Posted on May 7, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Rian's a c*nt. We get it.
Time to leave it all? I think so.
Just feel sorry for Kim letting the fat man slobber over the top of her and spawn a kid. Poor thing.
On a side note, Rian's company isn't going as well as he makes out. For anyone with any knowledge in the ambulance industry; he's a joke. Just let him be. Old prick.
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Posted on May 6, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
So you gooses are still at it, well here we go kiddies you are all saying I am sticking sh*t on here under other names well lights on I have not done any such sh*t unlike a few of you who seem to have used several fake names to create a bit of a world for you to play in.
So Dave Simmons if you are so out there and watching me so closely leave ya calling card in my mail box, because you are that full of sh*t it is a wonder you can move, The punter calling themselves Bindi you I have a fair idea of your true identity and when I confirm it not only will I pay you a visit so will the real Bindi seems he is not amused with you at all, Wendy Romer and your darling mother Meg, the only good thing to come out of all this crap is ya dad is now seriously thinking of selling and moving to NSW to a smaller place and his family around him so as never to be put at risk of being bashed by your boyfriend again... so you can kiss the farm goodby, Cal Evans mate your a f*cking real goose stand over merchant, control freak and never ever attended ACU unlike Ez the mother of your child so stop trying to be the hero in here. EX Wife Fiona you say your not into a slanging match well tell the truth for once, you are addicted to prescription medication, you are well known to DOC's and children first as it was the welfare officer from Ballarat High who sic'd them onto you NOT me after Tom had so many unexplained days off school while in your care. and as for me abusing him mentaly and verbaly and hitting him you had your chance to have those claims heard in the Ballarat court and the magistrate tossed it out with the comment that you were not a credible witness and the police officer concerned said she believed you had put Tom upto making the complaint in retaliation for Family First rounding you up funny it took 3 weeks for him to complain and on the same day you got your visit. The rest of you do not warrant a response So again if you want to have a go at me ..easy you have my number so ring me and lets get on with it..f*ckin chicken sh*t c*nts would rather hide behind a computer screen.
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Cruzin By
Posted on May 4, 2013 Caller type: Event Reminder Location: Australia
Hahahahahahahaha so WTF and Still Going have you actualy read what you have put on here and not in anyway taking sides but if you want to make your statements have some cred how about you reveal your tru identities, because again this whole thing smells of this ANZMI crew , who if you reserch them in depth have no cred with anyone anymore seems like you lot they are fast burning the bridges that once supported them. So how do you know this information for a fact seems you all make statements of FACT when unwrapped turn out to be bullsh*t stories so in fact you are all as bad as the person you seem to be attacking. again thank you google for my nightly entertainment.
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Posted on May 4, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hey Bruce Duncan (aka Rian Holden). How could you have seen Fiona on Anzac Day in Ballarat and Bob Robinson on Anzac Day as well? Here is a newspaper article saying he was in Kingaroy on that day (doing what he does best - a blowjob).
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Posted on April 30, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I'd like to know how Mic and Rian avoided being charged for "using a device to threaten" amongst the group who supposedly were charged. That makes no sense at all I mean are you serious??? Please explain that to me and how it works. Looks like the lies are becoming so brazen and barefaced that the person responsible for fabricatig them isn't even bothering to try and sound logical and believable anymore.
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Still going
Posted on April 29, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
The longer Rian keeps posting under other people's names the funnier it gets. He's posted under mine, which was quite amusing.
I think we can all quite safely say that none of us are going to be contacted by any form of police. Unless Rian makes anymore false complaints.
I wish no harm to any of them, I feel genuine pity for Kim and her child. They are in for a rough ride when his past catches up with him. Although I know for a fact she knows he's a fake, which is shameful.
I've been threatened by Rian before, he seemed more annoyed by the fact that he doesn't scare me. And I'm sure he doesn't scare anyone else, it's all rubbish.
So come on Rian, who are you going to pretend to be next? Give me a good laugh again fat man.
