Comments on 0439 779 061

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0 complaints this year, 7 total complaints

Comments on 0439 779 061


Posted on October 27, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
clearly you have no idea who she really is .... got you feelings hurt coz you couldnt handle rejection
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A good old friend

Posted on January 23, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: 0439 779 061

Sherkana is definitely not the sort of person that would do something as low as act as these previous comments . The person behind all this is a f*ckwit who stalked and tried to ruin her life using social media harm coz the insecure sh*thead couldn’t handle a kind rejection .
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Posted on January 13, 2018
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
You can't know her very well then
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Posted on February 29, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Whoever is making comments about Sherkana norford obviously doesn't know her very well because I've known her for about 5 years and she is the most sweetest nicest person. Get your facts straight before making false accusations!
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Posted on December 25, 2014
Location: Australia
Comment has been removed.

concerned citizen

Posted on December 23, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Sister of a rapist who thinks her brothers actions wetr nothing more than a misjudgement and doesnt see a reason to get the police involed
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