Posted on March 28, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
The mutt who gave birth to Rian and Mic is to blame. These mongrels should never have been let to live....
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Ring Master
Posted on March 27, 2013 Caller type: Non-profit Organization Location: Australia
Ex Wife March 14, what is it getting to hot in the kitchen and now you want to distance yourself from the other crazies that have hung on your coat tails. How about fessing up Fiona Fay Harris ( Holden) tell everyone about your addiction to prescription medication, how you got sacked by even the abo co-op for your erratic behaviour, outright lies and falsifying your work hours when in fact you were home in bed to medicated to get up and attend your place of employment. ( yep not only can the private d*ck on here get info all it took me was a 5 min call to the local Ballarat Abo Co-op and they were not flattering about you, How about the Mt Isa Hospital Pysch ward two stays in there after trying to kill yourself in Doomagee over them two Aboriginal blokes who you were playing bump with and both gave you the flick after finding out you were screwing both of them at the same time. Then there was the Queensland education system they thought your mental instability was a risk to the kids you were teaching in Toowoomba and they terminated your employment for psychiatric reasons or so your employment record shows under FOI. So how is it you can attack your ex while trying to portray yourself as the hard done by ex wife?. Is there not a pattern through out your life of men leaving you and all for the same reasons your erratic carrying on. Heck I even heard while you have been in Ballarat that you scope out the dating sites and drag home in front of your son some absolute ferals who you fall madly in love with till they dump you even your suposed Aboriginal fiance David White cheated on you at least 4 times and you were so afraid of being alone you went crawling after him beging him to come back, or was that because he gave credability to your pretend aboriginal status and cheap rent with all the perks of being an abo. Se Fiona all this information is freely available if one was to go looking and ask the right people. As Mr Duncan so rightly put it " People in glass houses should not throw stones" you might want to remember that in the near future. Be interesting to read the results of the investigation by the Ballarat Police and others into the content of this site.
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Posted on March 26, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I just talked to the VVMC blokes and they don't have a duty barman. So where does this leave all those liars that claim to have visited and talked to him? Truth is, Rian worked his magic once again and talked Kim into cutting out her mother from her father's will. This way Kim inherits over $600k and poor old mum has to live in poverty. Now the ambulance business is going down the tubes, so Kim's inheritance is all but gone. I think she should take the remaining money and get her eyes or her sanity checked. You'd have to be blind or mad to have anything to do with that grossly fat bastard.
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Gotta love a joke
Posted on March 25, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hey as Calvan above said . Seek help you all need it, lifeline is free. Medicate yourselves if that is not going to work. Seek a withdrawl councilor if you cannont cope without your daily fix of Holden bashing but for f*cks sake enough is enough, exwife move on Wendy go say sorry to your dad. Private investigator you got caught lying find another target for your wank fest and move on and finally the Holden clan Rian is no angel by anyones books but as long as you stoke the fire the retards will come out to play , I hear this page is now subject to a telstra internal security investigation sh*t every man and his dog are on the act now. Good luck players some may end up in court some may not , lots will end up with egg on their faces few may not ethier way unless everything on here is provable in court there are several who might get their wee wee slapped by the powers to be. But it has been an interesting read.9
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Rian Duncan
Posted on March 24, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hey Bruce, isn't it funny Rian never makes any complaints to the police himself? If you are such a wordly man with knowledge you, as I do, would know even local police know Rian is a joke. Kim just makes it look legitimate.
Thankfully the last time I was watching the fat man at his house, he looked even fatter. Sure he doesn't have many years left in him.
You're being watched, Rian. (Good luck 'getting my IP address, it doesn't work like that old man).