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Cal Evans
Posted on April 28, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Lol "Cruzin Bi", I think that you have watched way to many American pies, ranting on about year books......did you ask them what fraternity I am with as well, wanker lol......I invited you to contact me through Facebook, I gave you the means to do it, just a shame that your intestinal fortitude got in the way.....that means guts to the simple people out there. How about you man up and reveal yourself or just be like the rest of the nameless cowards on here that want to hide behind alias' lol
0 found this comment helpful
Bruce Duncan
Posted on April 27, 2013 Caller type: Political Call Location: Australia
Well everyone is still at it. Spoke to the REAL Bindi on ANZAC day told him some fool is still using his name on here, seems he is back from WA and now living in the Gold Coast hinterland and as he said it is more than likely one of them ANZMI f*cktards who just shoot their mouths off for the sake of it. He then pointed me to their web site seems they have not much longer to be about as the rats are leaving the sinking ship real fast after they posted the boss of the Qld RSL, and several very prominant RSL members as well as a Person from the Peace Keepers/Peace makers organisation( not a crew to f*ck with full of Fed and state cops) on their page for unautherised TIN medals on their racks, seems any support these fools had with the RSL is dead gone and buried so is the credibility of their site. Fiona a looney thats rich saw her ANZAC day, bright purple hair, more chins than a chinese phone book and sitting in a deck chair looking like Jubba The Hutt at the Ballarat march. if she wants to talk to Kim she has Kims number and knows where she lives. So the only ones who have threatened people are Rian and Mick yeah well if I find out who the c*nt was that threatened Kim and the baby Rian and Mick will be the least of your worries, so you say you have Rian threatning to put you and your family in a barrel on tape why then have you not taken it to the cops,, why because your full of sh*t, and he never said he had been threatened I have not seen a post from him to that effect but hello Wendy Romer just use your own name, I know the threat to Kim and the baby are real and I know what action has been taken to nulify it so Wendy just pull your head in ok. This link that was posted about TIN MEDALS goes no place and the only ones still grasping at straws over Tin Medals are the old people who run ANZMI, sh*t Ballarat was full of TIN MEDALS on ANZAC day and 98% worn by RSL and Nasho marchers with the odd Peace Keeper in there too, Kims mum just left Ballarat after 3 wks visiting and is back on the Gold Coast I asked her about the house offer, Strange Jan knows nothing about one considering her and Kims dad had been divorced for 10 yrs when the old bloke died.( this same comment was made before on another site by one John King also known as Chinese John or CJ from the Vietnam Veterans Bike club) now 2+2 are starting to add up in my old brain. So whoever "CRUZIN BY" is you don't know a fraction of it buddy. Hey Calvan Evans does Erins father still want to dig a hole with his excavator and drop you and your control freak ways in it, I was in Rian's kitchen the night he was talking to him on the phone a couple of years ago so was the loverly ERIN, and if I am not mistaken it was the loverly ERIN who attended ACU not you. enough said there hey. Also spoke to Morton on ANZAC day he sends his love to ERIN and I told him you had a few words to say on here. as he said WATCH THIS SPACE. Anyway enough said seems you all are still happy with your antics and yes this is the REAL Bruce Duncan or DOC signing out till next time.
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Posted on April 26, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
And everyone thought that Fiona was the looney. Only lunatic thing she did was partner up with fat boy, Rian Holden. No doubt, if she could, she'd have a word in Kim's shell like ear and prepare her for what's to come - betrayal and abandonment - along with what's left of daddy's inheritance. Did mummy ever get that house she was promised? I doubt it. Rian saw to that.
