Posted on May 24, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
So based on the facts that bystander cleared up, Cruisin bi (Rian) was lying about at least one of his so called "facts" and "debunked lies" If he didn't have the story straight on the property ownership, then he clearly made up all his other "facts". Shame on these people who say the first lie that enters their heads and for thinking that it will be believed. People really should check facts before they go shooting off at the mouth with things that can be easily proven wrong. Give it a rest people!!! Word against word, it can't be won lol.
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Posted on May 24, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Let me "debunk" some things cruisin bi (Rian) has said. Denis had no markings on him whatsoever, I saw him the day of the altercation that he instigated, which is far better proof than some supposed pictures right.. to actually see the real thing in person overrides that claim I'd say. He did however leave a slight puffy bruising on the cheek of the guy he hit (nothing too serious though as it was a punch for a punch after all so how much damage could be done) and perhaps cracked his own hand in doing so, not 100% sure on that one though. So yes, some damage was done that day, just not as you allege. There are no pictures. I believe that was already proven, so you can say that all you like but you just can't back it up, it sounds incredibly childish and fabricated to say "yeah well i have pictures" Any tom d*ck or harry can say that, how you think that is evidence enough to "debunk" prior comments though is beyond me, you really are stupid. You can't seem to grasp the concept of "word against word" and that it's a situation that can't be won. Even if you could produce photo's and show people, it still means nothing and that's why the more you say it the sillier you sound as its a last ditch effort. Also, Wendy owns half the property that's being talked about (she is a tenant in common). She however, despite this fact has moved away and severed any connections and wants nothing to do with the property as was stated. I have no idea why Rian thinks this is a pertinent fact though and keeps trying to highlight it for some illogical reason. It's a testament to his lack of ability to show common sense or logic. As has been stated earlier, Denis asked Rian to let go of his grudge and leave the situation be. He however can't because of his over inflated ego it seems. So now, depending on if this stops completly or whether Rian wishes to persist, Denis may be at the point of issuing restraining orders and has advised the same of Wendy and others now involved, as Rian just can't seem to let this go and wants to continue telling lies and harrassign people. I guess we will all just wait and see. I'd like to think that Rian will have no more to say and we can have an end to this ridiculous saga he is perpetuating.
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Posted on May 23, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
It would appear that Rian is up to his old tricks again. If you want to cheer him on then get to the court. Rumour has it that a 14yo girl will be the star witness.
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Logic v Stupidity Reply
Posted on May 20, 2013 Caller type: Event Reminder Location: Australia
Ref Wendy and goodbye to a property.
Way I hear it Wendy Romer stood to inherited said property some 17 acres of land in Greenbank Brisbane should her father pass away, seems after her father being assaulted by Miss Romers partner her father changed his will and she now gets nothing. Way I hear it he is selling up moving to NSW and when he does pass away the proceeds of the sale of whatever property he owns goes to the PA spinal unit in Brisbane Queensland. Also find interesting your belief that everything Miss Romer has put on here is true, yet old mate Cruzin By has now shown there is photographic proof of her actions and those of her boyfriend, pity we cannot post pictures on here be interesting to see her bullsh*t her way out of them. Sold old son there is no massive deficit of logic and common sense here just a lot of folks with their collective heads up several collective arses that have nothing better to do than dribble sh*t and masturbate to visions of themselves in a mirror
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ANZMI Investigator
Posted on May 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
So your the real Curt Ainsworth May 14, you obviously do not know your own site then or of read what we state. " A person once on her is on here for ever" not until they say sorry. It is idiots like you that make our job exposing frauds and medal cheats hard by pulling this type of rubbish trying to beat up a story or attack on a person. You my little darling are not me you are more than likely some Cretan who is just that a pure waste of air and you need to move along and go play in another realm.
