Search Results for 0418 889 527
Names found on this computer
Elmcombe Pty LtdAddress
SHOP 4 1953 Logan Rd, Upper Mount Gravatt Qld 4122, AustraliaHistory
3 older records found on this number.Last Found
June 2009Other Formats
/0418 889 527
/004 188 89527
/0418 889 527
/004 188 89527
Comments on 0418 889 527
Do you have a comment about Elmcombe Pty Ltd or 0418 889 527?
annoyed home owner
Posted on June 1, 2016Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Thank you for your junk mail in my letterbox that has a very large and clear sign that says.. NO JUNK MAIL. I am well aware your self entitlement allows you to think you can do what you want to someone's personal property. As I appreciate you have no respect for my house, it has enlightened me to GO ELSE WHERE for my property needs.
After all, why on earth would I want to use a real estate agent that can’t respect my private property. If you can’t even see a large no junk mail sign. I sure don’t want to give you a contract to stuff up.