Comments on 0466 914 340

Comments on 0466 914 340


Posted on March 22, 2015
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Tatiana, I'm a bit drunk at this lunch so I finally have the courage to tell you the fantasy! It's that I would be your pet pony! You would ride me around, groom me, feed me sugar cubes from your hand, and in public I'd be naked and when anyone would refer to me as "Tanya's pony" I would blush all over with pride and arousal! As your pet pony I would never be allowed sex with my owner, so I would become more and more crazy and desirous of you! Sometimes you would chain me to your bedpost on rainy nights and I watch you longingly all night. I hope it's not too crazy for you, that's why I was too embarrassed to tell you to your face. ☺️
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Posted on February 14, 2014
Caller type: Prank Call
Location: Australia
Prank SMS sent to me from James to Tania.
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