Comments on 0457 729 506

Comments on 0457 729 506

Rock and Roll Kiddies

Posted on May 30, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
This page never ceases to amaze me all you great guilt free people shooting your mouths off.
I checked with the Melbourne Magistrates court ( Got a family member works there interesting the case listed is a parking ticket where the person concerned is alleged to of parked on a footpath in Jackson Street Toorak at 10.47pm on a Saturday night and it is going to contest because the person concerned is challenging the ticket nothing more nothing less and sure has nothing to do wit 14 yr old girls or what is being suggested on this site.
So Holden has been charged with Slander. Who by and in what court will he appear and who did he slander easy to make these statements but where is the proof or is this another beat up as things have been a bit quiet on here after several comments and out right lies were disproved by others on here and as was just posted are not others allowed to comment on this "Quote" grubby site without being accused of being the target of all your stories and allegations or being told they know nothing about the situation.
Some of you need to realise you are not the only fish in the sea and others do have a fair idea what is going on.
As for the Wendy and her father saga it is a sad fact when people justify assaulting a person in a wheel chair in any way shape or form remember two wrongs do not make a right.
Anonymous what laws are you referring to please enlighten the rest of us poor misguided souls, reading this you attack his brother and ask why he sticks up for him as it is clear some people in here have no concept of family loyalty but brothers are brothers and it is as simple as that and reading back through all the comments on this grubby site it seems that both the Holden's have offered to meet any and all of you and not one of you has taken them up heck you event put up his contact details in amongst your first posts yet none of you have used that information to track him or his brother down and administer your mob justice so please why all the tough talk and accusations when no one on here has produced any credible facts, links, pictures or documents to back up all your weird and wonderful claims of wrong doing and being hard done by.
And as said by several previous people who have not towed the party line on here " I am NOT Rian Holden, Mic Holden, Bruce DUNCAN or anyone else you sorry sad people believe lives on this page, again the old saying ." PUT UP OR SHUT UP".
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just a little interesting fact

Posted on May 30, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Rian Holden has had no contact with Denis Romer for quite some time, since he interfered in his personal matter and subsequently was told that it was none of his business and to back off when he persisted to make contact about it. He knows nothing about the affairs of this family, only what he can guess at in order to carry on his slandering of them. This guy really needs to get a life, who in their right mind carries on about something that has nothing to do with them, especially after being told that his attentions were unwanted and unwarranted.
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Detraktors and Others

Posted on May 30, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
To all the Detraktors(spelt like this on purpose) are not others permitted to have a say on your grubby little page without being accused if being the recipient of your shir Rian Holden,
It it your own exclusive domain .- I think not but my god you all react in a most timely fashion with your cries of Rian when someone contraindicates rubbish you have put on here.
Example is this Bindi the link he gives leads to a court site that when read clearly indicates a traffic matter not what he or she is implying so why do it why bother it oy makes you look like a cockhead
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Posted on May 29, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Who is Rian to be discussing other people's financial situations regarding properties etc, when he is a known money grubber?? He profited very well off his wife's inheritance and made no contributions to deserve it... Pot calling the kettle black i'd say at the least, from what's been said he apparently has no knowledge of the actual circumstances surrounding the people and their affairs that he's making assumptions about.
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Posted on May 29, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Rian says it's a parking ticket he's contesting. If this is true, then how come a 14yo girl is testifying for the prosecution?
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Posted on May 29, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Rian has finally been charged with defamation based on some of the comments he has made about several people over time on this site. It is a very serious crime and the law does not take it lightly. Let this be a lesson learned to anyone else who wants to say damaging remarks about others, there are laws to protect people against this type of abuse.
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Posted on May 28, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
yeah fat boy lying idiot we believe you
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sideshow bob

Posted on May 28, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Are we talking about photo's now?? Because I have some very incriminating ones of Rian and the naughty things he's been upto... Does that sound believable??
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eric cartman