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Posted on March 23, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
f*ck me the only ones shooting off at the mouth or key board are anonymous and the ex wife and it seems they must be linked. All these people that are just defending themselves what a load of sh*t you lot are the only ones posting sh*t on here that is attacking someone and you do not have the fortitude to even use your real names. So by all deductions Fiona is the exwife, Wendy is Wendy Romer and possibll at least 3 of the other mystery players abd the others are just your average rent a crowd who sit and masterbate infront of their computer screen. Fiona is bitching because she can as all ex wives do. Wendy is on the defensive because what child stands by and watches their invalid father bashed while he is confined to a wheel chair, the only ones ii can think of are drug f*cked and should of been drowned at birth. So how about ethier putting up your real names of just getting a life your all loosers
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Mic Holden
Posted on March 21, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Well I see Fiona that you are still banging on about Rian and now that your coward dog friends have started making some very interesting acusations you are trying to distance yourself. You gutless drug f*cked nigger loving skank who the f*ck do you think you are along with your merry band of sodomites. Maybe fiona you should move back to that nigger community up queensland the one where you tried to top yourself twice after them 2 niggers you were f*cking compared notes on the dumb slut white school teacher and gave you the arse. To all you other c*nts who are havin ago how about you all man up and front my brother face to face. And we know that won't happen ya gutless dogs. Wendy you little slag another nigger lover and ya drug f*cked mother I see she is still in the house she got after her and her mate that worked at the commonwealth bank helped her empty ya dads account from his disability payout you need a good slapping wendy with all your crap about Rian being a crim newsflash his last conviction was in 93 u dumb mole. And why have I not comment sooner well you dogs don't deserve the steam off my sh*t let alone comments
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Anonymous love child
Posted on March 21, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hey Fiona even your cronies cannont even fabricate a bullsh*t story about Holden. Me thinks that Anonymous march 19th might just be Wendy Romer same retoric same way of writting things down. So Holden is being investigated for his parenting of George that poor boy what can we all say such a nasty man what a tyrant to his other 2 sons David and Thomas....... Ooops we seem to of forgotten Bradley he is the next one after David oh and yes George is actually Georgia you f*ckin fool , so if you are goin to make up bullsh*t non factual stories and lies you got your facts right . Get a life your a f*ckin oxygen thief and a general waste of space . So Wendy go sell more drugs and crawl back under your rock.
And I am not Rian Holden so your retards can diminish that thought right up front.
What a crew of cocksuckers and mind f*cked fools and you Fiona are the circus ring master, MOVE ON BITCH get back into your prescription meds and OD again the world might be a better place without your kind.
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Posted on March 20, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
If all of this has been reported to the police and I surely hope it has "Bruce Duncan", then Rian Holden will be the only one who will suffer any repercussions and criminal retribution. He has initiated every one of these harrassments and threats and slander towards ALL these people and all they have done in retalliation is tell the truth and defend themselves against these unwanted and unwarranted lies and attempts to intimidate and bring down. Not one of these people, NOT ONE, has made the first contact towards him, they all clearly want nothing to do with him after he instigates the beginning of his harrassment towards them yet he persists. You should think about that and how moronic you sound trying to condone his behaviour and condemn that of these innocent people. It makes no sense whatsoever and you should know that if you are not mentally affected so you should stop. Before you too find yourself in hot water along with him.
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Posted on March 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Rian is currently under investigation from child services in relation to allegations of unfit parenting of his youngest son who he has with Kim. His eldest David won't have anything to do with him. I'm not surprised the same thing happened with Thomas, the poor kid would have suffered the same abuse all his other kids have. And this man has the audacity to accuse others of not being fit parents. That statement about him accusing others of the things that he is actually guilty of is spot on.
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Posted on March 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I think it's fair to say that by ALL ACCOUNTS Rian is a criminal and a liar and his lies have gotten him nowhere and they never will. Every lie he has told on here has been uncovered and the real truth revealed and he doesn't even have the brains to try and refute these facts we tell, the silly man just keeps repeating his own sad made up lies as if the more he says them that they just might trump our truths and be believed eventually.
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Bruce Duncan
Posted on March 19, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
They say Fiona that people in glass houses should not throw stones, and also those that protest the loudest have something to hide. So you claim you have made your point yet all you have done is show how sad and vindictive you really are, you keep saying Rian is putting you down and telling everyone lies about you but if you re read everything on here i cannot find that and the only ones putting anyone down and telling lies are your group of super brave faceless friends. If I am unknown to you maybe I should start a page that dorectly attacks you complete with photos but sha would that achieve except make me as bad as you and this lot on here. Fiona you have gone to an all time low by condoning some of the blatant lies on here and you say I am brain washed by Rian . These gutless idiots are about to get a huge shock and so are you. Kim put a formal complaint about this site and page to the Ballarat police and a Const Glen Jones is now investigating it and has contacted the site administrator and requested all the IP addresess he has also refered it to both the Victorian police computer crimes unit and the AFP because it is an off shore site. So Fiona who do you think will have the last laugh sure will not be any of you lot. My advice again is pull your head in getback on your medication and maybe consider moving out of Ballarat.