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Posted on April 26, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
And the lies continue. Rian and Mick are the only people who have threatened anyone so if anyone were to be charged it's going to be them. This person/s who reckons others have been charged is just full of rubbish and trying to validate Rian's criminal behaviour. There is no logic in your statement mate. Go feed your bull to some other dumb folks, anyone who's been wronged knows better than to believe your senseless dribble. I am one of the people who's been threatened by Rian. He seems to have a thing for wanting to put people into barrels in the ocean. I actually have the threat recorded where he said he would put me and my family in a barrel, it's in a voice message he left on my mobile, it's saved on my voicemail. The idiot is so dumb he left a recording of himself and his intent! Trust me, no one else has been convicted charged or even contacted. The hypocrisy of him saying that he's been threatened after what he threatens others with is beyond me.
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Cruzin By
Posted on April 25, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Mr Evans, it is just a matter of going through the student year books for each facalty it is not rocket science and the student union was very helpfull to say the least. And the concensus was no one called Calvin Evans is or has been a student of said university. No need to get you jocks in a knot over it. Just a simple statement and observation. If what this person calling themselves Tru Investigator is saying about the acid threat to Holdens partner and child then there are some truely sick ang gutless people on here with those sorts of threats and I hope they are caught and dealt with in the harshest way, that is just beyond belief. Be interesting to find out which faceless person on here it is. I do notice several of you have gone very quiet of recent times though
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Posted on April 25, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
you cant trace a Person to a ISP when they use free Wifi while sitting in a McDonalds car park
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Oh dear
Posted on April 25, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Guess the topic of this page cold be doing some jail time soon based on this:
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Tru Investigator
Posted on April 21, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well I see the children are still at it with a few new players. I have been told that the police computer crimes unit from Melbourne Victoria have already spoken to at least 3 of the faceless folk on here who have placed comments, and of them 2 have been charged on summons for breaching the tele communications act, and using a device to deliver threats and intimidation, and that neither of the Holdens are in that group. This makes for interesting days ahead. I am also told that the person calling himself "Bindi" is in fact a former member of the Vietnam Veterans bike club who was kicked out after he was caught giving another male a blow job in the public toilets at Caboolture in Queensland that is yet to be confirmed. I also hear one of you not so brave folks threatend Holdens partner Kim and their 26mth old child that you would throw acid in their faces if you saw them on the streets of Ballarat, That is a direct threat on the safety of a person, and it seems you do not have the heart to go after the person you are banging on about so you choose a soft target, If I was Holden and he caught up with you my thinking is that you could be found along way from home floating in a barrel because if someone gutless enough threaten my family and I caught them that is what I would do.
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Cal Evans
Posted on April 21, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
LOL "Cruzin bi", i highly doubt that if "Johnny Comelately" called up ACU and if a certain person went there, that the wouldnt tell you if i was a student there, as that would be a clear breach of "privacy and confidentiality" lol....if you have any doubts about me ask any of the ACU students that Rian might have working for him. As i said if you wanted to discuss anything with me, i included my facebook info, but you chose not to do this.....others have and can see im the real deal ;-)
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black, white or green who cares?
Posted on April 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Couldn't agree more, It's not a good look to be a racist, especially when you're a paramedic. How can someone who has open hatred and disrespect for particular racial groups be providing legitimate and proper medical care to people? I am wondering how this individual is allowed to practice.
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Cruzin By
Posted on April 18, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Things are going from childish to down right way out there, the new voice here Cal or Cal Evans I must say ACU has no record of you being a student there but then again who tells the truth here, seems Bindi knows it all read the terms of use on this site they will hand over IP addresses to the police upon request no mention of court orders and with the world of cyber crime of any sort the police of any state can act they have counterparts in all other states. I am not sticking up for this person just playing the devils advocate and it seems to have interesting results. The motorbike club Bindi keeps mentioning you say they are trying to contact this bloke yet you if indeed it was or is you posted his full address and contact details on here or have you forgotten that in your deluded world, so I personally fail to see how hard it would be for such a bad and tough outfit to make ccontact. If you are the Bob "Bindi" Robinson who used to reside on the sunshine coast and who I am reliably informed appear in a photo on the site called ANZMI with this Holden fellow while not named directly you are highlighted so I am sure that this motorcycle club would not be holding any worthwhile conversations with you. Anyway keep it rolling I notice the ex-wife must of felt the heat in the kitchen and has stopped commenting, and I have heard she still is on several dating sites still looking for true love, hope she finds it. The comment about Mr Duncan not knowing Mr Romer that is interesting seems there is a picture on a facebook page showing both parties and both of the Holdens on a property that looks like a hobby farm. Interesting . So from the Devils Advocate keep on keeping on children and again thanks google for promoting this site better than days of our lives.
