection company. We experienced this with an old loan for a car and 7 years after it was satisfied we applied for another car loan and had a debt collector contact us for supposedly taking out a loan for $33,000 whereas the original loan was for $18,000 and for a different vehicle but with the same rego to the one in the scam. We'd destroyed the documents proving the loan was paid in full, after 5 or 6 years and never expected to need it again, and this is one of the things this scam relies on. How many people keep old mortgage or loan documents? Maybe for 3 to 5 years then most people destroy them like we did. It took several phone calls plus a copy of a letter from DPI in WA proving that the vehicle description for the car we bought was not the vehicle in the poor photocopy of a photocopy document the debt collectors sent us. Also several key details had been amended that also proved it would have been impossible for someone on a business visa at the time to have taken out a loan over 5 years when there was only a little over 3 years remaining on the visa.
A chain of selling on defaulted loans can develop in a few months when the bank first outsources the collection of a loan in arrears or default to debt management companies. If they have no success, the loan comes back in house, and the bank will try using different debt companies on rotation before finally selling the debt on. The debt collector purchasing the book of defaulted loans is taking a huge risk as there is no guarantee of recouping any of the money. It costs money to go to court which is why they offer deals and accept a lower settlement balance.
The ironic thing is that just as defaulters sometimes change their names to try and escape liability for their debts, so do debt collecting agencies when they face serious sanctions for misconduct/breaching regulations or bad publicity from the media, as they then become a different legal entity to the one that committed the original offences.
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Knows the Actual Rights
Posted on October 13, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
lol you're silly. if you read the terms and conditions of the contract with the major lender before you go ahead and run away with all the money and stop paying, you would know that when a debt is onsold, so too is the legal ownership of the contract originally signed. Just because you didn't sign something with a Lion Finance header, doesn't mean they don't legally own every right to collect funds your are obligated to pay back regardless of it being with the lender or them. They are not trying to deceive you. You got the funds, you spent the funds yet when its time to pay it back, it's time to try and make up 'rights' to make yourself believe you're right. They can pursue litigation you, bankrupt you, garnishee wages (which means your workplace knows your incapable of paying debts) - they can reposess security used on the loan AND garnishee your wages. The only thing you're right about is the credit file thing and even then, you still know nothing.
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Posted on October 13, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
In the last couple of days I have been getting calls on this number. 1st caller didn't want to identify where she was due 'privacy act' but yet asked if I am "Sally D*****" and was very abrupt and rude. 2nd caller was a lady introduced herself from "*** Housing" and after "Sally D***" and requested to give her my DOB, address etc. I think these people are bunch of low lives trying to obtain personal info to gain something. Be warn and definitely report this to the cops!
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Posted on October 9, 2014 Caller type: Telemarketer Location: Australia
You don't get 100% spam score for being a nice person. Something is definitely wrong with them. And then they try to portray themselves as "nice"
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Know your rights
Posted on October 7, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Lion Finance, again, trying desperately to convince me to accept a debt that belongs to someone else with the same name.
Debt collectors purchase defaulted unsecured loans, that is true. However, you are under NO OBLIGATION to pay the debt collectors anything whatsoever. Your contract is not with the debt collector. The reason (cowardly) Lion Finance, indeed any debt collector, continually harass you is they are trying to DECEIVE YOU into admitting you owe them money, which you DO NOT. You DO NOT have to (and should never) confirm your identity to them, they are not law enforcement. The ONLY thing a debt collector can threaten you with is your credit rating, which if your debt has been on-sold to them your credit rating is already bad.
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Sick of uneducated fools
Posted on September 30, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
you all go on about 'what if something has happens that is out of your control which puts in you in this position' - how about call Lion Finance and figure something out!! They are human too even though you may not think so. They do have hearts they will show compassion to those in need. As for the dropkicks avoiding the debt than you deserve to hassled! pay back what you owe and be done with it!
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Amanda Haimes
Posted on September 26, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
"here, Here, amen sister!!!"
