Comments on 0457 729 506

Comments on 0457 729 506

Bruce Duncan

Posted on February 3, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Well Fiona you really did not take my advice did you.
Thing is that it was me you contacted when you tried to top yourself and in your own deranged way tried to justify what you did.
Then you contacted me through that date site you joined plenty of and in one voice tried to say Rian abused tom , how did he , way i heard it you let some kid called Luke Edes stay at yourplace over night and this kid is a convicted sexual molester who molested his own brother and his young cousin and you let this 18yr old sleep in the same room as Tom on several occasions knowing full well his history of molesting young boys and Tom was how old 11 or 12... So what are you claiming Rian did. Apart from give Tom a clip round the ears for lying and stealing of him and Kim.
Wake up Fiona you are as much to blame for all this sh*t as anyone, so how many socalled sick days will you lie to the school about this year for Tom.
48 last year
56 the year before.
As i said Fiona your the one who came crying to me
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Eric Cartman

Posted on February 1, 2013
Caller type: Prank Call
Location: Australia
It's coming, do you mean to say that he would actually stay with Clinton, his worker that openly advertises for "younger" men on a gay dating website?.....sounds more like a job for his brother Mic ;-)
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It's coming

Posted on January 31, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
How about tonight Rian, have a quick catch up before you leave.

Or are you staying with Rod tonight? Or maybe Clinton, your suicidal partner?
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Posted on January 22, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You have put my address on here for the whole world to see, so it shouldn't be too hard for anyone to find me to give me papers. Looking forward to going to court again. I am sure the judge will be very interested in all the stuff you have put on this site. As I am sure the judge will also be very interested in the fact that in the last 2 years you have paid $0 in child support and that you have tried everything to get out of paying any money. Saying to all that you have no intention of paying any money ever. And then here you are going to Fiji. The judge will se through you hiding behind Kim saying that it is all her money. And the judge won't be to happy about your abuse of Thomas. So bring it on, lets go to court.
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Posted on January 17, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
f*cking still up to your wanker ways.....seriously why can't ppl just let it be. Rian is a cock head but seriously I'm hoping none of you would want harm to come upon innocent children and Kim. Putting ppls address etc when there are others welfare at risk is just terrible. As I said rian is a ch and he is as dumb as by retaliating. Let's just all settle for he has f*cked over more ppl than you or I can count, he is a fraud and will always be as they say leopard never changes its spots. KARMA train will always roll around and just hits some harder than others. he will smell the brimstone...
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Rian Holden

Posted on January 16, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
@ It will come.
Give me a ring I am here going no place . bring ya brave pills or will it be a sneaky in the dark visit.
But rest assured I am here not goin anyplace till the 1st Feb then only for a weeks holiday to Fiji.
just incase you have misplaced my number 0427 691 250 and when u ring please don't block your return number .. thats right thats what cowards and keyboard commandos do is it not.

And Fiona ( ex wife ) see you and Vicky Sweet in court , think they are looking for you to serve the paperwork on you.

Interesting some of my family court witnesses are from the Abo co op that sacked u ..hahahahahaha love it pretend coon one day white bitch the next gotta love it hey
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It's coming

Posted on January 11, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Fine Rian.

Lets meet in Ballarat next week.
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Posted on January 7, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Haven't commented as I couldn't be bother. Quite frankly have better thing to do with my life.
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Rian Holden