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Cruzin By
Posted on May 17, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well I took some of the advice thrown around this shambles of a page and contacted Rian Holden and meet him in Ballarat for a coffee and a chat when I was driving through to South Australia. It was a most interesting thing as I told him who I was and why I had decided on this course of action also with him was Mr Bruce Duncan. So lets deal with some of the stories on here as there are a lot of people with a lot to answer for so lets start with the young lady who started this all off. Wendy I was shown several photos of your father and his battered face from the blows your boyfriend inflicted on him, I was shown a photo of the smashed master bedroom window in your fathers house that your boyfriend smashed when he threw a large bolt through it. Then I was shown a series of photos taken in a bedroom in your fathers house that you and your boyfriend and your young son occupied the floor was littered with drug deal bags, there were used 1ml syringes on the floor and on the sideboard and in the draws of your chest of draws, and yes there was also opened and unopened mail addressed to you both on the bed and on the sideboard. So I would say that debunks your cries of innocence to using drugs and your boyfriend assaulting your father. Also I was shown several photos of your father with Mr Duncan take on your fathers back veranda so that debunks the story that Mr Duncan did not know your father. seems young lady you are a very bad liar and these photos prove it. As for the ex wife and her rants seems the ex Mrs Holden really should not have got involved in this debate , I was shown several documents from the Ballarat High school concerning your sons absences from school and was shown how when cross referenced with Mr Holdens access time he was with you for 95% of the days he had off as marked sick and in one term had 57 days off school in your care, also shown a letter from your sons school to Mr Holden informing him that they had out of concern for your sons welfare contacted Child First a division of the Victorian Children's services so that debunks your claims that you were never spoken to or had involvement with them or were never investigated by them. I was also shown family court documents that show that both you and your lawyer at the time a Vicky Sweet committed perjury in the Family court sittings in Ballarat before a judge called Riethmuller something your lawyer admitted too in a letter to Mr Holden..naughty naughty Dave Symonds the investigator mate I was shown some real champion emails you sent to both Holden and his partner dating back several years , you must be one proud and tough man but obviously not very bright to put that kind of drivel in writing and yes they have held onto them. This ANZMI web site and two of their super investigators Ainsworth and Hannaray the absolute filth sent in emails to both Mr Holden and his partner and Mr Duncan by these two champions of the cause it is no wonder they hide behind false names and email addresses and yep about the only thing that site has right about Mr Holden was his NZ army service number and I do know the full story behind why they put him on that site and since my meeting with Mr Holden and Mr Duncan I have done some further research on the author of the unsigned statement on the ANZMI site and his co horts and if anyone should be featured it is the two key players who have written these bits of trivia. Calvan Evans partner of a lady called Erin who previously worked and was friends with Mr Holden and his partner till you came on the scene, I read a few txt messages that were kept in print form from you to both Mr Holden and his partner and also some early ones sent by you to Erin, You really are a control freak and also you never have been a student at the ACU campus in Ballarat so why the lies what have you to gain?. So now your asking yourselves why I meet these people well lets say curiosity got the better of me, and as one of you the person calling himself Bindi had already posted Mr Holdens contact details on here I would see what happened if I called him and well what do you know the wrappers came off the candy bar. I WAS SHOWN SEVERAL OTHER DOCUMENTS AND TXT MESSAGES AS WELL TO COMPLETE MY VISIT. For a person you all paint as so evil and violent and such a criminal it might interest you to know his last conviction was in 1995, he now holds firearm licences for both rifles and pistols, he has a full federal police and ASIO security clearance to hold a maritime security ID card and an Aviation security ID card and he has passed the police checks for a working with children card, so for a master criminal he sure has conned his way here has he not. No I fear that young Wendy was trying to deflect attention off herself and her boyfriend after being outed for bashing her father while he was confined to his wheel chair. None the less it was a good meeting and I will continue to follow this saga and wait for my detractors and to be told I am Rian Holden, he may be no angel but he sure as sh*t does not deserve the outright lies and fabricated stories some of you have put on here,
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logic vs stupidity
Posted on May 15, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
More bull to set straight huh. To Curt Ainsworth' who makes this comment: "I must say to the girl Wendy I really hope what has been said about you and your boyfriend punching your father while he is in wheel chair is untrue as that would make both of you one of the lowest forms of life on this planet." Ï find it biased that you would choose believe that particular statement when Wendy stated what really happened several times. Or did you conveniently not read her version? You're not Rian are you?? It always seems suspcious that supposedly random and distanced people point out the comments that suit them, usually comments that make Rian's claims appear valid and side with him, even when those comments have been refuted and proven wrong. Sorry Rian, you should be a bit more careful in pretending to be someone else it's plain and obvious every time that it's you. And it does stand to reason that if others have been charged with "crimes" that Rian is also guitly of committing, then he would be charged and prosecuted too. There is a massive deficit of logic and common sense on this forum. Also, I'd like to know how can Wendy say "goodbye" to a property that she left and wants nothing to do with??? Go figure... Rian must have her confused with his own gold digging money grubbing self. Living off little wifey's inheritance and whoever else he can take for a ride and rip off...