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Not a deadbeat
Posted on September 26, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
To all those saying that if a person doesn't pay their loan, they are a deadbeat. How absolutely judgemental are you. Could you pay your debts, if you (and your spouse) lost your jobs and couldn't get another one. Everyone gets debts based on their income and then things can happen. How would you feel, it you were diagnosed with an illness such as cancer and were undergoing treatment and had these arseholes ringing you all the time - they are not sympathetic people. Also, what if your spouse died and were the main earner and suddenly you get loads of calls to pay debts you can't manage and all they want to do is take your possessions.
Also, a lot of the complaints are from people who do not owe money and are being harassed. Lion Finance WILL NOT take you off their database even if you prove you aren't who they want. I am still getting calls months after I proved I wasn't who they wanted. They found me on the web under my worksite, thought "oh well, she has the right name", phoned me, I explained that I had only recently changed my name to the surname they were after (as I had recently been married), my dob did not match, and neither did my middle name". But hells, bells, they keep ringing me.
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Sarina McQuire
Posted on September 25, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
Wow! These parasites call continually looking for the person who lived in my house before me. I have never even met the guy!! They are pushy and horrible, not to mention rude. After reading these comments, think I may report them to the ombudsman. It appears they buy the right to chase you for bad debts ... too bad if it isn't even yours!
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Posted on September 20, 2014 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Just an amendment Andy - it's not a criminal charge even if you get a Summary Judgement from a Magistrate in your favour for the debt and they still don't pay. Qld Justice is a toothless tiger. Have a deadbeat who owes me $3K (I have a SJ in my favour, against him). Never paid it, no consequences for him.
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Pissed off
Posted on September 19, 2014 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
These people are debt collectors from lion finance they will harass you till your last breath for Mininal amounts.. Will try to set you up on a payment plan but no actual contracts sign. They will even ask for things like yor centrelink payments if your on them, your tax file number or te funds from your latest tax return or I even got asked to draw on my superannuation an asked for y super details.! They can get stuffed I'm not giving them the details I paid a $200.00 payment but no more they are shonky as and even if you pay them installments they still harass you every week and want more and more.. I signed no agreement with them so they can get stuffed when I get my tax back I will pay them out the rest so they go away.
Comments on (07) 3017 3999
Posted on November 18, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
me to!!!
Posted on November 18, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
But YOUR saying I can borrow thousands of dollars from you, wait a few years and then just say ... "meh,.the economy is bad, so I'm not paying you back. To bad to you". That sounds great to me. Let me know your number so I can get some free cash off you.
I learnt the hard way how to "live in my means". I like to think I am HELPING THE ECONOMY by not falling into the debt trap. I am NOT adding to our national debt. I work full time and pay taxes so the unemployed can live ( some need it, some abuse the system).
If you refuse to live without your credit cards and continue racking up loans. do not be surprised you have people on your door wanting THEIR money back.
yes, MOST debt collectors are rotten sods.. but YOU put yourself in that position first. Have some self responsibility. Don't blame someone else for being "righteous" when they are only trying to do the best thing for themselves AND THEIR COUNTRY.
Sorry I thought ahead with my life and you didn't.
Posted on November 17, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So you are pledging your argument on 'something" a bank "might" do. hmmmmm how about facts instead
Yes, I live in my current income. I have worked for 17 years at this one company. As I know it would be hard to get a job being over 30. I put extra away in super for just the thing. I am trying to show you that complaining about your situation is no good, instead how about you be active in FIXING IT. Try planning ahead for the future and not just your next pie and coke.
I don't read the sports, and I am a female so I'm a bitch not a 'prick' if you want your insults to be correct.
Posted on November 13, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Most people live within their means - that means they live within their CURRENT INCOME - nobody knows what will happen in the future with their income. A lot of people do not earn enough to have vast savings or investments to tide them over the bad times. You really have a very uneducated and unworldly view of how the economy works - a lot of what happens is outside the control of people - many people have worked for over 30 years with one company - it goes bust, their holiday pay, superannuation, long service leave is all out the window, they still have a mortgage to pay and they can't find a job as they are considered too old (many industries consider people too old over 30).
So how about you widen your reading to include the financial and business sections of the news instead of just the sports.
Or are you one of these arseholes who enjoy harassing people until they crack or worse.
So stop being a TOTAL PRICK and think about what happens in our economy - it is easy if you work for someone else and just pick up a pay check but no job is secure and no-one can insure themselves for every eventuality.
