Posted on February 20, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well well well Rian, back to your old ways of trying to discredit people on here again. I looked up Wendy Romer through the QLD court listings, and not only is there no sitting court in Logan, there isnt any mention of a Wendy Romer on their listings from the last 2 months....Are you sure that you are not confused from some of your most recent court appearances such as the one when Sgt Gary Pucar from the Sex crimes squad was prosecuting? Perhaps you should just disappear from this forum or more will be revealed
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Posted on February 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
GUEST just by your comment shows that you don't know me at all! You have obviously heard lies and you have believed them. That doesn't mean you know anything about me! Go back to your lego and train set and mind your own business!
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hard to believe
Posted on February 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
oh AND in regards to the comment that he got his carer to make the comment on his behalf on her laptop?? Despite the fact that I already proved it wasn't him with various differnt truths for example that is not the spelling of his name, one more thing, what type of carer would get involved in a dispute like this and allow her patient to post harrassing commments like that online on her laptop? False. Like i said, when you have lies upon lies upon lies there is no credibility to anything you say in addition to the fact that it just sounds made up on the spot anyway. Just give it up ok. It's getting you nowhere and is only serving to discredit you more and more each time and make you look like a stark raving lunatic. I've seriously had enough of listening to you ok
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Posted on February 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
And no Rian for the last time no one got "bashed", Denis was not "bashed". Denis punched the "porch monkey" once and then the "porch monkey" punched him back in return, end of story no more no less. There is no more to it like you keep making it out to be. And the biggest part, what you fail to mention is how Denis begged the "porch monkey" to hit him, obviously because he felt so disgraced that he'd lost control and thrown the first punch that it was the only way he had of redeeming himself and making things even. No matter how many times you try and paint a sordid picture of a poor man in a wheelchair being bashed it was not like that. Criminal people like yourselves don't have the right to play the victim like that. Makes me SICK
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Posted on February 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Oh and can't help but to rub one more truth in, the so called pics you have. You forgot to mention(if there even is any I can't be sure, you might have gone to the effort to doctor some up or might just be saying you have some like i say who knows with you lolo) but they were supposedly taken in a house where I had moved out of and was no longer living in, a house which was only being occupied by Denis. So why would you think that is any proof against me?? I'll go take some pics (or ill say i have lol) of a room in a house where you used to live and hand them to the cops if this theory is correct lol. Funny man you are. cops or child services or any law or goverment dept do not respond to pictures as they are unreliable and easily discredited, the public cannot go around taking supposedly incriminating photos and have anything come of it. I'd say your lie rate is 95% hahaha.
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Posted on February 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
And anyone who would like to check up on my facts can do so. There is no criminal charges against myself. I have never had any in my life. I have never been to court or been contacted by the police EVER in relation to anything illegal or any crime. I am a respected normal member of the community. Neither has "porch monkey" who it is clear you don't even know the name of. Or my mother that you like to keep bringing into this as well. Denis Romer and you though, that is another story. Both of you have had many criminal convictions. So tell me, why would a thug like you have access to info on matters of the law???? So again, no charges for either of us. NO community service, no visits from child services or any other goverment department, completely innocent and clean. If you even did attempt to have any of this done to me it was unsuccessful as the police and the law are not stupid, they know who is in the right they don't just go off your word like you seem to think lol. I just gotta say I seriously cannot get over that you think you can say these things when you know that I know it's a lie. Who are you saying it for??? You are the only one who would believe it and I don't even think you do but your pride won't let you admit it so you keep saying it anyway. OH and if you ar going to try and make up a lie like the one bout porch monkey being wanted in NZ, like i said you might wanna check his age first, and where exactly in NZ he hails from as wanganui is not somewhere he has ever been near and his history proves that. So Rian, wrong again. I almost feel bad making you look thsi stupid but fact will win out over your fiction any day of the week. lol
