Search Results for 0416 113 882
Names found on this computer
Wm CarpentryAddress
PO BOX 264, Glenroy Vic 3046, AustraliaHistory
9 older records found on this number.Last Found
October 2012Other Formats
/0416 113 882
/004 161 13882
/0416 113 882
/004 161 13882
Comments on 0416 113 882
Do you have a comment about Wm Carpentry or 0416 113 882?
Home owner destitute
Posted on September 28, 2016Caller type: Unknown
Location: Australia
Apparently he worked for Natcon Developments / Natcon 10 for free until he was owed 300 K.
Legal documents state that he was paid money to pay contractors, but never forwarded the money onto contractors.