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Posted on April 15, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
And James Burke is either a liar or Rian (same thing I suppose). No way are the cops interested in this thread. If they're checking IP addresses then the will keep going right back to Rian's computer. And Vic cops are only interested in Vic crimes, so anyone from interstate posting here will be ignored by them. And the provider of this thread will not give out IP adddresses without a court order. Then the ISP will not give out personal details without a court order. For either of them to that, a real crime (murder, rape etc) has to have been committed, not just a slagging match between Rian (under several aliases) a few of his detractors. So post away folks.
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Care to be honest?
Posted on April 15, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Bruce Duncan does not know Denis Romer, how could he speak to him? That's a good one that is. What was already proven (which "bruce duncan" chooses to ignore) with actual facts and not just an unfounded remark of "oh well i spoke to denis and he didnt post that" is that Denis did not make the first original post and there was supporting evidence to back that up. So many lies.... As for VVMC member. NAME YOURSELF then! Because someone definitely has been in touch with the club, and they were told that no member of theirs has made comments on here (why would they) and further to that they are in fact trying to contact Rian and are not happy with him impersonating one of them. Keep on denying all these facts but it doesn't invalidate them as you seem to think.
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Bruce Duncan
Posted on April 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well " Bindi" you proclaim to know it all, in fact Rian had nothing to do with the meteorite you are quoting above and for your information the thing is real and still on my book case. You are obviously just a sh*t stirrer without the guts to actually front Rian so how about it as you know so much about me give me a ring and I will set up a face to face meeting with you and him. but be advised he has not posted anything on here in my name all things said on here by me are from me. so go back under the rock from which you crawled or grow some balls and let me organise a face to face with Rian, maybe all your little friends on here might want to come and hold your hand at this great event. Or you could simply just f*ck off.
Comments on 0457 729 506
Posted on May 7, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Time to leave it all? I think so.
Just feel sorry for Kim letting the fat man slobber over the top of her and spawn a kid. Poor thing.
On a side note, Rian's company isn't going as well as he makes out. For anyone with any knowledge in the ambulance industry; he's a joke. Just let him be. Old prick.
Posted on May 6, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So Dave Simmons if you are so out there and watching me so closely leave ya calling card in my mail box, because you are that full of sh*t it is a wonder you can move, The punter calling themselves Bindi you I have a fair idea of your true identity and when I confirm it not only will I pay you a visit so will the real Bindi seems he is not amused with you at all, Wendy Romer and your darling mother Meg, the only good thing to come out of all this crap is ya dad is now seriously thinking of selling and moving to NSW to a smaller place and his family around him so as never to be put at risk of being bashed by your boyfriend again... so you can kiss the farm goodby,
Cal Evans mate your a f*cking real goose stand over merchant, control freak and never ever attended ACU unlike Ez the mother of your child so stop trying to be the hero in here.
EX Wife Fiona you say your not into a slanging match well tell the truth for once, you are addicted to prescription medication, you are well known to DOC's and children first as it was the welfare officer from Ballarat High who sic'd them onto you NOT me after Tom had so many unexplained days off school while in your care. and as for me abusing him mentaly and verbaly and hitting him you had your chance to have those claims heard in the Ballarat court and the magistrate tossed it out with the comment that you were not a credible witness and the police officer concerned said she believed you had put Tom upto making the complaint in retaliation for Family First rounding you up funny it took 3 weeks for him to complain and on the same day you got your visit.
The rest of you do not warrant a response
So again if you want to have a go at me ..easy you have my number so ring me and lets get on with it..f*ckin chicken sh*t c*nts would rather hide behind a computer screen.