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Posted on February 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Bahahahahahaah HILARIOUS!!! Not one word of your last post was true. NOT ONE!!!! it is hilarious that you think you can lie and keep on lying and that anyone would actually believe you, especially the people you are lying to who know full well what is truth and what is not. You get more and more incredible every time and just when I think I cannot be more surprised you go and shock me again lol. I gotta say Kudos there, probably the one thing in life you must be good at is shocking people with your stupidity. I had a good laugh at that Rian I really did, my sides are in stitches. "porch monkey" is not 120 kg. He was a child when he lived in NZ and is not wanted there at all, hahahahaha funny one that was. You are going down and you know it, that is why your claims are becoming more and more outrageous in a desperate bid to sound valid. I TOLD YOU RIAN YOU CAN'T GET TO ME, MY SON AND ME ARE HAPPY AND WILL BE TOGETHER ALWAYS, I've done NOTHING but you, you are a sick sick creature, do yourself a favour and get mental help you are in desperate need your mental health is clearly deteriorating. lies lies lies lies is all that comes out your dumb mouth and it seems nothing will stop you so far, well you just wait Rian that is actually about to change I promise you. and NO Rian, I spoke to Denis before you did, and he did not post those and is very keen to speak to you. Like i said you spelt his name wrong first of all and secondly I know him better than you do, he wants nothing to more to do with this, as he told you and he does not put things like that out there for people to see like you do. Rookie error but you make a tonne of those don't you so I am not surprised. You couldn't even answer any of the many truths I pointed out to you could you??? because they discredit everything you claim, you just completely disregarded them and instead tried to sling more mud at me and make up even more lies that I am being convicted blah blah I mean do you think I don't know that is not true?? on account of the fact that nothing like that has happened to me I told you that did you not listen?? I'll say it again, it's not sticking Rian. I have no criminal history, nothing has come of your supposed attempts. Neither me or the "porch monkey" have heard anything from the police or been in trouble with the law in any way unlike yourself. I'm squeaky clean and will remain that way :):):) OH and for the record one last thing. What "insurance" money are you referring to??? my father never got any "insurance" money. He received a payout from damages received and when he and my mother separated, as is the usual process when people split up, the money they had in joint was split evenly between them, as my dad CONDONED you moron. He was not cleaned out and left with nothing. keep on trying, you are WASTING your time but you've obviously got too much of it on your hands with the way you waste it on fruitless pursuits of trying to take down innocent people. why not try a real hobby, like golf or fishing hahaha.
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it's funny
Posted on February 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Rian, how come your so quick to threaten all these different people and their families with your accusations and lies (shame on you by the way, seems if you can't get to your victim your next step is to then try and go after their family) but have you ever actually followed thru on anything you've said you will do??? Big talk and yet no action. I bet you just talk the talk but you don't walk the walk do you which goes to show all your allegations against people are unfounded
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Rian Holden
Posted on February 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well I do not have to hide behind any other names unlike 95% of the penuts whi have chucked in their 5 cents worth. So again Wendy you expect people to belive your poor hard done by 120kg porch monkey got bashed by you 55 yr old 50kg father who is confined to a wheel chair and has been for the last 25yrs. This poor drug dealing active porch monkey who has full use of his legs and is fully mobile. Yes Wendy this is the same porch monkey you stood by while he dragged your dad out of his chair and kicked him while he lay helpless on the ground, you really are a bit of work like your toe rag of a drug dealing mother when she went into the commonwealth bank and emptied your fathers insurance payout from the account and then did the bolt and brought that house at Greenbank she is living in now.. So Wendy you are so snow white way I hear it the magistrate at Logan court the other week was going to jail you for what was it 7 counts of supplying a drug of dependance, recieving stolen goods, and living off the proceeds of crime, but seems your legal aid lawyer convinced the magistrate you son would suffer undue hardship if he locked you up so what did you get 240 hrs community work and your porch monkey gets sentances next week on what is it 19 counts of supplying a drug of dependance, 4 of break enter steal and 3 of bashing people over his drug deals. Me thinks he might got to jail on them and your so called criminal dad has lots of mates still in there so he might just end up a lifers bitch. As for you other clowns dragging others into this by slagging them off and making comments like you have is pointless and again I have put the offeri out there ring me set a time and place as yet no body has taken the offer so again bring it on. And as for this Dave Ch7 have never heard of you but would like to I am told after you contacted several people via facebook claiming to be a PI for them, silly man. So again get brave and front me sh*t even them idiots from ANZMI in the last 17 yrs have never once made an effort to front me just hid and mouthed off from behind a key board, and all these war stories attributed to me sh*t tell me some of them i would love to hear them and your source of credibility on them. So again None of the entries on here you penuts keep saying I have put in others names is mine anything I have to say is under my name. By the way Wendy I spoke to your dad today and yep he did put the entries on here he had the lady who his nurse/ carer type it up on her lap top, Again i have the pic's from that room wendy you are a now a convicted drug dealer so maybe DOC's in Qld will act now and remove your son into a safe needle free home with people who will place his safety first beyond ones who place their drug use and disposal of used needles first. So Wendy enjoy your limited time with the porch monkey cos way I hear it he will be deported back to NZ as he is wanted there for dealing drugs and bashing a 75 yr old woman at a train station in wanganui for her purse.. When he gets released from here, and if DOC's act your time with your son might be limited too... Get off the drugs Wendy clean up your act you are still young enough to start fresh, or just end up like your theiving drug dealing mother.