Posted on January 7, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Well I see the old ANZMI crew and there hanger ons are at it again, you lot really need to get a life or at least get out of the house every nowand then.
But lets deal with this rubbish again, I do not have to put comments on here under any other name yep I have been following the comments from when I was told they were here but just chose to ignor the same rubbish.
Ok Fiona how about you first I do not need to say anything about you to others that says your a bad person you manage to do that all by yourself, How many times have you tried to suicide after some bloke gave you the arse, think the latest was when David White ( good name for a coon )went off and shagged them women he met on line while you and him were living together as an engadged couple, and all your previous attemps are all documented right over Qld, from the Mt Isa Hospital to the Nambour Hospital where the cops put you under a section order, You fiona the well qualified teacher who could not hold a job teaching the qld education dept terminating your employment after you tried to kill yourself over another Abo leaving you in Doomagee, ( bit of a pattern here) so you get a job as a pre school teachers aid at the abo co op in Ballarat and they fired your arse for your erratic behaviour, lying to them about being at work when u was in fact home in bed drug f*cked on your prescription medication. even to the point that Tom is failing school again what was it 57 days off in 2011 then 49 in 2012 all down to him being sick according to what you told the school, and the list gets bigger , so Fiona you are an ex wife for a reason,
Now to young Wendy Romer , what daughter stands by while her coconut boyfriend bashes her own father who is wheelchair bound, Yes Wendy I do have the photos of the used needles, used baggies and the scales and other drug sh*t you and ya boyfriend left round the foor of the bedroom you had at your dads that you shared with your young son, and yes those pics went to childrens services as you are not a fit mother but a drug dealing and drug using waste of space.
Now to the ANZMI would be fools talk about saying I use many names, how about the latest from the one calling himself Bindi your rant about Bob Robinson bears a stiking resemblance to an email I got about 5 yrs ago sent by one Peter Ward or Wardy as he is known ex Patriot MC, then Ex Vietnam Vet now a member of the Rebels MC , this same tough guy who threatened to chain a pregnant woman off the back of a motorbike but when people went after him he ran to his club crying foul and protect me. real tough, and brave.
Eric you would have to be one dumb c*nt go say your comments to Mic's face be funny as f*ck watching you get your head kicked in, but like all the others over the last 15 yrs all talk no action but honestly Mic wont run away from you.
Dave ZZR you still lurking in the bushes like a peeping tom, your another who has been invited to say what you think to my face, but have never had the balls to show up, last I heard you got a beating at the football club for touching up someones 17 yr old daughter in the carpark.
All the rest of you have been long on threats but very little on action , you like to comment where I live ect and how if they cannot get me how to intimidate my family, but not one of you in all these years has grown the balls to come and say hello, As for the punter calling themselves its comming any time any where you have my number its on here so again as others have said do not let fear hold you back.
And finally I hear through the grape vine that ANZMI is unravelling and that the peacekeepers organisation has alredy turned several of your members into giving up your grubby secrets one of them Mark Rasin in Queensland seems he got a vist from them sh*t his pants and coughed his guts up on you..
Well you all know where I live and my phone number , ring nominate a time and place and lets rock in roll. But again been waiting 15 yrs for any of you to grow balls, and hey Fiona see you in the family court late Feb. think the judge wants to have a chat to you about telling lies in court.
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Mic Holden

Posted on January 7, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
For a dog who hides behind a computer keyboard you spruk some tough talk.
You looked me up on facebook but you did not leave a way for me to contact you, just another cowardly dog in a pack of cowardly dogs not one of you has the guts to say your bit to my brothers face seems it has been like this for years now.
So here is how it is you think every post on here that dont come from one of you weak pricks is put on by my brother you are so intent on slagging him off you do not think others read this crap. Ask his skank ex wife if i am a threat you might be surprised at the moles reply.
Why do you think she has shut her mouth.
As for the person calling themselves Bindi you are another dog using someone elses name . Seems that Bob " Bindi" Robinson contacted my brother and has told him he has reported this sh*t to the cops, me i would just deal with you dogs up front but you are all cowards and that is how you live your shallow lives.
As i have said if you want a go at me or my family lets do it out in the open and please do not let fear hold you back.
I also see none of you heros have had anything to say on the comments left by Bruce Duncan about the skanky ex wife sh*t maybe he is my brother too, nah not that good hey and that skank knows Bruce could out her huge time so she shut the f*ck up something some of you c*nts need to do before your found and given a beating
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David Bowie the Gypsy of Justice

Posted on January 6, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
And the winner for best comment go's to.
*Opens card*
Eric Cartman.
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Posted on January 5, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bob Robinson also tried to pass himself off as a veteran. Even stole the Vietnam medals off a genuine veteran. Claims they were sent to him by mistake and so thought he was entitled to them. Good grief. EVERY serviceman knows where he served and what medals he has earned. He's lucky he's seen the light because he could be gracing the pages of as well.
As for Rian Holden. Up to his old tricks again, pretending to be several people with either super legal backgrounds or really bad criminal backgrounds so he can scare off the unwary.
What sort of man calls his ex wife all those disgusting names?
Only Rian Holden would do that.
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Uncle PBaticus Maximus The Third Esquire of England

Posted on January 4, 2013
Caller type: Telemarketer
Location: Australia
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Mic Holden

Posted on January 2, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
f*ck me what is this crap Fiona you f*cking nigger loving pill f*cked skank you might want to shut the f*ck up before you get some of your own back.
And the rest of you dogd having a go at my brothet why dont you all cowboy up and get brave and we have a common chat in an open space see who goes home.
Yes Fiona you f*ckin oxygen theif I am out of jail 22 yrs for murder but still thats one kid ficker less, and to the c*nt who put Rian amd Kims addresd and phone numbers on here with the visit coment if anything should happen to them or the baby I will hunt you down and repay the favor.
Wendy you f*cking little cow I see the apple did not fall far from that skank of a mothet of yours tell that c*nt boyfriend of your to sleep with one eye open paybacks are a bitch
And any of you other c*nts fel brave that goes for the other sluts on here as well
Feel free to look me up I am on facebook and
i dpnt live to far from 18b Talbot Street in Ballarat and no Fiona I am not on parole so get that thought out of your pill f*cked nigger loving head.
And i hear Thomas is still missing school due to your f*cked head state what was it 58 dsys last year all due to being sick f*ck you skank you need a f*cking good beating
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Posted on January 2, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Well wendy look what you started.
Anyway there sseems to be alot of people on her long on talk but very short on action, bur that is normally the way of cowards, this was started by my daughter the very one who stood by while her boyfriend bashed me in my wheelchair and now all the dogs are out to play.
Any of you brave people want to call me out and say I am Rian please feel free to contact me I am sure if you ask Wendy she will give you my address.
As for you Fiona I see you are still the same in secure person that you have always been, have you tried to commit suicide recently, last I heard was when your aboriginal boyfriend was screwing around on you in Ballarat, but then again you always had bad luck with coons didn't you and if I remember right each and every time you tried to top yourself to get them to come back.
You other idiots with your created names time you all took a long cold look at yourselves all you are doing here is making a fool of yourselves like Fiona or the ex wife as she is calling herself.
You have put Rians address on here and his phone numbers and that of Kimberley but yet when I spoke with Kim the other night not one of you heros had made good your threats of violence and retaliation against Rian.
If you want to be introduced please again contact my drug selling and using daughter or her waste of space mother and get my address and I will organise a meeting with him and yourselves.
So Fiona do you want me to spill your secrets on here and really show every one what an unfit mother and addicted to pills person you are who spends her life looking to be wanted on dating sites and with anyman that will have you, yes I have been talking to Bruce Duncan remember him Fiona.
Anyway Wendy you have opened this book so now you will have to live with the results and here is some advice you or that c*nt who bashed me set foot on my place ever again and I will shoot him and claim self defence, who will they believe a violent black c*nt or a man in a wheelchair.
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Who are you going to claim to be next?

Posted on December 28, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
How about a lawyer, you haven't made a claim to be one yet! You could quote what acts we are supposed to be breaking. Or a judge, maybe. Or maybe a member of a spy outfit who will come smashing into our houses and whisk us away to be tortured and interrogated! Or maybe a member of parliment, maybe even the prime minister (although would be a good idea to wait until it is a man, don't think you could pass as a woman). Are you going to use a fancy name or stick to the common ones? Bill Smith, Steve Jones, Tom Brown or Ryder Panchairass, Hamish Duddlesworth, Tarquin Spudlavous? Please don't keep us in suspense, Who are you going to be next????
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sideshow bob

Posted on December 21, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
surprise surprise......i called out the "humble" public servant Chris Annandale......a sworn member for 17 years to produce himself and he wont.....Sounds like one of those cowards who pretends to be a war hero like his "mate/alter ego" Rian Holden
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It's coming

Posted on December 19, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I love reading this, it's actually amusing and pathetic to read Rian pretending to be so many people.

The thing is Rian, the truth is coming out and you know it. I look forward to you disappearing at some point next year when everything about your past comes out.

Did you really think if you threw enough mud at people they'd just go away? The thing is, Rian, you annoyed some of the wrong people... People who know everything about your past. Who's been a naughty boy? I hope you stick around when the proverbial (look it up in a dictionary, your spelling is horrific so I imagine you don't know what that means) hits the fan, there are a few people ready to have a chat with you. Did you really think that your past wouldn't catch up with you?

Feel free to 'track my IP address' and report me to the police. You don't know me. But if you're a big man, why don't we meet?

Merry Christmas Rian.
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Posted on December 18, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
lol, lol, lol, lol, lol, thanks for the good laugh "Chris". I laughed so much and it keeps me laughing. As I am sure others will be too. lol, lol, lol, lol. Can't stop laughing!
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Are you for real

Posted on December 15, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I hope you realise that it is a very serious matter to say you are a police officer if you are not one. I am sure in due time the police would love to have a chat with you.
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