Posted on May 28, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
What a crack up this still is. Why does Rian KEEP trying talk sh*t about what this Wendy girl and her dad have supposedly gone thru? Or his ex wife? or bindi? or Dave? or any of the others? He goes out of his way to slander and defame them by saying anything he can no matter how irrelevant and unsupprted the info he provides is. They have all made comments on here asking him to leave them alone and have all said that they don't care to want anything to do with him yet this moron seems to think he is involved and keeps trying to prove a point. What a shame that he has nothing better to do. People are only retalliating, he has initiated all the threats, no one has started on him first which is proven by the first complaint made on here by Wendy alluding to the unprovoked threats she started receiving from him that have clearly persisted and have still not ended. The guy has issues, he can't be told he's wrong.
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Posted on May 28, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So what does someone being in a wheelchair have to do with a punch?? It is a completely irrelevant fact if you ask me. If someone punches someone then physically pushes that person and asks to be hit back, then they deserve it and were obviously prepared for the consequences, which seeing as they initiated it is all the more reason why it's justified. Seems like this Rian bloke interfered in a situation that had nothing to do with him and can't handle that he's been asked to butt out because he was obviously silly enough to stick his nose in where it didn't belong in the first place. And now he is dramatising the scenario to validate his unwanted involvement when clearly he had nothing to do with it and doesn't know what even really happened by the inconsistency in his statements. He seems to be trying to play it up by using words like "bashed" etc and bleating on about how the man is a cripple. This guy needs to learn how to mind his own business I'd say, he's clearly a low life and based on the racist comments he's posted what type of person is he to be thinking he has a right to be attacking and threatening others? I've read enough on here to make up my mind, it doesn't take a genius to tell who the one in the wrong is. Look at the way the guy talks to women!! I'm shocked if this guy is a paramedic, someone take his licence off him I don't want my health in the hands of this type of aggressive, racist unstable person.
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Posted on May 27, 2013
Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
hope i never have to call a paramedic you fake
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Court Tracker

Posted on May 27, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bindi you muck raking bottom feeding scumbag,
It is a parking ticket that Holden is contesting not what you are insinuating .. You really are an oxygen theif
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Cruzin By

Posted on May 27, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bystander for a start I am Not Rian Holden lets get that clear right from the get go.
I approached him he did not approach me. The photos you say are no proof of anything tell a whole different story, here you admit that an assault on a man confined to a wheel chair took place no matter for what reason an able bodied person bashed a man confined to a wheel chair, this you yourself in your most recent post have admitted. that alone is the act of a coward and bully no matter the provocation it should never of taken place in the first instance.
What Mr Romer my or may not choose to do is his concern but the fact remains you have confirmed where his daughter Wendy has denied that she stood by while her boyfriend bashed her father.
I notice you do not debunk the drugs comment, along with the rest of it I would say Wendy is a fine daughter to watch her father get hit and again for whatever reason it takes a brave man to bash a cripple in a wheel chair.
As for this tenant in common I know nothing of this but I am sure unless she has put money into a property that is not the case.
But again for you and others I am NOT Rian Holden, and in this instance I approached him as it seems no one here will do the same so please get off my case because I asked the questions and saw the pictures of Mr Romer, the damage to his bedroom window and the room Wendy and her young son lived in which was totally untouched unless you are implying that Mr Romer set up his daughter with all the drug paraphernalia.
You talk of court orders because Mr Holden will not let this go, is this not ironic as it was Wendy who opened this can of worms now cannot handle the heat it has generated, remember the old saying " People in Glass Houses should not throw stones" in this case I do believe it has done a full circle now she cannot handle the facts being revealed to show the person she really is, and the actions of her boyfriend totally exposed and now confirmed by yourself.
You have done her a service by confirming the actions of the day and that Mr Romer did sustain injuries as a result.
So here's to Wendy the perfect mother and daughter being shown for what she is a liar, a drug user and a person who stood by while her own father her own flesh and blood was bashed while confined to a wheel chair by her able bodied lover.
So to deflect attention off herself and the actions of her lover she sets out to attack the person who took her to task over it. And you Bystander are no better than she is by condoning her actions and that of her boyfriend.
It is interesting you claim Mr Romer has advised his daughter to take out a restraint order on Mr Holden, yet you clearly say she has no contact with her father this is confirmed also by posts on here by others as well under several names so simple question is she or is she not in contact with her father I am told she is not and she is not welcome any place near him to the point his neighbours watch his house as well for him in case she turns up or he lover decides on a rematch.
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I am logic and you are stupidity.. haha