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enough said
Posted on February 13, 2013 Caller type: Prank Call Location: Australia
the real story is that Denis punched a guy who punched him in return. He was not bashed as Rian is claiming it was an eye for an eye end of story. Nor was Wendy there as Rian suggests and nor did she or has she had involvement in drugs or been subjecting her son to anything of the sort, that is just another fabrication, Wendy has a clean criminal record. Denis and Rian have a long standing history of drug related charges against them. Rian for no reason other than being a criminal who indugles in threatening behaviour to others, (as is well documented and proven in many other cases) has involved himself to try and interfere and to slander and defame an innocent girl who is a hard working young mother and who wants nothing to do with him or Denis. She has cut off all ties possible, she's moved houses so she cannot be traced, yet Rian still persists in badgering her via other means. Rian tries to boost his ego to feel tough by indulging in threatening his victims and harrassing them, he tells lies about the person and states that he has the police involved and on side when in fact he doesnt, as why would a pack of lies be believed by the law who know better than to listen to a fraud like him when it's plain and obvious to anyone with a scrap of common sense his malicious tales are rubbish.
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Posted on February 12, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Denis was not bashed by a bloke while his daughter stood by. He punched someone who punched him in return (an eye for an eye if you will is one way it could be seen) while his daughter was at work, she was not even present during the altercation. Rian tells lies upon lies upon lies and expects to be believed all in the name of making a big tough name for himself against people who have "wronged" him or his allies, he considers himself some sort of vigilante except he fights for the wrong side,and in the name of crime. I think it's quite evident by all comments on here what we all think of Rian the "liar" Holden/Broomfield/whatever other alias he feels like using on a whim as yes it's quite obvious that a lot of people on here are Rian pretending to be someone else, just like in all other forums I have come across where Rian has made comment under different names all to prove a point in his favour. I truly pity the other victims of this piece of work and by default his criminal brother Mick Holden who is on parole after serving in excess of 22 years for the murder of an innocent man. These two beings one would think should have more care for their freedom considering the sordid picture that's been painted of them and yet they keep on trying to lay defamation on all who have uncovered them
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truth speaker
Posted on February 12, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Off to jail again for you Mick, you really are not helping yourself instead just making your situation worse. I know you may not be aware because your a criminal and you've spent the majority of your life in jail but speaking like that gets you locked up, not to mention the fact that no one listens to it and takes your "side" like you think they will , it's blatant slanderous threats. Silly mistake on your part. This is what neither you or Rian realise, you have been caught out in your disgusting criminal behaviour and talking rubbish to people now in retalliation gets you no where. Say all you want about Denis's ex partner, he loved her at one point in time you fool. I'd hate to think what kind of a woman bought you into this world.
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Still here and still happy
Posted on February 12, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Denis Romer (notice the correct spelling which Rian can't even get right when impersonating this person) knows nothing about these posts first of all, Rian is pretending to be Denis, (along with pretending to be a lot of other people so his claims sound more valid) Denis doesn't even own a computer let alone have knowledge of how to use internet. Both he and Rian have been charged on drug related offencs as well as other offences previously. I find it very amusing that this is what Rian tries to label me with now is accusations of drug use. Even if it were true it would be hypocritical, so the fact that it isn't is just a downright joke!!! Leave me alone Rian and learn that your bullying to all of us will get you nowhere, it hasn't so far.
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Still Here and still happy despite your efforts
Posted on February 12, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
P.S. Rian, does the REAL Denis Romer (notice the correct spelling, one N in Denis not two as you put, you couldn't even get that right) know that you are impersonating him and speaking on his behalf?? You have pretended to be so many different people on here Rian. How is your credibility standing up when you create fake names for yourself, or even better pretend to be other people? Not a trustworthy person at all.
