Search Results for 0417 911 923
Names found on this computer
This person has chosen to opt-outAddress
This person has chosen to opt-outHistory
1 older records found on this number.Last Found
January 2003Other Formats
/0417 911 923
/004 179 11923
/0417 911 923
/004 179 11923
Comments on 0417 911 923
Posted on June 17, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
This is an example of identity theft. The person named here I understand has been dealing with this for 18 months. To name a person in this way is not nice when you realise the number has been used to broadcast the ATO tax scam. A comment like this does not help small business when we have been dealing with lockdowns due to COVID and so many other issues. Before you run some one down it pays to check what is happening. It is sad that these pages have to be reported and edited and it is also sad that we have to deal with issues where comments like this have to be verified when phone companies should protect customers.
Simon *hidden*.
Posted on February 23, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Sounds like some one has spoofed my number. Why can we not get some action on this from our Government. I am tired of finding this information online. I am not alone with this as I hear from others with the same issue.
Posted on January 11, 2021
Location: Australia
Location: Australia
Comment has been removed.
Do you have a comment about 0417 911 923?
Posted on February 23, 2021Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia