Search Results for 0431 798 527
Names found on this computer
Burekup And Districts Country Club IncAddress
3 Russell Rd, Burekup WA 6227, AustraliaHistory
2 older records found on this number.Last Found
August 2021Other Formats
/0431 798 527
/004 317 98527
/0431 798 527
/004 317 98527
Comments on 0431 798 527
Posted on November 13, 2024Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
This number called me saying I called them first, when I answered that I hadn’t, instead of the usual “oh wrong number I guess” they verbally abused me and called me horrific names, changed their story a few times about when I’d supposedly called them, wouldn’t read back the number that had called them and told me never to call them again. I never called them in the first place. Never answering unknown numbers again!
Do you have a comment about Burekup And Districts Country Club Inc or 0431 798 527?
Posted on November 14, 2024Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
This is not the number for a country club as listed here. This is a man who called me saying I had rung him which I had not, then instead of recognising that he must have gotten the wrong number he called me a liar and swore at me.