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Still Here and Still happily living my life unaffected by you and your partner in crime
Posted on February 12, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Rian you are pathetic and all these posts from people go to prove that and just how little of a human being you are. Denis Romer bashed the man in question and NOT the other way round as you keep stating, the more you do the more ridiculous you sound. That type of behaviour is ingrained in the criminal ways that you and Denis live by to do these type of things tho so nothing I say will change that though. It seems you are never going to let this go and admit you are wrong and at fault for your disturbing actions. You can say all you like about drugs etc, I know better and so does everyone else involved that it is your sad attempt to lay more blame and incrimination on my head and make me look bad when in fact there is nothing to incriminate me and im innocent of all wrong doing, I was a victim against you and Denis Romer. I have not and I will not ever lose my son despite your poor efforts to try and destroy my life based on some sick connection you have with my criminal ex father and the alliance you have formed, I just want you to know that, YOU CANNOT TOUCH ME OR AFFECT ME. It seems your life is crashing down around you Rian so well done, I told you nothing would come of your attempts and I'm glad to see you are going down for all your evil criminal deeds. It is the least you deserve and justice has been done.
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Posted on February 7, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
This gets better and better. Rian Holden using several aliases - as he does on the internet when he's trolling for gullible women to have his way with - while poor old Kim sits at home minding the baby. Holden, you must have a big one, otherwise why would Kim stay around - after all she needs a big one, considering the size of her hole.
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Posted on February 5, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I am dave and I have been contacting people on here and on facebook telling them I am a private investigator working for CH7 today tonight show, the truth is I am not a private investigator nor am I working for CH7 doing an investigation and I am recieving no money from them, in fact I wish to appologise for my lies and deciet on here and to those I have contacted and spun my story too. if any of you have issues with me my email is davezzr @ and I really hope the people at TT do not contact the Victoria Police as I am sorry for involving them in my alcohol induced fantasy of being a private dectective and working for them. To those I contacted with my lies I am again sorry I just found this thread and one thing lead to another and my lies filled in the blank areas to make me look good.
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Posted on February 4, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well Dave Simmons the would be private investigator claiming to be employed by ch7 today tonight show. Strange they have never heard of you but now due to your facebook comments claiming to be hired and paid by them and your comments to others I am told they are very keen to speak with you on camera about your scope of work for them and you should for your own good contact jamie aldridge of ch7 melbourne as they do have the resorces to track you down . davezzr @ And do not contact me again with your lies and bullsh*t. You are not a private investigator you are just a grub and a lier and you do not work for Ch7 or any of there shows. If you have told others you do and they read this site i can prove you are a fraud. And a warning to anyone else he has contacted ring Ch7 in Melbourne they want to talk to him if you have other contact details for him
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Posted on February 4, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well this feed is getting well and truly out of hand with the now involving other people and some seriously out there statements. When are you lot going to realise Holden doesn't give a f*ck about what you all bang on about on here, with all your threats to him and his family but as someone else has previously tried to tell you all "move on " , the involving of his family and others is bullsh*t if you want him go after him, but to involve his family and small child in your pathetic attacks on him is wrong and gutless, and I have to say he has issued the challange and have any of you taken him up on it as he has said face to face I bet the answer is NO. So all of you need to take a step back, and look how stupid you are all looking on here. not to mention some of the things said on here boarder on slander so if you want to attack Holden go for him but hell people leave his family out of it, take him up on his offer of a face to face meeting if you can extract yourself from behind the safety of your keyboard and see what happens but calling others names and making claims that could drop you in the sh*t as if this site does record all IP addresess is not the way to go about this. I have known this person via my club VVMC Qld for many a year and I can tell you that you are all going about this the wrong way. And before some of you idiots ask who I am think about the reply. The ex Mrs Holden I know all about you too ( From Toowoomba) and I think you should heed Bruce Duncans advice you are not in here smelling of roses ethier, and you might want to delete your last post on here.
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EMS staff member
Posted on February 3, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
As a person who has been employed by EMS for 2 years, I find your comments very offensive and uninformed all female staff are given the option of seperate accomodation when away with any male staff members not just Rian and the choice is ours if we take it nobody forces anyone to sleep or share a room if they do not want to. Rian and Kim treat all staff the same and it is one of the first things they tell all new staff that they offer alternative accomodation if requested by any of us girls who work for them. So get your facts right before tryimg to muck rake.
Comments on 0457 729 506
Posted on February 20, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
hard to believe
Posted on February 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
it's funny
Posted on February 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Rian Holden
Posted on February 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So again Wendy you expect people to belive your poor hard done by 120kg porch monkey got bashed by you 55 yr old 50kg father who is confined to a wheel chair and has been for the last 25yrs. This poor drug dealing active porch monkey who has full use of his legs and is fully mobile.
