Comments on 0457 729 506

Comments on 0457 729 506


Posted on April 13, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
And james burke would have nothing to say on here had he actually been charged. More illogical tactics to gain favour.
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Posted on April 12, 2013
Location: Australia
Comment has been removed.


Posted on April 11, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
There appears to be some confusion as to who owns the name 'Bindi'. Maybe the other Bindi might post his email addy here and I'll contact him and sort it out. Not you Rian - the other Bindi. You have already posted here under Bindi's name, Doc's name and others. In fact Doc must be getting sick of you using his name. How about that false meteorite you were trying to sell on Ebay - using Doc's name?
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Bruce Duncan

Posted on April 10, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Just got off the phone with the actual Denis and as he said, he does not own a mobile phone or a computer and the previous message except this latest was placed here on his behalf and now it seems people are now trying to deflect attention from themselves hence the latest post. Gotta love the faceless people on here do you not.
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Posted on April 10, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
To Cruzin by. Yes everything is "checkable", that is the whole reason why everyone on here is angry because Rian has told a whole bunch of lies that were easily "checkable" and proven to be false. Ironic that you only mention the lies told against him though and not the lies told by him. Are you him? Of course people are going to want to spin fake stories about him to give him a taste of his own medicine but it seems he finds the taste a little bitter. Well he should have thought about that before he started making false allegations and accusations against others if he didn't want the same treatment in return.
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Denis Romer

Posted on April 10, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
My name is Denis Romer, I am the real person. I wish to state that I did not post myself, or allow anyone else on my behalf to post any of the previous statements that have been made on here using my name, albeit wrongly spelt. I do not agree with any of these statements that were made on my behalf, I do not condone any of this. I want nothing to do with this drama and nor does Wendy as I originally told Rian however he has took it upon himself to keep it going. I have not known Fiona for many years and did not make any comments in regards to her or her life. I hope to not hear any more about this. Please leave Wendy and I and everyone else out of it as it was a regrettable and complicated situation and none of this is helpful. It is no one elses business.
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stop to consider...

Posted on April 9, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Nothing that has been said on here can be regarded as truth or lie so why is anyone even bothering to comment still? It's all word against word. Anyone can say any of these statements and on the same hand also refute them but it still means nothing so why bother?? Seems this little war should have run it's course by now but some people seem not to be able let it go and it just can't be won, it's one of those things where people are just going to disagree. I'm sure there are equal amounts of lies and truth on here but as I said it's pointless and will get no one no where.
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Mother. VVMC Qld

Posted on April 7, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Who in f*cks name are all you simpletons, some clown calling himself after a known fraud who steals the true honor of another man and wears his medals then claims he thought they were his.
another who claims to be in contact with this club over Holden yet we have never heard of him let alone from him.
another one who calls himself Eric Cartman from some kids TV show that is an expert on all things Holden yet all of you are travelling off the coat tails of the VVMC,We have no love for Holden but you dumb fools he will play with and f*ck with your heads as you might think you know him but you have no f*cking idea and making up stories about him only make you all look stupider than you already are
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Cruzin By

Posted on April 7, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Bob Robinson who was called "Bindi" while in the Patriots and later Combat veterans International well if this is you or no matter who it is I spoke to a police officer on the gold coast who was the president of ERA ( Emergency Riders Association) during the time you mentioned Holden was a member, strange he said that he had no children at the time and that others on executive of that club one run by and for members of the emergency services had any issues with Holden , so again your claims and mischief making have been proved lies, I am still trying to locate the founder of the Patriots whom I understand if you are the real Bindi you were the founding president in Queensland of and indeed recruited Holden as your Sgt At Arms, but those I have spoken to say there was never anything about Holden taking money from the club but had alot to do with what was on CPMH site as was the name for ANZMI previously, again your mischief making is seeing to come undone again.
But like the person claiming to be a private investigator we can all seek out information on anyone.
As for "your famous" comments I watch that show every night and I saw no mention of any story about Holden and again this is another comment designed to cause trouble that is totally unfounded.
If this man ever gets to find your real names and locations I do believe several of you could face criminal prosecutions for some of the stuff on here.
But I will keep following this site and quietly keep digging to see if there is anyone on here who can be found to be legit and telling any small form of the truth, todate nothing on here has been proven as fact except that Wendy did confirm her boyfriend hit her father who is confined to a wheel chair.
thank you google for this thread makes a cold wet Canberra night interesting.
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know the truth

Posted on April 6, 2013
Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
you idiot get a life ringmaster your a ring but not a master it starts with a and ends with e
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Posted on April 4, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I see Rian posing as VVMC member. Funny posing as a member of a bike club that found him out and posted him on Or was that the Patriots when he stole their cheque book and wrote several bad ones out? Or maybe the ERA riders? He had to run pretty quick from them when he was found trying to entice the President's daughter into the bathroom with lollies. But if he wants the VVMC phone number all he has to do is look it up in the book - it's there.
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You're famous!

Posted on April 4, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hey Rian, hope you watch Today Tonight this evening.