Posted on May 27, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
To logic VS stupidity. Seems you are stupidity in that little duo and I'll be logic ok hahahahahah... So sorry to burst your little bubble which is what I'm about to do. You seem so sure of yourself too. So here goes, despite the fact that Denis's property has nothing to do with Rian and has never been discussed with Rian and therefore Rian has no knowledge of the situation, but is just fabricating more lies and trying discredit someone by now making them out to be a gold digger of some sort because all other attempts to discredit failed. Have you read the post that states the truth on the property that Rian is mentioning?? It's not even a relevant fact, god this guy really will stoop to any level. She is a joint owner in it, Rian has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what he is alleging yet he persists, making himself look more foolish, even when its an irrelevant point he is trying to prove. Denis can do whatever he wishes with his half, Wendy has discussed that with him and his will is of no concern to her, just as her half of the ownership is her business. All i can say is people are having a real laugh at Rian. I suggest he takes a look at his own money grubbing self and realises that he is confusing others with himself, seeing as he scammed his way into his partners inheritance, taking away from the rightful people who should have actually received it, those being family members. My guess is Rian probably had intentions of attempting to become Denis's beneficiary being that he is a paramedic and considers himself in a position of great power and importance, and gain control over another opportunity to inherit another lot of money off someone that he has no entitlement to so that is why he now thinks this lie he's made up has anything to do with anything. Some people are just so so sad.
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Posted on May 26, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Sorry about that wrong link - try this one.
And type in Holden under Criminal courts. And for those who want to meet me and probably bash me. Name a time and place.
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Posted on May 26, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
why am i not surprised
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Mic Holden

Posted on May 26, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Who the f*ck is this Bindi c*nt, everything you put on here is crap and has been proven that many times why the f*ck don't you crawl back under whatever rock you came out from and just go away.
You are long on allegations but f*cking short on facts you dumb c*nt.
How about we have a meet up and you put your proof of all your bullsh*t claims against my brother on the table out in the open so we can see the proof of your claims.
Nah you wont do that because your a f*cking low life scum who is only brave behind a key board get a life cocksucker.
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Hey bindi

Posted on May 24, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Sure it's not a traffic offence. City of Stonnington vs Rian Holden. Sounds a bit like a parking or traffic offence to me!
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Tru Investigator

Posted on May 24, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Well seems Bindi or the brain dead fool calling himself is at it in his own words again.
Time you really got a life we are all sick of your fabricated stories and out and out bullsh*t lies.
Had a mate who is a Vic Pol senior prosecutor check your claims out, how amazing again you are found out to be full of sh*t, and just creating mischief for the sake of getting a reaction.
Maybe when you get a knock on your door by the police computer crimes unit you might just pull your head in, so far there have been 5 people charged on summons by the police for the use of a telecommunications device to stalk, threaten and harass a person and I do believe the first one was fined $1200.00 and lost their computer equipment, that is why they have gone very quiet on here.
So Bindi or who ever you are in your simple little mind leave your lights on at night so when you get your visit you do not mistake them for the boogie man.
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Cruzin By

Posted on May 24, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Again "BINDI" seems your lies are ahead of you again your link is not working, the numbers you quote lead no place, so why do you bother you have been totally discredited on here more times than you have provided real truthful information.
Do you suffer some form of mental illness or is it that your sad life revolves around your fantasy world.
Again for the benefit of the truth and fact the Magistrate court in Melbourne or Ballarat have no record of this mystical court appearance by Mr Holden, so again please provide the direct proof of this event taking place and the venue or withdraw your comments as you are really making quite a fool of yourself on here.
and your web address for the courts is not an one but a one. Silly person you are.
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