Yes Wendy this is the same porch monkey you stood by while he dragged your dad out of his chair and kicked him while he lay helpless on the ground, you really are a bit of work like your toe rag of a drug dealing mother when she went into the commonwealth bank and emptied your fathers insurance payout from the account and then did the bolt and brought that house at Greenbank she is living in now..
So Wendy you are so snow white way I hear it the magistrate at Logan court the other week was going to jail you for what was it 7 counts of supplying a drug of dependance, recieving stolen goods, and living off the proceeds of crime, but seems your legal aid lawyer convinced the magistrate you son would suffer undue hardship if he locked you up so what did you get 240 hrs community work and your porch monkey gets sentances next week on what is it 19 counts of supplying a drug of dependance, 4 of break enter steal and 3 of bashing people over his drug deals. Me thinks he might got to jail on them and your so called criminal dad has lots of mates still in there so he might just end up a lifers bitch.
As for you other clowns dragging others into this by slagging them off and making comments like you have is pointless and again I have put the offeri out there ring me set a time and place as yet no body has taken the offer so again bring it on.
And as for this Dave Ch7 have never heard of you but would like to I am told after you contacted several people via facebook claiming to be a PI for them, silly man.
So again get brave and front me sh*t even them idiots from ANZMI in the last 17 yrs have never once made an effort to front me just hid and mouthed off from behind a key board, and all these war stories attributed to me sh*t tell me some of them i would love to hear them and your source of credibility on them.
So again None of the entries on here you penuts keep saying I have put in others names is mine anything I have to say is under my name.
By the way Wendy I spoke to your dad today and yep he did put the entries on here he had the lady who his nurse/ carer type it up on her lap top,
Again i have the pic's from that room wendy you are a now a convicted drug dealer so maybe DOC's in Qld will act now and remove your son into a safe needle free home with people who will place his safety first beyond ones who place their drug use and disposal of used needles first.
So Wendy enjoy your limited time with the porch monkey cos way I hear it he will be deported back to NZ as he is wanted there for dealing drugs and bashing a 75 yr old woman at a train station in wanganui for her purse.. When he gets released from here, and if DOC's act your time with your son might be limited too... Get off the drugs Wendy clean up your act you are still young enough to start fresh, or just end up like your theiving drug dealing mother.
enough said
Posted on February 13, 2013Caller type: Prank Call
Location: Australia
Posted on February 12, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
truth speaker
Posted on February 12, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Still here and still happy
Posted on February 12, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Still Here and still happy despite your efforts
Posted on February 12, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Still Here and Still happily living my life unaffected by you and your partner in crime
Posted on February 12, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 7, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on February 5, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
if any of you have issues with me my email is davezzr @ and I really hope the people at TT do not contact the Victoria Police as I am sorry for involving them in my alcohol induced fantasy of being a private dectective and working for them.
To those I contacted with my lies I am again sorry I just found this thread and one thing lead to another and my lies filled in the blank areas to make me look good.
Posted on February 4, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
davezzr @
And do not contact me again with your lies and bullsh*t.
You are not a private investigator you are just a grub and a lier and you do not work for Ch7 or any of there shows. If you have told others you do and they read this site i can prove you are a fraud.
And a warning to anyone else he has contacted ring Ch7 in Melbourne they want to talk to him if you have other contact details for him
Posted on February 4, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
When are you lot going to realise Holden doesn't give a f*ck about what you all bang on about on here, with all your threats to him and his family but as someone else has previously tried to tell you all "move on " , the involving of his family and others is bullsh*t if you want him go after him, but to involve his family and small child in your pathetic attacks on him is wrong and gutless, and I have to say he has issued the challange and have any of you taken him up on it as he has said face to face I bet the answer is NO.
So all of you need to take a step back, and look how stupid you are all looking on here. not to mention some of the things said on here boarder on slander so if you want to attack Holden go for him but hell people leave his family out of it, take him up on his offer of a face to face meeting if you can extract yourself from behind the safety of your keyboard and see what happens but calling others names and making claims that could drop you in the sh*t as if this site does record all IP addresess is not the way to go about this.
I have known this person via my club VVMC Qld for many a year and I can tell you that you are all going about this the wrong way.
And before some of you idiots ask who I am think about the reply.
The ex Mrs Holden I know all about you too ( From Toowoomba) and I think you should heed Bruce Duncans advice you are not in here smelling of roses ethier, and you might want to delete your last post on here.
EMS staff member
Posted on February 3, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Rian and Kim treat all staff the same and it is one of the first things they tell all new staff that they offer alternative accomodation if requested by any of us girls who work for them.
So get your facts right before tryimg to muck rake.
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