Comments on 0444 444 444

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 36 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 36 total complaints

Search Results for 0444 444 444

Names found on this computer



415-417 Sydney Rd, COBURG VIC 3058


2 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Digital Mobile Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

February 2025

Other Formats

/0444 444 444
/004 444 44444

Comments on 0444 444 444


Posted on July 2, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Yes its the Govt Emergency No, and to all you Twats that think its an intrusion in your life, suggest you need to get one (a life that is). Really, have you nothing better to complain about. Probably the same Twats that think Covid is just a Flu. Suggest you hop on a Plane to the O'l USA where you can enjoy your freedoms and probably catch Covid and help raise the worlds IQ level.
86 found this comment helpful

Emergency Alert

Posted on October 5, 2012
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Emergency Alerts are sent by emergency services to landline telephones based on the location of the handset, and to mobile phones, based on the service address. In the case of an emergency, you may receive a voice message on your landline or a text message on your mobile phone. If you receive an Emergency Alert and want more information, follow the instructions in the message or find your local emergency service on this website.
40 found this comment helpful

Razzle Dazzle

Posted on January 28, 2019
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: 0444 444 444

To 49er, in the time that it took you to bash out your trivial tirade you could've: a) stopped and considered what this text service actually is [hint: it's a potential lifesaving alert]; b) considered how they got your number [they didn't - it'll work on a triangulation basis or similar]; c) how often they contact you (not often at all), d) considered finding something more worthwhile to get frothy about. Just a suggestion.
21 found this comment helpful


Posted on February 19, 2015
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Get out of my life. I have NEVER asked for your 'service' and find it intrusive and objectionable.
I will decide if and when I need to plan for whatever emergency there might be.
Block the number.
20 found this comment helpful


Posted on August 30, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Germany
Bit harsh Roscoe. The authorities don't advertise this number like they do the 000. They send you an unsolicited SMS wanting you to click on a link. Scammers prey on human weakness. In this day and age I think the police aren't above abusing this service in targeting individuals or groups for spyware like flubot.
15 found this comment helpful


Posted on October 21, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hey Rosco you twat. In this day and age I won't be clicking on any links in unsolicited SMSs. Do you know what a spoofed number is? Scammers can spoof any number they like including 0444 444 444. Checkout the spoofing sites on the web to get an idea. Me personally, I'll play it safe and avoid clicking any unfamiliar links.
12 found this comment helpful


Posted on May 18, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Roscoe - Yes because knowing that an 71 year old is missing on foot three hours drive away from my house at 7AM on a Sunday morning is totally not an intrusion on anyones life. The probability a 71 year old has walked 3 hours drive to my place is 0. I love how you so neatly tuck everyone who disagrees with you into a box though, it must make it easier to dehumanize people you dislike.
10 found this comment helpful

0444 444 444

Posted on May 18, 2021
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Received an SMS purporting to be about police supposedly looking for someone and a dodgy link. Blocked the number and will contact the actual police if these scammers persist.
10 found this comment helpful


Posted on March 15, 2017
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Emergency Broadcast Notification
8 found this comment helpful

(Un)common Sense

Posted on December 7, 2021
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Caller: CFA and SES safety warnings and emergency alerts

There's no need for conspiracies theories...this is an official commonwealth number used for public safety broadcasts either via SMS, or SEWS (tone-based).

This number is used by all Australian state emergency services (e.g. SES and CFA) to broadcast emergency alerts to the public, ranging from flooding, fires, health & vaccinations, disasters, imminent threats etc.

For more info, refer to:
5 found this comment helpful


Posted on September 23, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This number is for emergency purposes. That there's an emergency within the area you are from and people within the vicinity should be cautious. You should be grateful that you are given a warning. Funny that there are lots of "Karens" out there... keeps complaining and yet getting money from the government. Get a lifr people.
5 found this comment helpful


Posted on August 17, 2021
Caller type: SMS
Location: Australia
Personally I think its a scam by police to check the whereabouts of individuals or too plant spyware on your phone.

I have 2 mobile phones but only one received the message.
4 found this comment helpful


Posted on September 25, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Roscoe, get a life with more happiness. You are narrow minded and clearly objectionable bloke. No one asked for unsolicited sms messages from an unpublicised source asking you to click on links that look very scam like, especially during a period of heightened scam activity!!
3 found this comment helpful


Posted on May 10, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Firefox would not open the internet link, it warned of a possible scam
3 found this comment helpful


Posted on October 17, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Does luke bonner still work at radio 2gb.
3 found this comment helpful


Posted on April 14, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I got a message about a missing child and when i searched online there was actual news about the missing child on australian online news
2 found this comment helpful


Posted on September 23, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
My Mum received a text message saying she is COVID positive! She hasn’t been tested and rarely goes anywhere; ??????
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Posted on July 18, 2023
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Apparently legit - explained on NSW Police website:
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Posted on August 12, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Its legit.
1 found this comment helpful


Posted on April 22, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This is definately what that number should be used for to save lives
1 found this comment helpful

Do you have a comment about Brunswick or 0444 444 444?

Do you have a comment about Brunswick or 0444 444 444?