Cruzin By
Posted on May 4, 2013Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
So how do you know this information for a fact seems you all make statements of FACT when unwrapped turn out to be bullsh*t stories so in fact you are all as bad as the person you seem to be attacking.
again thank you google for my nightly entertainment.
Posted on May 4, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on April 30, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Still going
Posted on April 29, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I think we can all quite safely say that none of us are going to be contacted by any form of police. Unless Rian makes anymore false complaints.
I wish no harm to any of them, I feel genuine pity for Kim and her child. They are in for a rough ride when his past catches up with him. Although I know for a fact she knows he's a fake, which is shameful.
I've been threatened by Rian before, he seemed more annoyed by the fact that he doesn't scare me. And I'm sure he doesn't scare anyone else, it's all rubbish.
So come on Rian, who are you going to pretend to be next? Give me a good laugh again fat man.
Cal Evans
Posted on April 28, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bruce Duncan
Posted on April 27, 2013Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
Spoke to the REAL Bindi on ANZAC day told him some fool is still using his name on here, seems he is back from WA and now living in the Gold Coast hinterland and as he said it is more than likely one of them ANZMI f*cktards who just shoot their mouths off for the sake of it. He then pointed me to their web site seems they have not much longer to be about as the rats are leaving the sinking ship real fast after they posted the boss of the Qld RSL, and several very prominant RSL members as well as a Person from the Peace Keepers/Peace makers organisation( not a crew to f*ck with full of Fed and state cops) on their page for unautherised TIN medals on their racks, seems any support these fools had with the RSL is dead gone and buried so is the credibility of their site.
Fiona a looney thats rich saw her ANZAC day, bright purple hair, more chins than a chinese phone book and sitting in a deck chair looking like Jubba The Hutt at the Ballarat march. if she wants to talk to Kim she has Kims number and knows where she lives.
So the only ones who have threatened people are Rian and Mick yeah well if I find out who the c*nt was that threatened Kim and the baby Rian and Mick will be the least of your worries, so you say you have Rian threatning to put you and your family in a barrel on tape why then have you not taken it to the cops,, why because your full of sh*t, and he never said he had been threatened I have not seen a post from him to that effect but hello Wendy Romer just use your own name, I know the threat to Kim and the baby are real and I know what action has been taken to nulify it so Wendy just pull your head in ok.
This link that was posted about TIN MEDALS goes no place and the only ones still grasping at straws over Tin Medals are the old people who run ANZMI, sh*t Ballarat was full of TIN MEDALS on ANZAC day and 98% worn by RSL and Nasho marchers with the odd Peace Keeper in there too,
Kims mum just left Ballarat after 3 wks visiting and is back on the Gold Coast I asked her about the house offer, Strange Jan knows nothing about one considering her and Kims dad had been divorced for 10 yrs when the old bloke died.( this same comment was made before on another site by one John King also known as Chinese John or CJ from the Vietnam Veterans Bike club) now 2+2 are starting to add up in my old brain.
So whoever "CRUZIN BY" is you don't know a fraction of it buddy.
Hey Calvan Evans does Erins father still want to dig a hole with his excavator and drop you and your control freak ways in it, I was in Rian's kitchen the night he was talking to him on the phone a couple of years ago so was the loverly ERIN, and if I am not mistaken it was the loverly ERIN who attended ACU not you. enough said there hey. Also spoke to Morton on ANZAC day he sends his love to ERIN and I told him you had a few words to say on here. as he said WATCH THIS SPACE.
Anyway enough said seems you all are still happy with your antics and yes this is the REAL Bruce Duncan or DOC signing out till next time.
