Comments on 0431 616 380

Search Results for 0431 616 380

Names found on this computer

Gentile J L


31 Thomas Mitchell Dr, Wodonga Vic 3690, Australia


1 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Digital Mobile Service

Latest Holder

Optus Mobile Pty Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

January 2013

Other Formats

/0431 616 380
/004 316 16380

Comments on 0431 616 380


Posted on March 30, 2016
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
The girl from this number Anita. Moved into my place (shared accommodation) The agreement was $190 pw $380 bond . 3 month minimum , two weeks notice if she leaves.
The first week she moved (monday) in and paid $180 (said she'll pay the rest later)
Then she refused to pay it and said she used the $10 for toilet paper and cockroach traps.
The next monday she pays only $190 and refused to pay the $10 then demanded i sign a contract she wrote up. I agreed then asked for her Identification.
She had a strange man come into my place to help her move (monday night) She demanded her weeks rent back. I gave it even though the date had finished and she owed 1 days rent at least. Then the strange man started demanding i give back her bond on the spot. I said it's 10pm at night and i don't have that type of money in my wallet.
Now they are harassing me by phone daily by making threats against me constantly. But i refuse to pay back her bond because she has cost me so much money and the contract said 2 weeks notice.
Be careful dealing with this girl. She is a short chinese looking girl who works for Greencross Vet in chatswood.
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