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VVMC Member
Posted on March 18, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
In all my 62 years I have never come across a bunch of semi retarded morons that I have encountered on this page. First up I was not sticking up for Holden I was stating facts and to the fool going by the name informant get something straight sunshine you never contacted the club by any means and you sure as f*ck never attended the club house looking for me as I was the duty barman last friday night. We as a club have not contacted Holden why would we waste our time especially after the crap you lot spruk on here so stop name dropping and expanding your bullsh*t stories, or maybe we find you and have asmall chat in your shell like ear about involving us in your fantastic stories and vendetta's. I will be duty barman again on easter friday so get out from behind your keyboard and come visit, do you require directions You morons need to get a life outside of your own shallow minds, and you The ex Wife go grind your axe and dirty laundry in private no one cares so just move on your as bad as the rest of them. Again I will be the duty barman on easter friday so Mr informant please again attend and make yourself known to me and the club in general and again if you need assistance with a cab fare I am sure we can arange to have you picked up.
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Bruce Duncan
Posted on March 18, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
So according to the person calling themselves Informant you don't know me Fiona, well you might want to come clean again and put a stop to all this rubish Fiona and if I am unknown to you then this person must be right hey, but still your and your medicated brain anything is possible. Pity I cannot post pictures on here that might shut a few of the fools on here up. Spoke to Rian tonight and he has not heard anything from the Vets contrary to the bullsh*t written on here by this informant person. And again I am my own person so ditch the idea I am Rian
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Posted on March 18, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
I have spoken to the VVMC via phone and email, and then I also went to the club house as suggested by Rian as a further measure and have been told firsthand several times that no member of their club has been on this site posting comments in favour of Rian's behaviour.. They have now spoken to Rian about his fraudulent lies reported to them, and are now in the process of making physical contact with him, they have their own ways of dealing with people like that obviously and I have to say they are not happy, I almost felt bad bringing him to their attention. As if it wasn't suspicious enough to everyone that a rival of Rian's would be on here condoning his actions, here is the proof that it was made up. Notice also how Mick has stopped making comments and even Rian himself has refrained. Now it's only people like "Bruce Duncan" (who incidentally doesn't know Denis or Fiona or anyone that he says he does, it's just Rian using the name of a friend to support his lies.) and fictitious VVMC members talking in his favour. Rian knows he's beat and has been uncovered to the point of having zero credibility, so now he has gone into hiding. Good riddance to him
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Tin Can Bay Resident
Posted on March 17, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Tin Can Bay, To make the statements you have on here are just outright lies I was involved with those disco's as well and the only person who started up stories about Rian Holden and another married man was one Carly Kiddel(unsure of spelling) this same person also bragged of sleeping with two 40 yr old men who had a prawn trawler based in the bay, and eventually was caught out in her lies, she spent hours down the Tin Can Bay coast guard rooms with a Shane Rooney who would of been in his late 40s and later broke up his marriage and moved in with him when she was just 15 and they left the state for places unknown after the police sgt at the bay wanted to qestion this Rooney about his relationship with her. I do believe Rian left the bay to move into a house him and Fiona put on a block of land they purchased the otherside of Gympie not as sugguested by this vicious post by Tin Can Bay who by all accounts is the one and only Carly. This whole site is getting way out of hand and there are some very poor choices by people who seem to think they know it all but clearly do not. But if the one calling themselves Tin Can Bay is Carly then she might want to go complain to the TCB police, thats right I do believe they still want to chat to her about Shane Rooney and they also have a letter she left in Rians letterbox saying sorry for lying about him and others.
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Bruce aka Rian
Posted on March 17, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Hey Bruce, or Rian or Clinton or whoever Rian asked to write on here so people didn't spot his poor spelling. That's the thing really, I almost feel bad for dedicating time to taking down a guy who's cognitive ability (look it up bright spark) is some what lacking to say the least.
So who is the investigating officer at computer crimes in Melbourne? I'd love to speak to them, and seeing as I've posted on here before surely they want to talk to me.
Threats of police action? Hmm sounds awfully like Rian's tactic when he's stuck in a corner.
