Comments on 0451 950 219

Comments on 0451 950 219


Posted on January 10, 2013
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
He scammed me too in December when I was trying to by concert tickets via Gumtree. If it wasn't a last minute thing I would never have done a bank deposit and then e-ticket transaction. I hope he goes to jail.
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Posted on December 31, 2012
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Oh my god I just scammed by this guy too. So dodgy
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Posted on December 24, 2012
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
I have been scammed $170.00 by a "Clint Wiebenga" using this number for alleged concert tickets which never materialised. DON"T TRUST ANYONE - meet in person to buy tickets, I've learnt the hard way :(
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