Definitely not deadbeats
Posted on November 13, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on November 7, 2014Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
You ARE a deadbeat.
Posted on November 6, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You say what would happen if I lost my job and couldn't pay?!?!?!!? GLAD YOU ASKED!
First, I got insurance on my loan. So that is covered if "something happens".
Second. If you call your finance company, I am positive they will work something out so they at least get a little back of what YOU OWE!!!
You know why??? Because I am not a deatbeat.
Posted on November 5, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Sick of the calls
Posted on October 20, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on October 15, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: United Kingdom
As for debt collectors, if you owe the money, please get in touch with them as soon as possible. It is best to be proactive as this goes in your favour if it goes to court as you have demonstrated that you tried to make contact and resolve the situation.
If you don't owe the debt then check your credit file ASAP as someone could be falsely using your identity to fraudulently gain access to funds and loans. The Debt Collectors have to prove that you are the debtor. Be aware that once you are on their system they are not going to delete you, as you are their only lead to go on with that name. They are not a charity and are in business to get back money any way they can by legal means, by stretching the law, and by down right illegal tactics.
Watch out for a scam whereby old redeemed loans get a few details altered, relevant pages rescanned and are suddenly resurrected 7 or 8 years later as Defaulted loans and sold on to a careless debt collection company. We experienced this with an old loan for a car and 7 years after it was satisfied we applied for another car loan and had a debt collector contact us for supposedly taking out a loan for $33,000 whereas the original loan was for $18,000 and for a different vehicle but with the same rego to the one in the scam. We'd destroyed the documents proving the loan was paid in full, after 5 or 6 years and never expected to need it again, and this is one of the things this scam relies on. How many people keep old mortgage or loan documents? Maybe for 3 to 5 years then most people destroy them like we did. It took several phone calls plus a copy of a letter from DPI in WA proving that the vehicle description for the car we bought was not the vehicle in the poor photocopy of a photocopy document the debt collectors sent us. Also several key details had been amended that also proved it would have been impossible for someone on a business visa at the time to have taken out a loan over 5 years when there was only a little over 3 years remaining on the visa.
A chain of selling on defaulted loans can develop in a few months when the bank first outsources the collection of a loan in arrears or default to debt management companies. If they have no success, the loan comes back in house, and the bank will try using different debt companies on rotation before finally selling the debt on. The debt collector purchasing the book of defaulted loans is taking a huge risk as there is no guarantee of recouping any of the money. It costs money to go to court which is why they offer deals and accept a lower settlement balance.
The ironic thing is that just as defaulters sometimes change their names to try and escape liability for their debts, so do debt collecting agencies when they face serious sanctions for misconduct/breaching regulations or bad publicity from the media, as they then become a different legal entity to the one that committed the original offences.
Knows the Actual Rights
Posted on October 13, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on October 13, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on October 9, 2014Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
Know your rights
Posted on October 7, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Debt collectors purchase defaulted unsecured loans, that is true. However, you are under NO OBLIGATION to pay the debt collectors anything whatsoever. Your contract is not with the debt collector. The reason (cowardly) Lion Finance, indeed any debt collector, continually harass you is they are trying to DECEIVE YOU into admitting you owe them money, which you DO NOT. You DO NOT have to (and should never) confirm your identity to them, they are not law enforcement. The ONLY thing a debt collector can threaten you with is your credit rating, which if your debt has been on-sold to them your credit rating is already bad.
Sick of uneducated fools
Posted on September 30, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Amanda Haimes
Posted on September 26, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Not a deadbeat
Posted on September 26, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Also, a lot of the complaints are from people who do not owe money and are being harassed. Lion Finance WILL NOT take you off their database even if you prove you aren't who they want. I am still getting calls months after I proved I wasn't who they wanted. They found me on the web under my worksite, thought "oh well, she has the right name", phoned me, I explained that I had only recently changed my name to the surname they were after (as I had recently been married), my dob did not match, and neither did my middle name". But hells, bells, they keep ringing me.
Sarina McQuire
Posted on September 25, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on September 20, 2014Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Pissed off
Posted on September 19, 2014Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
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