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The Real Curt Ainsworth
Posted on May 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
ANZMI have Rian Holden on file and will continue to do so until he publicly apologises to all Veterans for his impersonations. Bob 'Bindi' Robinson will be going up shortly, so keep an eye out at
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AV Paramedic huh?
Posted on May 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Yet you can't spell after a 3 year degree?
Yeah righto, Rian.
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Bruce Duncan
Posted on May 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hey :FACTS: define a racist, is that a white man making comments about a black fella, or is it a Black Fella making comments about his white mates, or is it as was on TV tonight these Leb Muslims bringing violence to a street near you in the name of their religion seems CH7 did a good report on the goings on in western Sydney and other Leb and Syrian strong holds in OUR country. And who has he threatened reading back on here all I see is threats and abuse by you f*cking peanuts at him and his family the 2nd or third post on here by the retard using Bindi's name openly puts up his address and number placing his family in harms way, So who started all this sh*t???> so I do believe he has a right to be pissed off because as of yet NONE of you has had the balls or the guts to face him one on one despite all the posturing and bravado spewed on here and his open offer to meet you as a one on one or get together for moral support and have a group go at him in public. And once and for all I post what I want and Rian, Mic or anyone else does not control what I have to say. And to the fool calling himself BINDI why do you not just get a life your little innuendoes just fall flat as your lies and bullsh*t rumours keep getting proven as just a pile of sh*t. And if you have an issue with that you know where I live .
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ANZMI Investigator
Posted on May 12, 2013 Caller type: Non-profit Organization Location: Australia
My Name is Curt Ainsworth and I am a lead investigator with ANZMI. Some of you have spoken with me both directly and indirectly about Holden but as I have informed you our issue has been dealt with and we have had no more confirmable reports that he has re offended for the reasons we put him up in lights. What I am seeing is lots of people or maybe they are just one person using our organisation as a reason to go after this man, and believe me I am not sticking up for him or his kind, and I can also tell you all on here that one Robert(BOB or BINDI) Robinson although highlighted in a picture on here is not due to be featured on our site and to the person using his alias I would think twice on making those statements. Reading between the lines and as Mother from the VVMC rightly stated some people here are really going out on a limb here to create trouble that can come back on them. As with our site before you put something in print be aware that it needs to be 100% verafiable and in some cases have to stand up in court and believe me the crap on here would last no longer than a good lawyers coffee break, what you people are not realising is thatHolden and his associates do not care about what you say and the more drama you concoct the stupider you all look the object is keep it simple. Also just because others on her have been summons by the police does not mean Holden or his brother will automatically follow suit, this lodgic by some of shows how little you know of the system, that is why we have our web site off shore to avoid this sort of thing. Advice to you all MOVE ON get a life let Holden and his ex wife have it out. I must say to the girl Wendy I really hope what has been said about you and your boyfriend punching your father while he is in wheel chair is untrue as that would make both of you one of the lowest forms of life on this planet.
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AV Paramedic
Posted on May 12, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hello all, how good is this thread with all the makings of a TV soapy. Having met the topic on here at numerous events and his staff I would have to dispute some comments made on here about the company and it's staff. As for all this other rubbish on here there seems to be a few of you really pushing the envalope of slander and it would be hoped that all allegations and statements can be proven if and when it ever ends up in some court or another. But until then my advice to all parties would be tread lightly
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Posted on May 10, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Fact: Rian is a racist who has openly made derogatory and degrading comments about people of certain races and cultures on and off of this site. Fact: Rian has openly threatened violence and death towards several individuals on this site and has been accused of doing the same outside of this forum. Fact: Rian has been proven to be lying about the majority of the claims he has made on here with solid evidence to show otherwise. To date he is yet to provide any solid evidence to support his accusations. Enough said I think.
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Posted on May 10, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Cruzin by did you actually read what you wrote??? Because it's much less logical than anything i stated, which is all common sense. What's so hard to understand about the statements??? If others have supposedly been charged then by that rule so will Rian and Mic have been. It's not a hard concept to grasp..
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Posted on May 9, 2013 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
fat arsehole more like it hes a parasite who only cares about himself and how much money he can get before claiming hes broke
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brave boy
Posted on May 8, 2013 Caller type: Event Reminder Location: Australia
at it again fat boy
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Posted on May 8, 2013 Caller type: Debt Collector Location: Australia
you idiot you complete idiot your full of it
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Posted on May 8, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
So Rian, you know me and will pay me a visit. Look forward to it. So will the REAL BINDI. Guess we could have a real party talking about how you both pretended to be Vietnam Veterans and one of you ended up on ANZMI, but word on the street is that the REAL BINDI is about to grace their pages as well. He really shouldn't be letting himself be photographed wearing what he shouldn't be wearing. But then again, you know all about it cos you were the one who dobbed him in. Does Bruce Duncan know about the little scam you had going using his name? Hope the coppers don't find out about it, otherwise he may be entertaining the lads in the pokey.