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Bruce Duncan
Posted on March 16, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Fiona come on at least tell the truth about Tom. He went to live with you when Rian kicked him out for lying and stealing his phone back after it was taken off him. I do believe this took place at the ballarat police stn when Rian went to report him missing after he failed to come home from school and you said you did not know where he was yet all the time he was with you at the police stn doing a statement that Rian hit him some 3 wks before hand . Strange he should wait that long and it was the same day that ballarat high school had child first contact you a very convieant thing on your part so your protesting that family services and child first did not investigate you or your boyfriend are a out right lie Fiona why dud your boyfriend get kicked out of your house when Tom came to stay , wouldn't be because he not only hit you but hit Tom as well, so tell the truth and if you call abusing Tom by taking his phone off him, and grounding him for lying then you need to change your pills. And this is me not Rian and you know I know lots more dirt on you so again pull your head in before you go to far. As for your new best friend Carly I hear the Tin Can Bay police and the WA police want to talk to her and Mr Rooney about his relationship with her. Interesting as i know Rian has read the crap on here and contacted both police and Rooneys ex wife so should be interesting times ahead. Also tell Tom he has my number if he wants to talk to me .
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Just in Time
Posted on March 15, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Tin Can Bay. Is this friend of yours the same one who at 15 destroyed the marriage of a family at Tin Can Bay by the name of Rooney when after having an affair with the husband Shane who was 46 with 3 kids and she had been having active sex with him since she was 14 moved in with him and then later moved to WA with him after the Tin Can Bay police went and had words with him they niw have a couple of kids he is a fisherman called Shane Rooney and she is Carly Kiddell or now calls herself Micalla Kiddell who was known for creating stories about her love and wild sex life yep sounds like the same person . Look her up on facebooke just type in Shane Rooney. Maybe you should go to the police with your allegations i am sure if what you claim is true they will act accordingly. I am also sure Mr Rooney has committed several child sex offences with his child lover/ bride one Carly Kiddell from Tin Can Bay Queensland now of Western Australia. She is I also belueve on MSN Chat doing live sex shows when Mr Rooney is away at sea. Everyone in the bay knows her and her facination with married and older men and her stories she used to tell but she finally came good when she destroyed my sisters marriage with her slutish behaviour. So if you have proof of what you say take it to the police if not retract what you have said here because i understand from reading the conditions on here all IP addresses are logged and you still might get a visit because you have made some very serious allegations in here Carly.
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Posted on March 14, 2013 Caller type: Unknown Location: Australia
Rian Holden/Bruce Duncan/Mic Holden and any one else who wants to go on this site and put lies up about me: It doesn't matter what I say or do you still put up the lies.... over and over! I am just wasting my time and effort. No I am not "pulling my head in" because you said so. I don't want to waste any more of my life. I have more to do with my life than put up with your lies, and abuse and trying to defend me. Like I have said before, those that care about me or that I care about know the true. If someone believes your lies without knowing the truth, than they are the ones with a problem. So in future the lies and abuse you put on here to hurt me, will be wasted because I won't even read them. Others should do the same. Avoid this site and then Rian won't get the satisfaction of lying and abusing you. We have made a point but we are wasting our time, as a leopard never changes his spots. You will never get him to stop and he doesn't care about how we feel. Get on with your life and forget about him.
Comments on 0457 729 506
The pound
Posted on March 28, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Ring Master
Posted on March 27, 2013Caller type: Non-profit Organization
Location: Australia
How about fessing up Fiona Fay Harris ( Holden) tell everyone about your addiction to prescription medication, how you got sacked by even the abo co-op for your erratic behaviour, outright lies and falsifying your work hours when in fact you were home in bed to medicated to get up and attend your place of employment. ( yep not only can the private d*ck on here get info all it took me was a 5 min call to the local Ballarat Abo Co-op and they were not flattering about you,
How about the Mt Isa Hospital Pysch ward two stays in there after trying to kill yourself in Doomagee over them two Aboriginal blokes who you were playing bump with and both gave you the flick after finding out you were screwing both of them at the same time.
Then there was the Queensland education system they thought your mental instability was a risk to the kids you were teaching in Toowoomba and they terminated your employment for psychiatric reasons or so your employment record shows under FOI.
So how is it you can attack your ex while trying to portray yourself as the hard done by ex wife?. Is there not a pattern through out your life of men leaving you and all for the same reasons your erratic carrying on. Heck I even heard while you have been in Ballarat that you scope out the dating sites and drag home in front of your son some absolute ferals who you fall madly in love with till they dump you even your suposed Aboriginal fiance David White cheated on you at least 4 times and you were so afraid of being alone you went crawling after him beging him to come back, or was that because he gave credability to your pretend aboriginal status and cheap rent with all the perks of being an abo.
Se Fiona all this information is freely available if one was to go looking and ask the right people.
