Comments on 0419 375 027

Spam Score
0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

0 complaints this year, 6 total complaints

Search Results for 0419 375 027

Names found on this computer

Minute By Minute


15 Serpentine Ct Lalor Vic 3075, Australia (updating)


7 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Digital Mobile Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

October 2012

Other Formats

/0419 375 027
/004 193 75027

Comments on 0419 375 027

David Harris

Posted on October 28, 2016
Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
Hey *hidden* sorry about giving you the boot again , once I'm on the gear which is every 2nd day I lose my marbles . NO MORE Magic Mushies for me ! Well maybe for a day or 2 anyway lol your still a good bloody fella & il be back sn!
142 found this comment helpful

Mario Trimboli

Posted on November 20, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hey thanks for bailing me out of Prison, I owe u 1 , and for also allowing me to be a double agent , it means a lot to me , I know I only have half an ear , but I'm trying my best to come clean , letting criminals like me work for u, means a lot to us , il try my very best not to rip you off ! 😏😏😏😏😏
17 found this comment helpful

Byron Webb (The Snake)

Posted on October 4, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Hey champ I just thought you would get a good gag out of this, as you know I'm now working in admin for Country Wide but lucky me, before I did that , I left them with a lot of dodgy sales & bad debt, talking about biting the hand that feeds me . But hey some times you win some & sometimes you lose some 😝😝
11 found this comment helpful

El Chapo

Posted on July 29, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I may be lost & hiding in an under ground bunker but I have left a legacy & will never be forgotten 👍👍👍
11 found this comment helpful

Byron Sean Webb

Posted on January 20, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I must confess - I'm the one that wrote all these messages - I have a small brain - no life - no friends - lots of time and I'm too lazy to actually work or do something constructive with my life - sorry !!! I promise there won't be any more of these stupid messages that no one actually cares about except me and my pathetic little brain .... By the way I'm a middle aged father of three and I shave my entire body .... That's gotta say it all !!!
11 found this comment helpful

Craig Berger

Posted on October 13, 2015
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Ex Business Partner of mine , sent me broke 😢😢😢😢 that's what this man does . He squeezes the life at of ya,
10 found this comment helpful

Justin Sadler

Posted on January 25, 2019
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Best mate

Hey best old mate, you told me you didn't have any legal worries ?? , sounds like your in spot of bother with alleged appropriation and use of confidential information and breaches of fiduciary duties , account of profits, compensation , I know your in some strife & in need of a job soon so give me call so you can get back on the blower , love you always ❤️❤️
4 found this comment helpful

Craig Berger (I Still love ❤️ ya Pal)

Posted on November 24, 2016
Caller type: Event Reminder
Location: Australia
Howdy ex partner , I just want to thank you again for the interest free loan you gave us , seeing your a good bloke & Xmas is around the corner , any chance of a further $200 k??? Cheers ❤️️❤️️
4 found this comment helpful

The Three Amigos

Posted on March 23, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Pay 💰 up 😉

Gdday there old son ... don’t forget even though we have all been hit hard by the Coronavirus shut down .. we still want our $$$$$$ on the 31st of each month ... so no ducking for cover .. lots of 💖 from the sunny 😎 side .. see you soon 😉😉💰💰💰
2 found this comment helpful

Karma (💖💖)

Posted on October 2, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: The time had come 😉😉

Well Well Well ... finally you have had to shut your doors ... the old saying .. Karma is a bitch .. & you reap what you sow ... you can now claim bankruptcy like you have done a few times before & run away from your your responsibilities... you a 1 pathetic hairy little prick & we are all happy to see the back of you 😉😉 ..
1 found this comment helpful

Ed Aggy Jr

Posted on February 18, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: The Filth of it all

This industry has to be the funniest-filthiest Industry any1 could possibly be involved in - these companies sue each other yet the head honchos catch up for lunch - lates ..- so in other words we will bend each other over yet still catch up pretending we are the best of mates - so funny looking at that from a distance - very high morals by the looks of it 🤣
1 found this comment helpful

Alan Dean (I've Had it)

Posted on December 5, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
To everybody that's had a go at me , I've had enough, I cry 😭 myself to sleep every night , there will be no Xmas bonuses for any 1 this year ... & who ever stole my jock strap out of my draw & my gay porn I suggest you return it immediately ...
1 found this comment helpful

Edward Weaver (Weaver Publishing)

Posted on November 8, 2016
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
*hidden* let's join forces , we both charge our clients credit cards twice & rip them off , & we both have shonky books but most importantly we employ many ice heads , come on we will make this work!
1 found this comment helpful

The Man behind the Curtain

Posted on May 12, 2016
Caller type: Political Call
Location: Australia
Hi *hidden*, Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the filthiest person in the industry ???
1 found this comment helpful

*hidden* Ididyawife

Posted on October 11, 2015
Caller type: Scam
Location: Australia
Trying to sign me up for a swingers website , I'm not interested but he doesn't get it , very pushy & id say a sexual deviate .....
1 found this comment helpful

Don Richie

Posted on November 11, 2014
Caller type: Debt Collector
Location: Australia
Con salesman
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Posted on August 16, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
great band highly recommend them
0 found this comment helpful

Alan Dean

Posted on March 15, 2021
Caller type: Call centre
Location: Australia
Caller: Sales Call

Paul Homes please call me mate
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Dylan Thomson

Posted on January 7, 2021
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: The gears better over there 👌ðŸŧðŸĪŠ

Howdy there old mate - I’ve heard your providing some good stuff over their ... I will be starting with you on the 18th of Jan - I also heard that anything goes over there.. so I promise to whack through a sh*t load of dodgy sales just like I’ve done elsewhere.. ps I bat for both teams . So I don’t mind spending an hour or 2 with you after work so I can be your little Bitch .. ps I really miss you . You hairy little prick . ❤️ Dyl 😉🤪
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Dan Andrews

Posted on November 18, 2020
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: I run the show - your my puppet

Well Well Well ... you have finally fallen to your knees ... merry Xmas & a happy new year .. keep wearing your mask you hairy little prick as it suits you lol & make sure you pay 💰 up to both your competitors & honour all your Xmas Bonuses ... 😉😉 ps I can’t wait to stick that vaccine 💉 up your hairy little bottom .. just the way you like it .. lots of love ❤️ Danny Boy ..
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