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Posted on May 8, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Not one of us is scared of you Rian. Not one of us has faced any repercussions or suffered in any way from the actions you claim to take against us, for example going to the police and reporting to various government departments. No one feels any heat from any of your attemtps. Sorry, you failed, what else did you expect to come of all your lies? Save yourself some tiny semblance of dignity and just walk away. Do you have any idea just how many people are laughing at you?
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Bruce Duncan
Posted on May 7, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
God save me from fools, I said I spoke with not saw Bob "Bindi" Robinson on ANZAC day. So not only can you not understand the written word, you cannot understand simple English.
Comments on 0457 729 506
Posted on May 24, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on May 24, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on May 23, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Logic v Stupidity Reply
Posted on May 20, 2013Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Way I hear it Wendy Romer stood to inherited said property some 17 acres of land in Greenbank Brisbane should her father pass away, seems after her father being assaulted by Miss Romers partner her father changed his will and she now gets nothing.
Way I hear it he is selling up moving to NSW and when he does pass away the proceeds of the sale of whatever property he owns goes to the PA spinal unit in Brisbane Queensland.
Also find interesting your belief that everything Miss Romer has put on here is true, yet old mate Cruzin By has now shown there is photographic proof of her actions and those of her boyfriend, pity we cannot post pictures on here be interesting to see her bullsh*t her way out of them.
Sold old son there is no massive deficit of logic and common sense here just a lot of folks with their collective heads up several collective arses that have nothing better to do than dribble sh*t and masturbate to visions of themselves in a mirror
ANZMI Investigator
Posted on May 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
It is idiots like you that make our job exposing frauds and medal cheats hard by pulling this type of rubbish trying to beat up a story or attack on a person.
You my little darling are not me you are more than likely some Cretan who is just that a pure waste of air and you need to move along and go play in another realm.
Cruzin By
Posted on May 17, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
It was a most interesting thing as I told him who I was and why I had decided on this course of action also with him was Mr Bruce Duncan.
So lets deal with some of the stories on here as there are a lot of people with a lot to answer for so lets start with the young lady who started this all off.
Wendy I was shown several photos of your father and his battered face from the blows your boyfriend inflicted on him, I was shown a photo of the smashed master bedroom window in your fathers house that your boyfriend smashed when he threw a large bolt through it. Then I was shown a series of photos taken in a bedroom in your fathers house that you and your boyfriend and your young son occupied the floor was littered with drug deal bags, there were used 1ml syringes on the floor and on the sideboard and in the draws of your chest of draws, and yes there was also opened and unopened mail addressed to you both on the bed and on the sideboard. So I would say that debunks your cries of innocence to using drugs and your boyfriend assaulting your father. Also I was shown several photos of your father with Mr Duncan take on your fathers back veranda so that debunks the story that Mr Duncan did not know your father. seems young lady you are a very bad liar and these photos prove it.
As for the ex wife and her rants seems the ex Mrs Holden really should not have got involved in this debate , I was shown several documents from the Ballarat High school concerning your sons absences from school and was shown how when cross referenced with Mr Holdens access time he was with you for 95% of the days he had off as marked sick and in one term had 57 days off school in your care, also shown a letter from your sons school to Mr Holden informing him that they had out of concern for your sons welfare contacted Child First a division of the Victorian Children's services so that debunks your claims that you were never spoken to or had involvement with them or were never investigated by them. I was also shown family court documents that show that both you and your lawyer at the time a Vicky Sweet committed perjury in the Family court sittings in Ballarat before a judge called Riethmuller something your lawyer admitted too in a letter to Mr Holden..naughty naughty
Dave Symonds the investigator mate I was shown some real champion emails you sent to both Holden and his partner dating back several years , you must be one proud and tough man but obviously not very bright to put that kind of drivel in writing and yes they have held onto them.
This ANZMI web site and two of their super investigators Ainsworth and Hannaray the absolute filth sent in emails to both Mr Holden and his partner and Mr Duncan by these two champions of the cause it is no wonder they hide behind false names and email addresses and yep about the only thing that site has right about Mr Holden was his NZ army service number and I do know the full story behind why they put him on that site and since my meeting with Mr Holden and Mr Duncan I have done some further research on the author of the unsigned statement on the ANZMI site and his co horts and if anyone should be featured it is the two key players who have written these bits of trivia.
