Comments on 0466 797 748

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0 complaints this year, 15 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 15 total complaints

Comments on 0466 797 748

Dr Luether Wills

Posted on January 13, 2017
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: United States
If this not a credit matter, then they may have accessed your credit report, illegally.

Fines in the six figures apply.

If the number is hidden, you can have the number traced. This way, you will be able to provide they called you. Then file evidential complaint.
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Advocate Who?

Posted on March 4, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Who the hell are you talking to Advocate - sounds like you just want to shout out your self righteous bullsh*t like every other debt collector. Sick of getting the abuse? Get another job.
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Posted on March 3, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
you are a d*ck they do have a right to call scum bags like you who don't pay your debts - check it out and get the facts right
if the number is the customers & you owe the money go make a complaint and dig yourself a bigger hole to lie in
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Sick of Goody Two-Shoes

Posted on March 2, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Hey "Mr Goody Two-Shoes", go to hell. Who are you to call someone "low life scum" when you don't even know the situation. Also, there is no 50% tax rate. The highest tax rate is 45% with a 2% medicare levy. So if you are on the top tax bracket, you are earning over $180,000 per annum. Hope you fall on your self righteous ass.

And before you call me a loser or scum, I don't owe this mob any money (or anyone else). The reason you pay tax is to provide roads, hospitals, police, defence forces etc. It is not due to anyone owing a private bank or other entity money and not paying it. Get your economic facts straight d*ckhead.
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Mr Goody Two-Shoes

Posted on March 2, 2015
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Or just pay your debts you low life scum. This is why I get taxed 50%, or would if I didn't have a good accountant.
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Posted on December 17, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I too have calls from this number is the number (02) 8256 6799 related?
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Posted on December 8, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
9.02pm I received a call from this number. I answered, but no one spoke for a minute or so. I tried to call back but it rang out for 2 minutes.
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Posted on December 5, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
harrassing debt collectors
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Posted on December 5, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
chasing me for a debt that isn`t even mine....when they call and they ask me to verify who i am i ask them to prove who they are first.i ask them how do i know who you really are...and they say well why else would we be calling you and i say well why would i be answering Sandra`s phone everytime you ring if i am not her....and they usually hang up on me.
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Posted on December 5, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I believe panthera finance works out of brisbane.. they used to be known as state mercantaile and had a bad reputation then they will use land lines mobiles and sometimes even face book to track. be aware they actually buy the debt and as such that is why they can offer the discounts as they have been a such paid up front.
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Posted on December 4, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
they need to be sorted, they been painand when spoken have no base for teh discussion. Even after explaing them that i am the wrong person, they still keep calling me.
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Posted on December 3, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
1300 722 974 - 8:57pm - Tayla - Panthera - 0466 797 748
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Jim Brisbane

Posted on December 2, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
These people are scum and dont follow proper debt collection legislation.Pantera Finance the guys really need to be sorted>be on of the many that and lodge a complaint ASIC
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Posted on September 30, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
If they are calling you and it is not the correct person (they cannot verify you are the person they are after) or you refuse to answer their questions, then they should cease calling you. The fact they have identified they are Debt Collectors is a breach of the privacy of whoever they are trying to contact. I urge you, if you are dealing with people like this make complaints to the Office of Fair Trading, ASIC and the Privacy Commissioner. They are not allowed to disclose information unless they are SURE that you are the person they wish to speak with. Even if you are the person they want to speak to, if you tell them to cease calling you they MUST do so or they are liable for a harassment complaint to any of the three authorities I mentioned before.
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Posted on September 24, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
I'm 16 and they keep calling me threading me. They say they are debt collectors but don't give any info until I give them my details. I maybe young but I'm not stupid, I'm not giving out my details to someone that can't properly identify them-self.

Also; why are they calling from a mobile number? Debt collectors normally have land lines? That just raises red flags for me.

I urge people not to answer the phone to this number. I'm only 16, I have had this number for over 4 years, they know all my details, yet I'm not even old enough to get a loan, or finance anything.
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Posted on September 23, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
panther finance Such rude bunch of mongrel dogs fancy calling at all hours of the night and morning business start 9.00 - 9.30 and 5.00 5.30 and they ring before or after rude c*nts
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Posted on September 23, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
low life scum Debt collectors Panthera Finance
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Posted on August 12, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}

\f0\fs30 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 0466 797 748\
This number has called me I return the call and no answer and I had a call at 7:30 and 8:30 from private numbers and hangs up once I answer s
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Posted on July 31, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
, do not answer them, do not give them personal details that they request over phone or via email. They are an unethical debt collection company. Ignore them.
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Posted on July 14, 2014
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Yes they Are bunch of idiots trying to collect some money
Dont worry to reply them....
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