Search Results for 0419 362 843
Names found on this computer
Mr Dean SmithAddress
256 Tugrah Rd, Tugrah TAS 7310, AustraliaHistory
26 older records found on this number.Last Found
June 2023Other Formats
/0419 362 843
/004 193 62843
/0419 362 843
/004 193 62843
Comments on 0419 362 843
Do you have a comment about Mr Dean Smith or 0419 362 843?
Posted on November 10, 2020Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
This arrogant prick rang me about an outstanding bill he says i still owe from 17 months ago! Like hell. He gave me a written quote to install a hot water cylinder,which he did and he got paid in cash on the day.Luckily i found the quote and receipt. Rotten b#rstard. Dont get this scum to do any work for you. He cant be trusted. He has a reputation for being an arrogant prick. He hangs out at 256 Tugrah road Tugrah Tasmania. His mrs did run a business from there called Nitro fitness. Suprise suprise this went broke arse belly up.Turns out she was better at screwing around than running a business. Probably dont blame her. He bloke is a total wank.