Comments on 0427 105 005

Comments on 0427 105 005


Posted on February 11, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
wow clint you seem to lie some much through your teeth , the epping police , slater and gordon aren't involved and you know it , so stop lying as this is all in writing and lying is an offence but you know that . you know who this is but i don't care as I am speaking the truth and i agree with what is stated on this page , i just fell into your trap and hmm i wish i never met you . hope you don't destroy any other young guys lives like you have done to me . hope you can see what damage your doing till its too late . i clearly don't see you being able to seeing your daughter anytime soon due to your out of controlled behaviour , its about time you acted your age and stop destroying others .
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Posted on February 3, 2014
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
So Dave the all knowing , are you aware of Clinton drug habits , probably not after what was express to myself . Clinton sold that old shifty fire truck and brought crank to inject himself . Most be the fuel to keep him f*cking young boy and not taking responsible for his action and it's the reason he doesn't see Natalie , oh clint your f*ck and you know it
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Posted on December 21, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
see clinton all the truth is arising from your sick childhood , you may think that hiding the truth by moving every so years will cover up the sick sh*t that you have done. i hope you realise what you have done , but yet your still sucking young boy cocks in the area of epping .
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The not so real Clinton Smith

Posted on November 13, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hello sunshine long time no see.
But what am I seeing here that you are still sucking young boys cocks, and then spreading that fat arse of yours to receive a cock, or dildo up it, just like high school all over again.
You need to de chemically castrated to protect all the underage school boys you have molested over the years.
But it is good to see someone is finally outing you for what you are.
Merry Christmas.
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Posted on October 25, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Smith you continue to live in your delusional world, Your mother does not talk to you nor do any other members of your family according to Debbie whom I had coffee with last week.
She also tells me that your poor ex wife is still subject to your outbursts and the only contact you have with your daughter is over the net or phone. So the statement you have full contact is a lie as you are subject to a full AVO restraining you from unsupervised contact with your daughter.
So you continue to live in your little world and try deflecting attention as it doesn't work.
It is a shame that your family both close and extended have to put up with the stigma of a having a child molester for a son and family member.
Slater and Gordon do not do criminal cases on a no win no fee basis nor do they do anything but damages cases against employers or government departments on said basis.
If you have so much money why is it Debbie tells me you borrowed $5000 off your mother to buy your fire truck, and introduced your schoolboy lover as a friend.
You have no money you have nothing, your a kiddy fiddler, thief and scumbag..
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The Real Clinton Smith

Posted on October 24, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Say what you like about me I dont care, I just keep giving it to the police and Slater & Gordon. As any person with a brain would know is the Slater & Gordon do the work for no win, no fee. Plus I have plenty of money left.
I talk to my mother every week,my sister and other family members at family get togethers.
My ex-wife and my daughter I still have full contact with and we are spending Christmas at my mothers together.
The police are loving all these posts that I forward to the as it is just building a case for stalking, and they have informed me that they now have all the IP addresses they need and will soon be executing warrants to arrest those involved in this stalking.
So make all the threats you like Hunter and Brett and Doc Martin, its just a reflexion of your real self and to be so hostile about my sexuality only shows that you must be a closet homosexual and the real peadophiles. And no one of any importance cares about what idiots write about me and my family on here.
You sick people are the one with the mental problem.
I am living my life and enjoying every minute of it.
I will not be dignifying the stupid small minded uneducated rednecks who post things about me with any further comments.
Get a life. lmfao
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Doc Martin