As Mr Duncan so rightly put it " People in glass houses should not throw stones" you might want to remember that in the near future.
Be interesting to read the results of the investigation by the Ballarat Police and others into the content of this site.
Posted on March 26, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Truth is, Rian worked his magic once again and talked Kim into cutting out her mother from her father's will. This way Kim inherits over $600k and poor old mum has to live in poverty. Now the ambulance business is going down the tubes, so Kim's inheritance is all but gone. I think she should take the remaining money and get her eyes or her sanity checked. You'd have to be blind or mad to have anything to do with that grossly fat bastard.
Gotta love a joke
Posted on March 25, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Medicate yourselves if that is not going to work.
Seek a withdrawl councilor if you cannont cope without your daily fix of Holden bashing but for f*cks sake enough is enough, exwife move on Wendy go say sorry to your dad. Private investigator you got caught lying find another target for your wank fest and move on and finally the Holden clan Rian is no angel by anyones books but as long as you stoke the fire the retards will come out to play ,
I hear this page is now subject to a telstra internal security investigation sh*t every man and his dog are on the act now.
Good luck players some may end up in court some may not , lots will end up with egg on their faces few may not ethier way unless everything on here is provable in court there are several who might get their wee wee slapped by the powers to be.
But it has been an interesting read.9
Rian Duncan
Posted on March 24, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Thankfully the last time I was watching the fat man at his house, he looked even fatter. Sure he doesn't have many years left in him.
You're being watched, Rian. (Good luck 'getting my IP address, it doesn't work like that old man).
Posted on March 23, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
All these people that are just defending themselves what a load of sh*t you lot are the only ones posting sh*t on here that is attacking someone and you do not have the fortitude to even use your real names. So by all deductions Fiona is the exwife, Wendy is Wendy Romer and possibll at least 3 of the other mystery players abd the others are just your average rent a crowd who sit and masterbate infront of their computer screen.
Fiona is bitching because she can as all ex wives do.
Wendy is on the defensive because what child stands by and watches their invalid father bashed while he is confined to a wheel chair, the only ones ii can think of are drug f*cked and should of been drowned at birth.
So how about ethier putting up your real names of just getting a life your all loosers
Mic Holden
Posted on March 21, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You gutless drug f*cked nigger loving skank who the f*ck do you think you are along with your merry band of sodomites.
Maybe fiona you should move back to that nigger community up queensland the one where you tried to top yourself twice after them 2 niggers you were f*cking compared notes on the dumb slut white school teacher and gave you the arse.
To all you other c*nts who are havin ago how about you all man up and front my brother face to face. And we know that won't happen ya gutless dogs.
Wendy you little slag another nigger lover and ya drug f*cked mother I see she is still in the house she got after her and her mate that worked at the commonwealth bank helped her empty ya dads account from his disability payout you need a good slapping wendy with all your crap about Rian being a crim newsflash his last conviction was in 93 u dumb mole.
And why have I not comment sooner well you dogs don't deserve the steam off my sh*t let alone comments
Anonymous love child
Posted on March 21, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Me thinks that Anonymous march 19th might just be Wendy Romer same retoric same way of writting things down.
So Holden is being investigated for his parenting of George that poor boy what can we all say such a nasty man what a tyrant to his other 2 sons David and Thomas....... Ooops we seem to of forgotten Bradley he is the next one after David oh and yes George is actually Georgia you f*ckin fool , so if you are goin to make up bullsh*t non factual stories and lies you got your facts right .
Get a life your a f*ckin oxygen thief and a general waste of space .
So Wendy go sell more drugs and crawl back under your rock.
And I am not Rian Holden so your retards can diminish that thought right up front.
What a crew of cocksuckers and mind f*cked fools and you Fiona are the circus ring master, MOVE ON BITCH get back into your prescription meds and OD again the world might be a better place without your kind.
Posted on March 20, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on March 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Posted on March 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bruce Duncan
Posted on March 19, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
If I am unknown to you maybe I should start a page that dorectly attacks you complete with photos but sha would that achieve except make me as bad as you and this lot on here.
Fiona you have gone to an all time low by condoning some of the blatant lies on here and you say I am brain washed by Rian . These gutless idiots are about to get a huge shock and so are you.
Kim put a formal complaint about this site and page to the Ballarat police and a Const Glen Jones is now investigating it and has contacted the site administrator and requested all the IP addresess he has also refered it to both the Victorian police computer crimes unit and the AFP because it is an off shore site.
