Comments on 0448 045 874

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0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 1 total complaints

Comments on 0448 045 874


Posted on January 28, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Solar panel snake oil sales opportunists (Ken?) (Qube?)

Note to cold caller sales ppl.Just don't. You are preying on vulnerable ppl during a pandemic.
Low,low low bar.

#Note to beloved Minister Felcher. This website is a testament to the scale of scamming in this country, under your watch. You have one job, and seem utterly incapable of doing it. Phones and internet (shocking) and scamming via the communications network (gangbusters)
The Do Not Call reg costs millions of tax payer dollars and yet it does SFA.
Foreign players via foreign call centres operated for Aust ISP's are harvesting our private details and data.That's why we get this stuff, and has the potential to siphon life savings
Please quit and save us the effort sacking you @ the next election

Solar panel snake oil sales opportunists (Ken?) (Qube?)
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