Posted on October 23, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Interesting "The real Clinton Smith" , Their are no previous statements on this page from you, so you must have a very guilty complex about you to make such a bold statement.
But reading this stuff I do believe you are guilty of sexual penetration of a minor child due to your age difference.
Hummmmmmm makes one wonder why you would go to such lengths to defend yourself in this manner.
And for you to be issuing threats and innuendo's on here is that not a breach of Victorian AVO's.
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Posted on October 22, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Smith you have no friends. Plain and simple.
The only people you have around you are child molesting scum, even your own family have disowned you.
Did you not learn your lesson in the Ballarat court after trying to tell a magistrate how to do his job and the go onto argue with Mr Holdens Barrister on how you in your sick perverted mind see the world.
The only joke is you, pulling your pants off so a school boy can shove his cock up your arse, then you suck the sh*t off it after for him.
The only police you talk to think your a sick perverted c*nt, so please enough of your threats of solicitors and cops.
First up you cannot afford to pay the fees of a firm like Slater & Gordon after blowing all the money you scammed out of the mine here in Orange with your bull sh*t bullying claim.
Do us all a favour before the Orange police come to get you for stealing off your employers, Give your suicide bid another run, nobody cares for you or about you, Your wife and child have moved onto better and happier days without a sick perverted c*nt like you in their lives.
Your mother and family have accepted the fact you are a deviate and child sex predator and as such have disowned you.
Get back in your kennel Smith you are a nothing and your whole life is a nothing.
I am advised some of your comment on here and that other page come close to a breach of the AVO you have against you about using the media to slag people off or make threatening gestures, maybe Holden will read this and see the same.
Time you did the world a favour you sick c*nt do you suicide trick again but this time do it for real, I am sure there are many out in the normal world that would offer to help you, if you won't do it for the good of the planet, do it for your daughter so she does not have to bear the shame of a father who tampers with young boys, and likes to have his arse pumped by little boys.
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The Real Clinton Smith

Posted on October 17, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am the real clinton smith and the previous statements were not written by me. I have never commented on any topics on this page or the one started with my mobile number. The lies and defamatory comments made about me and the statements saying i am certain people are all false. This is the first time i have ever written anything. It is a joke that people would think that lies, like that are on these pages would influence me in any way. All I can say its such a laugh to read the crap written.
But as a final note to all the people making comments about me or claiming to be me by using my name enjoy your time. Unlike other people who say they have gone to the police about the things written on here, I actually have. The Epping police have already emailed this site to get IP addresses and are investigating under the vilification and hate crimes. Also they are looking at it, as it can also be ruled as stalking. I have also handed it all to Slater & Gordon Solicitors (not lawyers as we are in Australia not America) for action. They have also already contacted the reverse Australia website for IP addresses to take legal action for defamation.
So to the people who have been pretending to be me that is also being investigated for identity theft.
You know who you are,who have been doing the above so just think, each time you make a comment it is just another count for the police to prosecute you on.
Unlike people who have claimed to have the police investigating or are taking action about things that have been said I HAVE DONE IT AND EACH TIME I SEE A COMMENT ON HERE I FORWARD IT TO MY SOLICITORS, EPPING POLICE, BALLARAT POLICE AND TO THE FEDRAL POLICE. I have great friends around me now who are not fakes and also some really awesome friends who work in the federal police . So i am very centred and very very happy. The happier than i have ever been. I am focused and moving on with my life. So say whatever you like it means nothing to me or to my friends and family because they know its all lies being made by small minded, bigoted, homophobic, sociopathic liars and fakes, what they are saying about me is just a reflection of their inner self and inner turmoil. In reality I am doing great and my psychiatrist is so happy with my recovery. I look upon this life now as my new beginning and I am going to make the best of it and make it a success.
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Posted on October 10, 2013
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
News just in, seems Smith got his head delivered to him on a plate by the magistrate in Ballarat.
After listening to Smith and another one of his homosexual boy loving mates, and having both of them try telling the magistrate and the lawyer for his former employer how to do their jobs, and in the case of Smiths mate expressing how he did not like to be spoken to in the manner the lawyer did.. The magistrate threw out Smiths application for an AVO on Mr Holden.
Get used to it you child molester I hear the Orange Police are about to stitch your you arse up again.
And as for Dave the unknowing, I sat at the back of the court waiting for you to introduce yourself, but alas you failed to show.
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Posted on September 26, 2013
Caller type: Non-profit Organization
Location: Australia
Well it is great to see this c*nts poor wife has moved on and that her little girl is again smiling and looking very happy and has a real man to call Daddy who seems devoted to her and they look very happy and content as a family unit, if the photo's on facebook say anything.
How devastating for that poor child who is at an age to know that her daddy left mummy for a schoolboy and he does not love this little girl.
Anyway the TMA family will always support you Tamara and wish you the best in your new future without this paedophile you had the misfortune to marry.
But as Sharon said the only good thing to come from this tragic mistake was your sweet daughter.
And after talking to a couple of Racesafe people the other weekend at Winton, it seems Smith will be getting his next week in the Ballarat court when the solicitor for his former employer get him in the dock and produce his medical records, and shonky workcover claims and get his witnesses in the box and question them about their past, wish them luck it is about time this pervert was shown for what he really is.
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Winton Track Crew

