Comments on 0450 389 170

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0450 389 170


Posted on June 28, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Kanda mon kange

This number belongs to Kanda mon kange in zillmere, brisbane. he’s been caught trying to hook up with multiple women online. Has also messaged teenage girls, expired visa. He will find your number and call you non stop
Until you block.
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Posted on June 15, 2020
Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
Caller: John

He was a black guy. If this guy ever calls you he is a mean guy. He doesn’t speak English very well and he doesn’t understand it very well. He also doesn’t know how to leave someone alone.
2 found this comment helpful


Posted on May 26, 2024
Caller type: Unsolicited call
Location: Australia
Caller: Kandra mon kange

He is a png guy who will stalk all your social media try to hook up when yoi block his number he will strat calling off of private numbers and making up fake social medias and names he will call you saying his bj then id he cant get thru on your phone he will start on your WhatsApp
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Posted on May 1, 2022
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: No idea

I have no idea who this person is (and have certainly never called them before) he called me, I could hardly make out what he was trying to say but think it was “do I know you”

Who tf calls someone and asks who they are 🤷🏼‍♀️ U called me d*ckhead
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