Comments on 0418 555 686

Spam Score
2 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

2 complaints this year, 4 total complaints

Search Results for 0418 555 686

Names found on this computer

M Stanyer
V Stanyer


3A Charles St, Brighton East Vic 3187, Australia


2 older records found on this number.

Phone Type

Digital Mobile Service

Latest Holder

Telstra Corporation Limited

Numbering Area


Last Found

January 2004

Other Formats

/0418 555 686
/004 185 55686

Comments on 0418 555 686


Posted on July 2, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
I understand you hired a car and refused to return it. Is that theft? The company you hired it from had a clause that all collection costs will be added to your debt. Not sure being a criminal is an excuse to defame someone but I have spoken with Michael and there is a defamation suit being lodged against the people here inc David.
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Posted on July 2, 2024
Location: Australia
Comment has been removed.


Posted on June 26, 2024
Caller type: Other
Location: Australia
Caller: michael Stanyer

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have also been a victim of Michael Stanyer. He has recently contacted me again and due to knowing about his charges, I started to do a little investigation of my own. He changed his business name to Galaxie Debt Collection ON 8 May 2024. Same ABN number under the RMS Collection Trust. I have been trying to get help to see how this person still be in business after facing so many charges. Clearly ASIC are aware of his charges yet they allow him to change his business name. I do not understand. I will be contacting ASIC tomorrow to see how they have allowed this disgusting person continue to run his business.
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Posted on June 19, 2024
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Caller: Michael Stayner

This debt collector by the name of Michael Stayner of RMS Collection, contacted me on 11 June 2024 and used unprofessional and appalling tactics such as intimidation, threats, harassment, text and emails messages for a debt I a had already paid. I asked him not call me again but he continued to call and harass me to the point where I had to contact his plumber client and advise him of his unlawful/unprofessional tactics.

After advising him that the debt was paid he proceeded to harass, bully and threaten me for the next two days demanding I pay his collection fee and outstanding interest on a debt that had been paid, otherwise he would be attending my office and or home to serve letters of demand and lodge adverse credit notices against me and my business and or issue legal proceedings against me.

I believe Mr Stanyer is an unacceptable risk. I understand that he and his company RMS is currently before the Melbourne Magistrates court and is required to reappear next on 11 July 2024 to face 16 criminal charges in relation to previous similar behaviour.
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Posted on June 1, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
To Anonymous who reported Michael Stanyer to Geelong Police can you please email us on reportmichaelstanyer @ .

We would love to hear your story and invite you to join a possible class action. Any information you supply will be kept strictly confidential.
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Posted on June 1, 2024
Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: Australia
Caller: Michael stanyer

A Melbourne debt collector and his business are facing more than a dozen charges after allegedly using tactics to recover debts that are banned in Victoria.

Michael John Stanyer, 54, of Essendon, and RMS Collections Pty Ltd (ACN 639 085 439) are facing 16 charges under the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012.

Consumer Affairs Victoria alleges Stanyer used a range of prohibited methods to attempt to recover debts for his clients between June 2021 and March 2023.

These include:

making repeated contact with debtors with unreasonable frequency and language
providing misleading information about the consequences of failing to repay a debt and threatening court action
attempting to charge debtors for his collection services in addition to the debt.
Consumer Affairs Victoria Director Nicole Rich said the alleged offending was significant, affecting nine consumers from different states.

‘Stanyer’s actions added unnecessary distress to consumers already suffering financial strain,’ Rich said.

We became aware of the alleged offences after receiving complaints from consumers.

The matter will be heard at the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on June 19 for sentencing.
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Warren Devine

Posted on May 12, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: United States
Caller: Michael

This company needs to be shut down due to the bullying harassment intimidation and now my friend has just killed them selfs because it was causing the to much Anxiety and depression this just simply not good enough
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Posted on May 12, 2024
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: United States
Caller: Michael Stanyer

Micro Michael
Michael, the owner an sole operator of the business is quite rude, tries to intimidate you in to making payments by threatening you with default listing's. He does not abide by the credit and collection guidelines. He is using scare tactics to try and get people to pay. Try not to deal with this man if possible and go straight to the ACCC or Consumer Affairs to complain. Do not be scared of him he is a sheep in wolf's clothing.
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Posted on May 7, 2024
Caller type: Nuisance call
Location: United States
Caller: Michael Stanyer

Michael John STANYER
54 Years old

If you have been harassed, bullied, intimidated or have any information to assist with a class action please email to reportmichaelstanyer @

Also email if you require any information about him, we are happy to share all that we have. And we have quite a bit !

He has tried without success over an extended period of time to bully and intimidate me. He then moved onto to my brothers, my kids, my wife, my wife`s family.
Why all this harassment you wonder when there wasn`t even a debt involved ???? Well it was because he didn`t like the way someone spoke to him so he used his resources as a debt collector and threatened to leave default notices against anyone connected. Then he soon realised I wasn`t someone to be intimidated by someone like him so he then uses a consumer reverse search platform to link family members etc.

It`s a matter of time before this coward bullies a vulnerable person who then injures themselves or worse. It would be unforgivable if we didn`t do something about this cretin now.
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Posted on May 5, 2024
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: United States
Caller: Michael STANYER

This flea called and threatened to leave a default notice against me because I said I didn`t know someone by the name he was looking for. I thought it was surely a joke. But no, he has called me over 50 times in the last month just to call me names and threaten me. He calls from lots of different numbers, probably virtual numbers I`d say. It`s sort of funny. I made some enquiries and he`s a complete loser, Victorian consumer affairs has charged him and he plead guilty and is about to be sentenced for harassing people. It`s a shame he`s so far away in Melbourne otherwise I`d love to catch up with him. RMS collections is his business. When I told him to come and see me and try to beat me up he pannicked and said he would send some bikies to sort me out. It was hilarious, what a complete Fairy. Michael John STANYER, a 54 year old Fairy from Melbourne. Google him, Michael STANYER from RMS collections.
The Cops should lock this fairy up before someone takes matters into their own hands.
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Posted on May 3, 2024
Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Caller: Michael stanyer

I have a wealth of information about this coward and a class action is being organised. Call me on 0419 017 123 if this coward has tried his antics on you. I’ll tell you everything about him, his father, why his step kids don’t talk to him, I’ve got it all.
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Posted on January 23, 2024
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Caller: Michael Stanyer

This debt collector used tactics such as intimidation, threats, harassment and text messages for a debt I am trying to dispute . This man would not identify himself batter calling me 25 times I within an hour. He was demanding my name though I was hesitant to give as I was not sure who was calling, he then stated “it will only get worse from here” before I ended the call. He then processed to gaslight and manipulate me and not allow me to speak . I am shocked beyond words he is running a business and breaking so many of the laws that debt collectors have. I have put in a complaint to ACCC and can see Michael was in court for these exact issues in December.
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Posted on March 6, 2023
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Denmark
Debt collector didn't identify himself apart from 'michael'
Swore at me and abused me over the phone.
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Posted on November 9, 2020
Caller type: Debt collector
Location: Australia
Caller: Michael Stanyer / MLS Collections

Debt collector, unprofessional, multiple calls
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