Search Results for 0444 444 444
Names found on this computer
415-417 Sydney Rd, COBURG VIC 3058History
1 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2021Other Formats
/0444 444 444
/004 444 44444
/0444 444 444
/004 444 44444
Comments on 0444 444 444
Posted on April 14, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: Received text msg tonite from this supposedly emergency/evacuation alert no, pretty sure it’s been compromised & link is scam
POLICE are searching for a missing 13-year-old boy, Zubair Sadit, last seen about 5.30pm today Beamish St, Campsie. Contact 000 if seen.
POLICE are searching for a missing 13-year-old boy, Zubair Sadit, last seen about 5.30pm today Beamish St, Campsie. Contact 000 if seen.
Just Some Fact-Checker
Posted on April 14, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: Emergency Alert Australia
Seemed shonky until I looked into it:
Official Site:
Wikipedia Entry:
Seemed shonky until I looked into it:
Official Site:
Wikipedia Entry:
Emergency Alert!
Posted on April 11, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Official Australian Emergency Services alerts. You should only be contacted of within range of an impending natural disaster or some other/similar related event. You might receive multiple messages if travelling or within range of more than one alert broadcast.
Posted on April 11, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
it send me an abuse message
Posted on April 10, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: 0444 444 444
Just received an alert to look out for missing 13 yo boy, Douglas M. last seen in West Pymble on 7/4
attached was URL to an image, which didn't load om my PC.
Not sure if this is kosher...?
Just received an alert to look out for missing 13 yo boy, Douglas M. last seen in West Pymble on 7/4
attached was URL to an image, which didn't load om my PC.
Not sure if this is kosher...?
Posted on February 16, 2021Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: SMS not calls
Jan 16 2021
WA Police are searching for a missing 79y/o man, 183cm, slim, brown hair. Last seen in Innaloo wearing dark blue top, pink shorts, any info call 131444.
January 24, 2021
WA Police are searching for a missing 89yo female in Wembley. She was last seen wearing white shirt, floral pants & 2 dogs, any information call 131444.
February 16, 2021
WA Police are searching for a missing 66yo female in Nedlands. Last seen wearing white shirt with black flowers & white pants, any information call 131444.
Not sure if this 0444 444 444 is a legitimate emergency, government services (fire, health, etc) number.
Jan 16 2021
WA Police are searching for a missing 79y/o man, 183cm, slim, brown hair. Last seen in Innaloo wearing dark blue top, pink shorts, any info call 131444.
January 24, 2021
WA Police are searching for a missing 89yo female in Wembley. She was last seen wearing white shirt, floral pants & 2 dogs, any information call 131444.
February 16, 2021
WA Police are searching for a missing 66yo female in Nedlands. Last seen wearing white shirt with black flowers & white pants, any information call 131444.
Not sure if this 0444 444 444 is a legitimate emergency, government services (fire, health, etc) number.
Emergency Alert
Posted on January 4, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
That message did not come from Emergency Alert and is not used to contact individuals
The Alert
Posted on November 15, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I received an SMS from this number this evening. I have not seen the number before, had no idea who it was and bearing in mind there are so many nasty individuals out there sending emails and messages wanting to SCAM the unwary and vulnerable members of our society, you will understand why I deleted it just in case I ended up with a $1000 phone bill.
Posted on October 11, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I received a message from this number of a miising car and a child is it genuine
Posted on September 23, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Good luck in the next bushfire, flood, famine or plague, you moron.
Posted on September 8, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
lol, the midwit thinks he has a high IQ by acquiescing to authority and allowing the government unlimited access to private details. Only a midwit wouldn't understand how this could be misused.
Posted on July 1, 2020Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: No one I deal with
Sending unwanted bullsh*t without a way to opt out
Sending unwanted bullsh*t without a way to opt out
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes again..................................... Government sending s##t out to people and not knowing what they are talking about / where is the conversion from idiot government to normal human beings who are australian and not suck up gold spoon fed imbeciles who don't realize not to send messages to your mobile phone tower. Or use the correct terminology locals use
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Any legit government usage for this number shouldnt be trivialised but apparently its one idiot in parliament who goes send that out to this general area your tower was probably on the outskirts of the area and it means f all to you at all because the message / call shouldnt have been made through that tower government stupidity at its best
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Seeek high ground to look for the idiot who sent the sms message spot the mobile tower and shoot it down
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So great when the emergency phone crap gets used for nothing and no one sent the message or why would it be sent???? Wait it was sent and nothing was wrong??? Hmmmm
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
WOW I really need to be told sever weather and power is out when the F###ING POWER IS OUT I CAN SEE THAT...... WE GET A POWER OUTAGE HERE 10 TIMES A YEAR.......Great people who work on power around here but they dont get called out for 30 mintues around here 5 minutes to see if a reset from base does it if not then the guys get called out but not for us we are on the end of the line people near the beginning of the line get a free repreave with a generator.....
Mini tornado hit wow hey now you could go here to hear about it and what they are going to do..... FAIR ENOUGH
Mini tornado hit wow hey now you could go here to hear about it and what they are going to do..... FAIR ENOUGH
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Well done innate usage of something that could be used to REALLY REALLY HELP PEOPLE AKA CRAZED GUN TOTING KILLER ON RAMPAGE IN YOUR AREA .............INSTEAD HEY ITS HOT TODAY OR ITS SO WET ITS 5 CMS OF RAIN CHANCE OF FLOODING ...... NOT HEY YOUR GENERAL AREA MAYBE FLOODING FLOODING REPORTED AT X RIVER LOOK OUT OR FIRE COMING LOOK OUT .................................Government get your f###### act together and pass proper f#####g messages out and use the service as it should be
Posted on April 22, 2020Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Warnings should be x distance around mobile towers of said area and not just sh*t like hey its hot today............what wear a hat and sunglasses???????? oh there is a flood where?????
Do you have a comment about Brunswick or 0444 444 444?
Posted on April 16, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
At 7:06 am, it made me feared, why it sent to me ?