Calvan Evans partner of a lady called Erin who previously worked and was friends with Mr Holden and his partner till you came on the scene, I read a few txt messages that were kept in print form from you to both Mr Holden and his partner and also some early ones sent by you to Erin, You really are a control freak and also you never have been a student at the ACU campus in Ballarat so why the lies what have you to gain?.
So now your asking yourselves why I meet these people well lets say curiosity got the better of me, and as one of you the person calling himself Bindi had already posted Mr Holdens contact details on here I would see what happened if I called him and well what do you know the wrappers came off the candy bar.
For a person you all paint as so evil and violent and such a criminal it might interest you to know his last conviction was in 1995, he now holds firearm licences for both rifles and pistols, he has a full federal police and ASIO security clearance to hold a maritime security ID card and an Aviation security ID card and he has passed the police checks for a working with children card, so for a master criminal he sure has conned his way here has he not. No I fear that young Wendy was trying to deflect attention off herself and her boyfriend after being outed for bashing her father while he was confined to his wheel chair.
None the less it was a good meeting and I will continue to follow this saga and wait for my detractors and to be told I am Rian Holden, he may be no angel but he sure as sh*t does not deserve the outright lies and fabricated stories some of you have put on here,
logic vs stupidity
Posted on May 15, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
The Real Curt Ainsworth
Posted on May 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
AV Paramedic huh?
Posted on May 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yeah righto, Rian.
Bruce Duncan
Posted on May 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
And who has he threatened reading back on here all I see is threats and abuse by you f*cking peanuts at him and his family the 2nd or third post on here by the retard using Bindi's name openly puts up his address and number placing his family in harms way, So who started all this sh*t???> so I do believe he has a right to be pissed off because as of yet NONE of you has had the balls or the guts to face him one on one despite all the posturing and bravado spewed on here and his open offer to meet you as a one on one or get together for moral support and have a group go at him in public.
And once and for all I post what I want and Rian, Mic or anyone else does not control what I have to say.
And to the fool calling himself BINDI why do you not just get a life your little innuendoes just fall flat as your lies and bullsh*t rumours keep getting proven as just a pile of sh*t. And if you have an issue with that you know where I live .
ANZMI Investigator
Posted on May 12, 2013Caller type: Non-profit Organization
Location: Australia
Some of you have spoken with me both directly and indirectly about Holden but as I have informed you our issue has been dealt with and we have had no more confirmable reports that he has re offended for the reasons we put him up in lights.
What I am seeing is lots of people or maybe they are just one person using our organisation as a reason to go after this man, and believe me I am not sticking up for him or his kind, and I can also tell you all on here that one Robert(BOB or BINDI) Robinson although highlighted in a picture on here is not due to be featured on our site and to the person using his alias I would think twice on making those statements.
Reading between the lines and as Mother from the VVMC rightly stated some people here are really going out on a limb here to create trouble that can come back on them.
As with our site before you put something in print be aware that it needs to be 100% verafiable and in some cases have to stand up in court and believe me the crap on here would last no longer than a good lawyers coffee break, what you people are not realising is thatHolden and his associates do not care about what you say and the more drama you concoct the stupider you all look the object is keep it simple.
Also just because others on her have been summons by the police does not mean Holden or his brother will automatically follow suit, this lodgic by some of shows how little you know of the system, that is why we have our web site off shore to avoid this sort of thing.
Advice to you all MOVE ON get a life let Holden and his ex wife have it out.
I must say to the girl Wendy I really hope what has been said about you and your boyfriend punching your father while he is in wheel chair is untrue as that would make both of you one of the lowest forms of life on this planet.
AV Paramedic
Posted on May 12, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Having met the topic on here at numerous events and his staff I would have to dispute some comments made on here about the company and it's staff.
As for all this other rubbish on here there seems to be a few of you really pushing the envalope of slander and it would be hoped that all allegations and statements can be proven if and when it ever ends up in some court or another.
But until then my advice to all parties would be tread lightly
Posted on May 10, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on May 10, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on May 9, 2013Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
brave boy
Posted on May 8, 2013Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Posted on May 8, 2013Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Posted on May 8, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on May 8, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bruce Duncan
Posted on May 7, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So not only can you not understand the written word, you cannot understand simple English.
Do you have a comment about 0457 729 506?