Search Results for 0419 913 355
Names found on this computer
U 4 9-11 Loughnan Ct, Wurruk Vic 3850, AustraliaHistory
14 older records found on this number.Last Found
November 2021Other Formats
/0419 913 355
/004 199 13355
/0419 913 355
/004 199 13355
Comments on 0419 913 355
David Bowles
Posted on August 15, 2011Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am the owner of this number.
The address displayed for me is over 10 years out of date. I have moved twice since.
The address displayed for me is over 10 years out of date. I have moved twice since.
David Bowles
Posted on August 10, 2011Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I am the current owner of this phone number and have owned this number for about 15 years.
I no longer trade as Jim's Bookkeeping (Grampians), but I do trade as Vanguard Bookkeeping.
The latest holder is OPTUS, and they have been for two years now.
Please amend your records.
I no longer trade as Jim's Bookkeeping (Grampians), but I do trade as Vanguard Bookkeeping.
The latest holder is OPTUS, and they have been for two years now.
Please amend your records.
Do you have a comment about Wurruk or 0419 913 355?
David Bowles
Posted on May 14, 2012Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Relocated - now at
PO Box 386 Maffra VIC 3860, Australia