So Fiona who do you think will have the last laugh sure will not be any of you lot.
My advice again is pull your head in getback on your medication and maybe consider moving out of Ballarat.
VVMC Member
Posted on March 18, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
First up I was not sticking up for Holden I was stating facts and to the fool going by the name informant get something straight sunshine you never contacted the club by any means and you sure as f*ck never attended the club house looking for me as I was the duty barman last friday night.
We as a club have not contacted Holden why would we waste our time especially after the crap you lot spruk on here so stop name dropping and expanding your bullsh*t stories, or maybe we find you and have asmall chat in your shell like ear about involving us in your fantastic stories and vendetta's.
I will be duty barman again on easter friday so get out from behind your keyboard and come visit, do you require directions
You morons need to get a life outside of your own shallow minds, and you The ex Wife go grind your axe and dirty laundry in private no one cares so just move on your as bad as the rest of them.
Again I will be the duty barman on easter friday so Mr informant please again attend and make yourself known to me and the club in general and again if you need assistance with a cab fare I am sure we can arange to have you picked up.
Bruce Duncan
Posted on March 18, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Pity I cannot post pictures on here that might shut a few of the fools on here up.
Spoke to Rian tonight and he has not heard anything from the Vets contrary to the bullsh*t written on here by this informant person.
And again I am my own person so ditch the idea I am Rian
Posted on March 18, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Tin Can Bay Resident
Posted on March 17, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I do believe Rian left the bay to move into a house him and Fiona put on a block of land they purchased the otherside of Gympie not as sugguested by this vicious post by Tin Can Bay who by all accounts is the one and only Carly.
This whole site is getting way out of hand and there are some very poor choices by people who seem to think they know it all but clearly do not.
But if the one calling themselves Tin Can Bay is Carly then she might want to go complain to the TCB police, thats right I do believe they still want to chat to her about Shane Rooney and they also have a letter she left in Rians letterbox saying sorry for lying about him and others.
Bruce aka Rian
Posted on March 17, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So who is the investigating officer at computer crimes in Melbourne? I'd love to speak to them, and seeing as I've posted on here before surely they want to talk to me.
Threats of police action? Hmm sounds awfully like Rian's tactic when he's stuck in a corner.
Bruce Duncan
Posted on March 16, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
He went to live with you when Rian kicked him out for lying and stealing his phone back after it was taken off him.
I do believe this took place at the ballarat police stn when Rian went to report him missing after he failed to come home from school and you said you did not know where he was yet all the time he was with you at the police stn doing a statement that Rian hit him some 3 wks before hand . Strange he should wait that long and it was the same day that ballarat high school had child first contact you a very convieant thing on your part so your protesting that family services and child first did not investigate you or your boyfriend are a out right lie Fiona why dud your boyfriend get kicked out of your house when Tom came to stay , wouldn't be because he not only hit you but hit Tom as well, so tell the truth and if you call abusing Tom by taking his phone off him, and grounding him for lying then you need to change your pills.
And this is me not Rian and you know I know lots more dirt on you so again pull your head in before you go to far.
As for your new best friend Carly I hear the Tin Can Bay police and the WA police want to talk to her and Mr Rooney about his relationship with her. Interesting as i know Rian has read the crap on here and contacted both police and Rooneys ex wife so should be interesting times ahead.
Also tell Tom he has my number if he wants to talk to me .
Just in Time
Posted on March 15, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Maybe you should go to the police with your allegations i am sure if what you claim is true they will act accordingly. I am also sure Mr Rooney has committed several child sex offences with his child lover/ bride one Carly Kiddell from Tin Can Bay Queensland now of Western Australia. She is I also belueve on MSN Chat doing live sex shows when Mr Rooney is away at sea.
Everyone in the bay knows her and her facination with married and older men and her stories she used to tell but she finally came good when she destroyed my sisters marriage with her slutish behaviour.
So if you have proof of what you say take it to the police if not retract what you have said here because i understand from reading the conditions on here all IP addresses are logged and you still might get a visit because you have made some very serious allegations in here Carly.
Posted on March 14, 2013Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So in future the lies and abuse you put on here to hurt me, will be wasted because I won't even read them.
Others should do the same. Avoid this site and then Rian won't get the satisfaction of lying and abusing you. We have made a point but we are wasting our time, as a leopard never changes his spots. You will never get him to stop and he doesn't care about how we feel. Get on with your life and forget about him.
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