It's your 15 minutes of fame.
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Cruzin By

Posted on April 4, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This thread has got my attention so I did some digging into things and places quoted by all you sorry people and it is very easy to obtain the information I got.
Eric you quote this ANZMI site seems that they like you lot use fake names, fake email addresses and are self proclaimed judge jury and exercutioners of all they put on that site, they seem to be in a small amount of trouble over some of the contents about people but I did check your recomended thread on Holden.
The only thing they seem to have right is his service number and date of Birth.
Mr Holden was raised in NewZealand by his paternal grandparents hence the last name Broomfield he served in the regular Army from 1974-1980 then went to what they called a class A reserve for a manditory 3 yrs. So the claim he was only in the Territorial(Reserve Army) in NewZealand is totally false by their part and this information is freely available from the NZ government defence site.
As for the claim that Miss Kennedy has cut her mother out of a will, the will was probated in the supreme court in Qld several years ago and the document is a matter of public registry now and Mr Kennedy made no reference to his Ex wife being a benificary of the estate.So again another malicious lie told to cause trouble on this thread.
As for Holden being investigated by the childrens services of Victoria that again is a proven lie, and really the list goes on, I am not here to support Holden or make excuses for him but you sad people are trying to paint him as this super villian why is unkown but in doing and saying what you all have makes you no better than the person you are trying to have ago at.
Also the very numerous comments by Wendy, and latter by annon about Holden being a criminal the man holds national police checks and ASIO checks that allow him to gain acess to maritime and other secure area's so if he is this huge villian then the Federal Police and ASIO seem to of been hoodwinked by this man to, I think not again just one of you sad people trying to justify your actions.
So again think before you write on here as everything is checkable these days and you only make yourselves look totally stupid and very sad.
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Cruzin By

Posted on April 2, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I say Eric old son have you personally heard these darstadly war stories with your own painted on ears?.
Or is it just a case that someone who knows someones pet cat might have told you during pillow talk time.
You seem to have alot to say on here
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Cruzin by

Posted on April 1, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Seriously do you people check your facts before you put stuff on here, or do you just write the first thing that develops in your shell like minds.
You all need some serious help from a good psych as you all are totally away with the pixies at the foot of the garden.
I read very few posts in here by the person you are all going on about yet you all seem to think he is anyone who writes a comment against any of you, very strange I must say.
Where do you all become judge, jury and exercutioner did someone die and delegate the job?.
You all need to get a life really .
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VVMC Member

Posted on March 31, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
To the fool calling himself Bindi. If this is the real Bindi aka Bob Robinson who stole and posed insomeone elses medals and posed as a Vietnam Veteran you really are a silly man and you have never spoken to our club at all last contact with you was at a function on the Sunshine Coast over 13 yrs ago when you turned up on your bike with another ex pusser from the coast and started swaning about.
Last we heard you were in WA. But then again who knows who is real and who is using other peoples names just to create sh*t.
so tell me the club phone number and the member you claim you had a conversation with because last friday there was only 9 of us at the bunker and the phone rang twice, once for the Sgt at Arms and one to confirm a pizza delivery.And I took both calls.
So go back to doing what you do best sunshine and give your self a chance to regroup your single brain cell, you are a liar and a troublemaker with the brains of a 3 yr old.
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Tru Investigator

Posted on March 30, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
One has to thank google for giving this page a boost.
What a sad group of people we have in here one would hope you all had day jobs or at least a small part time job.
What alot of retoric directed at one person this man must be the devil incarante himself with so many of you posting things and making all these allegations, he should be serving 100years to life in jail, but reading this sad but entertaining page you are all long on with your allegations but very short on your actions so combine it all together makes for a very sad group of people who obviously do not have a very active social life to go with the active immaginationy.
But again thank you google you rock
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Whats up doc

Posted on March 28, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hey doc why dont u take your own advice then and post your real name, hypocrite. Fiona isnt bitching, just defending herself and refuting rians lies, did u read anyone elses posts or just rians bulls#it? You mustnt have and if u did u have conveniently ignored their solid facts against rians fictitious nonsense with holes all thru it. Same for wendy who is only defending herself, yet you choose to believe she did something wrong when she supplied various facts that indicate she did nothing, again read it all properly. And dave is the same too, just defending against an attack rian has initiated, completely blameless. Why cant you see all this doc?? You seem to be selectively ignorant to certain facts and your whole argument is based simply on just believing rian wholeheartedly. Ive got it sussed, anyone who is in rians defence is actually rian and/or his brother mic, the only companion he has to back him up. They both make so many outrageous claims based on no apparent truth, they cant keep the story straight and jump from one fib to the next, when they arent dishing out death theeats and promises of violence. When someone discredits them and disproves their lies they just tell another lie and ignore that they have been called out and caught being dishonest. No one has confronted rian or mic without their provocation. If this is about seeing who can get who in trouble i guarantee you there will only be two people who face persecution because there is obviously only two people here who have done wrong.
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sideshow bob

Posted on March 28, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Mic and Rian, all these people have offered to meet up with you, both of you "supposedly" know where every one of lives and yet you never actually make physical contact with any of them, you have never followed thru on meeting up with any of them or giving them the "beatings they apparently deserve" or successfully "dobbing them into police for the things they've apparently done", it's all talk. 2 yellow bellied dogs is all you are. I didn't know having a mental disorder was genetic but it sure runs in this dumb ass family.. How can two fully grown men be so stupid??
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Posted on March 28, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Mic's (and Rian's) choice of "colourful" commments on here are very interesting considering that this forum has apparently been reported to the police and is being investigated. I wonder how his choice words will affect his parole conditions? Surely threatening and harrassing people is a breach?? I don't understand why Mic and Rian bother posting on here, they have nothing new to add. Just the same lies that have already been told, being repeated over, as if anyone will listen and believe them when no one has so far, what a waste of time. They sit behind the comfort of a computer talking crap about others, never actually acting on their words. What's the point...?
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