Posted on April 26, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on April 26, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This person/s who reckons others have been charged is just full of rubbish and trying to validate Rian's criminal behaviour. There is no logic in your statement mate. Go feed your bull to some other dumb folks, anyone who's been wronged knows better than to believe your senseless dribble. I am one of the people who's been threatened by Rian. He seems to have a thing for wanting to put people into barrels in the ocean. I actually have the threat recorded where he said he would put me and my family in a barrel, it's in a voice message he left on my mobile, it's saved on my voicemail. The idiot is so dumb he left a recording of himself and his intent! Trust me, no one else has been convicted charged or even contacted. The hypocrisy of him saying that he's been threatened after what he threatens others with is beyond me.
Cruzin By
Posted on April 25, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
And the concensus was no one called Calvin Evans is or has been a student of said university. No need to get you jocks in a knot over it. Just a simple statement and observation.
If what this person calling themselves Tru Investigator is saying about the acid threat to Holdens partner and child then there are some truely sick ang gutless people on here with those sorts of threats and I hope they are caught and dealt with in the harshest way, that is just beyond belief.
Be interesting to find out which faceless person on here it is.
I do notice several of you have gone very quiet of recent times though
Posted on April 25, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Oh dear
Posted on April 25, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Tru Investigator
Posted on April 21, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I have been told that the police computer crimes unit from Melbourne Victoria have already spoken to at least 3 of the faceless folk on here who have placed comments, and of them 2 have been charged on summons for breaching the tele communications act, and using a device to deliver threats and intimidation, and that neither of the Holdens are in that group.
This makes for interesting days ahead.
I am also told that the person calling himself "Bindi" is in fact a former member of the Vietnam Veterans bike club who was kicked out after he was caught giving another male a blow job in the public toilets at Caboolture in Queensland that is yet to be confirmed.
I also hear one of you not so brave folks threatend Holdens partner Kim and their 26mth old child that you would throw acid in their faces if you saw them on the streets of Ballarat, That is a direct threat on the safety of a person, and it seems you do not have the heart to go after the person you are banging on about so you choose a soft target, If I was Holden and he caught up with you my thinking is that you could be found along way from home floating in a barrel because if someone gutless enough threaten my family and I caught them that is what I would do.
Cal Evans
Posted on April 21, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
black, white or green who cares?
Posted on April 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Cruzin By
Posted on April 18, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am not sticking up for this person just playing the devils advocate and it seems to have interesting results.
The motorbike club Bindi keeps mentioning you say they are trying to contact this bloke yet you if indeed it was or is you posted his full address and contact details on here or have you forgotten that in your deluded world, so I personally fail to see how hard it would be for such a bad and tough outfit to make ccontact.
If you are the Bob "Bindi" Robinson who used to reside on the sunshine coast and who I am reliably informed appear in a photo on the site called ANZMI with this Holden fellow while not named directly you are highlighted so I am sure that this motorcycle club would not be holding any worthwhile conversations with you.
Anyway keep it rolling I notice the ex-wife must of felt the heat in the kitchen and has stopped commenting, and I have heard she still is on several dating sites still looking for true love, hope she finds it.
The comment about Mr Duncan not knowing Mr Romer that is interesting seems there is a picture on a facebook page showing both parties and both of the Holdens on a property that looks like a hobby farm. Interesting .
So from the Devils Advocate keep on keeping on children and again thanks google for promoting this site better than days of our lives.
Posted on April 15, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Care to be honest?
Posted on April 15, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
As for VVMC member. NAME YOURSELF then! Because someone definitely has been in touch with the club, and they were told that no member of theirs has made comments on here (why would they) and further to that they are in fact trying to contact Rian and are not happy with him impersonating one of them. Keep on denying all these facts but it doesn't invalidate them as you seem to think.
Bruce Duncan
Posted on April 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You are obviously just a sh*t stirrer without the guts to actually front Rian so how about it as you know so much about me give me a ring and I will set up a face to face meeting with you and him. but be advised he has not posted anything on here in my name all things said on here by me are from me.
so go back under the rock from which you crawled or grow some balls and let me organise a face to face with Rian, maybe all your little friends on here might want to come and hold your hand at this great event.
Or you could simply just f*ck off.
Do you have a comment about 0457 729 506?