Posted on September 19, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
As a member of the Winton Raceway track crew I have known Clinton for many years when he volunteered for Racesafe.
I am surprised to hear that he is having sex with a young school boy, but it was always a poor secret that he was gay.
I know he is a very vindictive person when someone crosses him or disagrees with his point of view, and he has been known to abuse the wrong person on many times for things they did not do, but he never was one to say sorry when this was pointed out to him.
His liking of gay contact sites is well known by the crew as he has left his laptop on and open on several occasions and we all had a sneek peek, so I guess it is really no surprise at all he has gone down this path.
The one we feel sorry for is Tamara who has to deal with the shame he left her for a schoolboy and his little girl asking for her daddy.
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Dave The All Knowing

Posted on September 12, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I also disagree with Hunter's trial by media on here, but i suppose you need to say that Rian, after the over 100 comments that have been made on your page and you are powerless to stop even after saying that the federal police, fbi etc were involved lol....running out of places to hide.
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Rian Holden

Posted on September 9, 2013
Caller type: Fax Machine
Location: Australia
While I dis agree with the way Hunter has gone about this with trial by media, it is his way of dealing with things.
Clinton Smith no longer works for or is associated with EMS for reasons he knows and that is the end of the story.
For anyone outside of EMS to speculate is a foolish thing on their part and to anyone who wants to muck rake think twice.
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Posted on September 8, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Dave the All Knowing this page despite your repeated efforts to hijack it have absolutely nothing to do with anyone else except Clinton Eric Smith.
It has nothing to do with Mr Holden , his partner or the company they run.
So if it is your intent to try and deflect the attention off a paedophile, then please try your best but it shows that if as you claim you are not Smith then post your email on here so anyone can contact you.
My advice is go and find another sandbox to play in.
Smith by his actions both past and present is a sexual predator nothing can change this.
So on that basis no further conversations or replies will be made to anything you have to say on here.
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Posted on September 7, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Just a short hop from Orange.
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Dave The All Knowing

Posted on September 5, 2013
Caller type: Prank Call
Location: Australia
Lol, Hunter.....Dont cry princess, just because ive not only outed you, but outsmarted you ;-)....Please keep thing that im Smith and allow me to fly under the radar. The truth is ive never met, nor spoken face to face with him, just sticking up for him with your bullying tactics, and thats all they are. You have absolutely no proof of anything, ive repeatedly asked you to supply contact details so i can send you a rather large dossier on Holden, yet you wont. Seems your the only fake one on here. And if your planning on visiting Smith's mum, better allow a couple of days, its a long trip from Ballarat
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Posted on September 5, 2013
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Dave the all Knowing, bad father not a chance St Johns were notified hence Smiths removal from the position he was in even if he maintains otherwise and at that stage my son was under the age Smith liked his boys, but you as Dave the all Knowing would know that.
In Orange Smith was being very secretive about his actions because how would he get on with a bunch of miners found out he was a kiddy fiddler he would of been left down in one of the old mine shafts never to be seen again.
But again you would know this.
Your constant references to Mr Holden , his partner or anyone else have no relevance to this site so I am at a loss as to why you waste your time trying to deflect attention off Smith(yourself), but again you as the all knowing would know this.
By the way did you know and you should being the all knowing that the NSW police in Orange are putting a brief together with about 28 charges on Smith for Drugs and theft from his former employers, will keep you updated as my source gives me further information.
And again see you on the 2nd October to have a catch up.
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Posted on September 2, 2013
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I happily know of this company as its been at numerous events such as Phillip island and sand down raceway where a young man was present with his company , who knows this could be the 18 yr old school boy that his in a relationship with .
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Dave The All Knowing

Posted on September 1, 2013
Caller type: Fax Machine
Location: Australia
LOL hunter, you just cant seem to get your story right can you lol.....what a terrible father you must be if you knew of Smith's alledged fascination with young boys when he was working for AV and St John's and still let him associate with your 16 year old son. How terrible you must be as a father as well if you cant put 2 and 2 together and work out something was not right, yet allow your 21 year old daughter to point this out lol.....seems nothing in your stories ever seem to add up, hence why you have no credibility. I knew a terrible father once. He started dating his son's ex and not only conned her out of her money, signed it all back into her name, so he never has to pay child support....Can anyone guess who im referring to?
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